Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1616: Slaughter of Soderros

The end of the universe was still a row of dazzling waves of light that drowned the stars, but instead of sweeping in, it stopped there.

Sagittarius has always stood on the waves, and did not make any further attacks, but just kept facing the light source.

At this time, the light source said slowly: "The light gods of the Guang family who have participated in the war have been killed, presumably you have given this tone. This time it was the king of darkness who called them over, not my intention, but since I Appeared, nothing left to justify, just a few Guangzu just vent your anger, they have done something wrong and paid the price, this matter has nothing to do with the Guangzu. From now on, the Guangzu It has nothing to do with the Demon Clan. The King of Darkness is no longer our Guang clan. You can deal with it whatever you want. We Guang Clan no longer intervene. "

After hearing these words, everyone immediately understood that the original light source was in the car to protect the handsome, sacrificed the light families who just gave an account to the second world, used to protect the entire light family.

"Okay! As long as you no longer help the Demons, we will not deal with you any more." Huang Yi nodded, he did not expect to make enemies, and he could reconcile and reconcile, especially the big forces like Guangzu.

"Farewell!" After the light source finished speaking, the end of the universe suddenly faded, and the dazzling light wave faded away instantly.

The dense stars reappeared, leaving Sagittarius to stand alone among the stars, tired with eyes.

At this point, the three creation ancestors of the Demon side-the mother insect, Xuanzun, and light source, have all retreated.

They didn't directly join the battlefield, they just held the distance with Zulong, the warlord, and Sagittarius, and there was not much grudge with the second world.

Now that the demons are declining, they are pushing away with interest and have no choice but to die with this group of promising God-given people.

"Kill God, this group of pretty gods are almost there, come and kill them!" At this time, a false **** silver dragon shouted at Huang Yi from afar.

Huang Yi retracted his gaze from the direction of the light source, and immediately flew over to the group of barbaric gods who were beaten to death.

At this moment, the three savage gods were lying still, their eyes could not be opened, and they would die at any time.

Only the Lord Soderros could open his eyes. His hands and feet had been cut off, leaving a solitary body, his cape slumped into the void, embarrassed, without a little prestige of the leader.

Seeing Huang Yi coming, Lord Soderros' eyes were red and his teeth gritted: "I hate it! In the first world, I could crush you with a finger! I should have killed you! You were just a bug, How could I die in your hands ?! I should kill you! I hate it! "

Huang Yi shook his head and smiled, came to the three gods of the gods, and in the presence of the Lord Soderos, while harvesting their lives, he said: "People often have a fault. After staying high for a long time, , It is easy to be arrogant, look down on those who are in a low position, think that they will always be noble, and others will always be cheap. The Seven Devil Kings are the same, so are you. "

As a matter of fact, a barbaric **** of virtual gods was cut off by his head, and the fifteenth soul of the virtual **** flew into the butcher knife.

"If you do n’t come to the muddy waters, you can still be happy in the First World, and still enjoy the admiration of thousands of people, as it has been for countless years. You must not have thought that this ordinary task would let you send it away. Losing his life is the price of arrogance. "

The sixteenth false **** soul flew into the butcher knife.

"Presumably when you left the First World, it was very easy. You didn't even say goodbye to your friends and relatives. It was as normal as going out for a walk, going out for a breath of fresh air, just going back, never thinking about this end."

The seventeenth false **** soul flew into the butcher knife.

"A long, long time ago, when you first faced the crisis of death, you must have said to yourself and be careful in the future. But as you stayed high for a long time, everyone admired you, and you started to have a kind of yourself. It seems that you will always dominate the illusion of beings. Now, if you really face death, do you regret it? Unfortunately, you will never have the luck of escape from death before, death will let you die, you will not live tomorrow . "

Having said this, Huang Yi finally came to the Lord Soderros, looked down at him and raised his butcher knife.

Blood dripped from the butcher's knife, dripping down, and dripping on Lord Soderros' face. He noticed that death was coming, his face suddenly twisted, and he growled wildly: "You are dead! Lord Savage will avenge us! Lord Savage will destroy the Temple of Death, and then kill everyone around you one by one Death, torture them in front of your face, when you are in despair, and you cannot die, then you will regret everything you do today, and live in pain and regret forever! "

"I'm afraid to let you down! I have already laid out the means to kill the Savage God. Unfortunately, you can never go to the underworld to reunite with him, and your soul will be used by me. Since you hate me so much, then I will treat you His soul stayed and was later used to be used to kill the barbaric god. "Huang Yi finished, with an evil smile, and fell the butcher knife.

