Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1614: Difficulties, the allies retreat

Yuezu double-brake looked at each other, and for a moment did not know what to do, stopped in the air and hesitated.

If this order comes early, they will certainly retreat without hesitation, and they would not want to participate in this war. But now they have completely offended the Second World. Even if they retreat, they will be avenged by the Second World. It would be better to stay here and fight against the Second World with the demons.

"Kill God!" Suddenly, Yueyue's father named Huang Yi's name, and his tone eased slightly. "My two children were confused for a moment and offended the second world. I will let them go back and no longer join you and Demon affairs. When the war is over, we will offer indemnity to make you satisfied. "

The words fell, and everyone in the audience turned around and looked at Huang Yi.

Shuangsha also turned to look at Huang Yi and waited for his fate. At the moment, they looked at Huang Yi eagerly, like two children who had done wrong waiting for Huang Yi's forgiveness.

Huang Yi is the king of the second world and the leader of the second world. Only he can decide this matter.

But Huang Yi hadn't spoken yet, the voice of the King of Hell sounded first: "Father of the Moon, are you old and confused? At this time, you have no way out! You should live and die with our demons, now retreating only It will disperse our strength, let the killing gods break, and there is no hope of victory. "

"Following you is the only way to die! The demons are destined to be swept into the **** dump of history. Don't drag us on anymore. The moon tribe and the demons no longer have any relationship!" Moon Father's cold voice sounded through the stars.

At this time, Huang Yi finally took a step forward, staring at the direction of the deep universe, and exclaimed: "Okay! I promise you, the Yue tribe can withdraw now, and we will wait for your gift. But if the gift cannot Let us be satisfied, but then we cannot calm our anger. "

As he said, he looked around the audience and exclaimed: "Everyone listens to my orders, stop shooting at the Yue clan and let them go back!"

The words fell, and the group of warriors, dragons, nights, unicorns, and giant bears, Dante and other players around the Yueshuangsha stopped their attacks and retreated far away.

At the same time, the Moon Gods scattered around the battlefield were all free, and no one attacked them.

At this moment, Shuang Mo stared at the broken moon prisoner outside the Second World and whispered a spell--

"The moon is falling!"

As soon as the spell came out, the Moon Prisoner wrapped in the Second World suddenly trembled violently, and each of the warp and weft lines quickly broke, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Jingwei Network disappeared!

The Second World is completely free!

The last hope of the demons was shattered. Before that, as long as they blocked the gap, they still had a battle.

But now, even the entire month of the prisoner has disappeared, no matter how hard they try, they can no longer block the Second World.

"Go!" The Yue tribe issued an order together, and immediately led their few Yue tribe men out of here, and disappeared into the depths of the sky within a short while.

At this point, the Yue clan completely withdrew from this battle.

In this battle, the Yue tribe was defeated!

They were the first forces to follow the demons, and they dispatched several virtual gods to help the demons, and they were killed by Huang Yi.

In the two days of the hourglass, they sent ten more gods to come, but now they are able to follow them back, and only four remain.

With so many virtual gods dead, the Yue tribe has already been greatly injured, and they have to prepare a gift for the Second World, which will cause great bleeding.

It can be said that after this war, the Yue tribe will become the bottom one among the top races in the universe.

This is the price of the wrong team.

However, they are also on the precipice and choose to withdraw from the battle at the last moment, otherwise it is likely to usher in a catastrophe.

Seeing the Yue tribe retreating and witnessing the dissolution of the prisoners of the moon, the Demon side suddenly felt terrified and had no intention to fight again.

"Kill God! The hatred between the Zerg and the Second World is not too deep, so we retreat. You killed my daughter. The Zerg is no longer held accountable. All the grudges are cancelled!" Grandma's voice.

When she appeared before, she did not attack anyone in the second world, but just prevented Zulong from coming to fight.

This remark showed that she also had to draw a line from the Demon Clan and no longer put the Zerg into a more dangerous situation.

"Kill God! Don't stop here!" The moon in the distance suddenly sounded the sound of the spider and the butterfly, accompanied by a beam of green light from the moon to the end of the universe.

This time, the Zerg also retreated.

They used to stay on the moon to help the demons suppress the enchantment, and now when they retreat, the moon defends the emptiness and the mysterious enchantment will be fully exposed.

The successive departure of the Moon clan and the Zerg clan immediately greatly weakened the power of the Demon side and exacerbated the disintegration of the Demon Alliance.

Difficulties in the second world, support from all directions.

Now the Devil is in trouble, and his allies are retreating.

Most of these allies were tempted by the intimidation of the demons. Now the "prestige" of the demons has been lost, and the "prosperity" can not be seen. Of course, these allies must try their best to escape and clarify the relationship with the demons.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the situation had gone, the king of **** made a decisive decision and waved his hand.

The next moment, all the demons disappeared and all were taken away.

If you procrastinate, all of these men will have to die here. It's better to save your strength and plan later.

There was a lot of time on the field, only a few Guangzu virtual gods, a few survivors of the gods, and the remaining allies of the demons such as Feng Aungju and Xuanwuxiong.

They are not demons, and they have no spiritual connection with the King of Hell and cannot be taken away together. They have to be abandoned here.

"Damn! I killed for them, they abandoned me!" Feng Angju saw the Demon Retreat, and he was so angry that he thundered suddenly. He had killed so many people in the Second World before, even if he had to draw a line with the Demons like Xueyue and Zerg.

"The **** of the demons." The leader of Soderros was pale and cursed in his heart.

They were sent by the Savage God to support the demons, in order to destroy the God-given people and remove the biggest obstacle to the unification of the Savage God.

Not only did they fail, they were also abandoned by the demons.

When he came, he brought a large group of men, imposing and imposing, but now there are three gods left by his side, and the losses are heavy.

"Kill the gods! We Guangzhuang will also draw a line from the Mozus later!" At this moment, the several Guangzus hurriedly said with a terrified tone, and the light on their bodies was shaking violently.

Most of them have been wounded, their strength is low, and it is impossible to escape. There is only one way to surrender.

"You can't represent the Guang clan!" Huang Yi shook his head and said without affection: "The only value you have is to be killed by us, as a warning to the Guang clan. If there is any kind of conflict, then the Guang tribe does not need to exist. "

"Kill Brother, I can represent the Barbarians! I declare that Barbarians will not have any connection with the Demons in the future!" At this time, the Lord Soderros hurriedly opened his mouth, with a smile on his face, and set himself up It ’s almost like, "Kill the brethren wisely, even the demons can be defeated, and the future must be the king of all realms. We were confused for a while this time and didn't see the situation clearly. Please also kill the brethren not to blame. At the beginning, we were in the first world. The Falling Dragon Valley battled side by side, and together eliminated an avatar of the King of Hell. In the future, we should continue to fight side by side to kill the Devil's Nest and completely eliminate them! "

In the end, Lord Soderros said that he vowed that he would form a deep alliance with Huang Yi's united front.

Huang Yi nodded, looking at the direction of the First World, saying: "At the time, we were indeed allies when we were in the First World, and we have fought against the demons together. But how can you not forget the old feelings in a flash? When the demons were incapable of refining the second world, it was you who rushed to them and renewed their lives for the demons, forcibly trying to refine the second world. Now that you are defeated, you think of our former friendship? You just said it If so, don't you feel sick? "

The leader of Soderros froze, and did not expect that killing God would not give him face.

Since the summation fails, it can only be threatened.

His face chilled, and he chuckled, "Kill God, you have to think about it carefully. We represent the will of the Lord God. Lord Lord is about to unify the demon world. Only a few small fish and shrimps are left in the Temple of Death. , You ca n’t stop the Lord of the Gods. You will let us go now, the Lord of the Gods will consider giving a way of life to the Temple of Death, so that you, the reincarnation of God, will not be so embarrassed. If you dare to attack us, then the Temple of Death does not exist It ’s necessary, when you seal God into heaven, not only will you not have the help of the Temple of Death, but you will also face the wrath of the Lord God. "

Speaking, Soderros looked at the Second World and continued: "Not only that, after the Lord God unified the demon world, there are countless ways to interfere with the world and erase the Second World. Otherwise, the first is The power of one world is enough for you to have a headache ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master God is the belief of all people in the first world, and the first world is the first in the world. You should know our strength. I think you also Don't want to provoke a stronger enemy outside the Demon Race! "

As soon as this word came out, it really played a deterrent effect.

Many super-first-class masters thought seriously and thought. Although the demons were defeated, after all, they were once the first forces in the world, and the remaining forces were very terrifying. If we add the force of the Savage God, then the advantage of the Second World will no longer exist.

But Huang Yi's expression did not change, and he shook his head directly: "Since the power of the Savage God is so powerful, then we have to cut his wings!"

As he said, he suddenly held up the butcher's knife and sternly said, "Everyone listens to the order and kills them all, leaving no one!"

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Chapter 1614: The Demon Race Has Difficulties, Allies Are Dismissed (Page 1/1)

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