"Oh!" Lord Soderros's head flew out, and his countenance kept rolling in the starry sky, staring angrily and not staring.

The soul of the Lord Soderros rose from the corpse and was forcibly sucked into the butcher knife, becoming the 18th soul above.

This soul, Huang Yi, will be kept forever, and will be used when dealing with Savage God.

"Kill God, are you a devil?"

"Actually, he wants to use his soul to deal with the brutal god. I suspect he was not killed by you, but was killed by you alive."

"Why are you more like a villain! The lines just now are obviously in the style of the Seven Devil Kings."

"Too long to fight with the devil, and he has become the devil himself."

At this moment, the people around Thor, the giant bear and others shook their heads and laughed, the atmosphere was relaxed.

But Huang Yi was sober. It was nothing to kill a Soderros priest. The whole first world believed in the Savage God. Only by solving the Savage God can he really solve the problem.

The first step to solving the Savage God is the avatar he stayed in in the first world.

Huang Yi has seen so many gods, but he has never heard of anyone who can leave a clone in the realm of the world, and he will not die for so long.

This alone is enough to show that the Savage God has devoted a lot of effort to that avatar, and once the Avatar is resolved, it will definitely recreate the plan of the Savage God.

"Stop it, we can talk!" At this moment, the anxious voice of Feng Anju came from the distance.

The crowd turned their heads and saw a distant starry sky. The three supreme dragon emperors, the leaders of the three war clan, and the Lord of the Night, the avatars of the seven great gods, were joining hands to beat Feng Anju.

The wind-strength horse that used to be invincible before was now hit and flied like a sandbag. There was no strength to fight back, but it kept yelling.

"Is there anything I can't say well? Must I solve it violently?"

"Unfortunately, you are still a family leader. Without the style of a leader, you can only fight and kill, not at all civilized ..."

"If you kill me, Cardol of the whole universe will not let you go! We of Cardol share the thinking of the tribe, they share my hatred for you, and your tribe will never be peaceful!"

"We, the Kadorans, will never die. A Kador is dead, and a new Kador is born. You are facing an eternal enemy!"

Feng Angju screamed and shouted while trying to resist, but no matter how he threatened, he could not stop the Seven Great Gods from standing.

"You killed several virtual gods of the war clan, and now you want us to let go?" The war mad took a broken sword and slashed sharply on Feng Aungju, leaving him bruised.

"Every night **** of my night clan has been cultivated hard, but you have killed three of them. How can you calm down the wrath of my night clan without killing you?" As soon as the Lord of the Night waved his hand, a large area of ​​night suddenly enveloped Feng Aungju could not reach his five fingers.

"The sorrows of the several dragons before death are so painful. Only by beheading you can you comfort their souls." The divine Supreme threw the dragon's tail, pouring out boundless power, and flew Feng Aungju out to see.

The avatars of these seven gods are all racial leaders. Just now His Majesty's people are in the hands of Feng Aungju. Now they are fighting softly, pouring out the anger of revenge frantically.

Hundreds of Divine Powerhouses stared silently at the night, where there were dense attack sounds, and Feng Anju's increasingly weak screams.

Finally, everything went silent, Feng Anju's voice never sounded again, and in the night there were only the movements of the Seven Great Gods.

After a while, a group of people came out of that night.

The Lord of the Night and the three Warriors Fan Shen raised Feng Aungju's hands and feet and walked out ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three Supreme Dragon Emperors fluttered wings aside.

Feng Angju was covered with blood, motionless, carried by them like a body, completely without the arrogance of the half-ancestor spirit.

"Kill the god, kill Feng Angju! He has too many lives in his hands, and can't be forgiven anyway." At this time, the Supreme Dragon said to Huang Yi.

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded and flew over immediately.

He didn't plan to let Feng Angju kill, too. In addition to Feng Angju killing too many people, he also needed a powerful corpse now.

He had previously exploded the blood ring's body, and was missing a powerful body that could be used outside, but the body of the Queen of Pain could only be used in a small world and could not be used outside.

As a semi-ancestor, Feng Angju is not only extremely powerful, but also because of the constitution of the founding ancestor, he will not be restricted by the rules of the mortal world and just meets his requirements.

At this time, the Lord of the Night and the three War Clan Fanshen let down the wind Angju and let Huang Yi handle it.

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