Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1617: Great victory! system notification!

Huang Yi stared at Feng Aungju, his eyes were like staring at all the Kaldors scattered in every corner of the universe, solemnly: "We have no hatred with the Kadorians, Feng Aungju came to deal with the second world, now Naturally, there is a price to pay. But we will not transfer our anger to other Cardols. Of course, if you want to avenge Feng Aungju, we will not be afraid. "

Because Cardol shared his thoughts, although Huang Yi's remarks were addressed to Feng Aungju, it would also be shared with all Cardol in the universe at the same time, which is a warning.

After speaking these words, Huang Yi finally waved the butcher knife and chopped down towards Feng Anju.

This time, the Butcher Knife is fully surrounded by eighteen souls, which has enhanced Huang Yi's 180% full attributes. Even if Feng Aungju is the powerful strength of the half-ancestor spirit, it cannot be blocked at all.

"Oh!" The blood-stained blade cut into Feng Aungju's body, and the eighteen souls also cut into Feng Aungju's flesh and blood together, imposing, unstoppable, as if with the will of death.

The majestic blood splattered out, but it was unable to blood stain the starry sky, but all was sucked away by the butcher knife and converted into yellow spilled blood.

The next moment, Huang Yi drew the butcher knife from the corpse, brought out a string of blood lines, and took away the last life of Feng Angju.

Soon, Feng Dangju's dazzling soul rose from the corpse and became the 19th soul on the butcher knife.

Wind Angju merged dozens of Cardols, and their souls merged with Wind Angju. When fused, it was equivalent to dying, and a corresponding number of new Cardols were born on the altar of rebirth.

Now that Huang Yi killed Feng Angju, he would only get one soul, and there would only be another Kador on the altar of rebirth.

However, the new Cardol has nothing to do with Feng Anju, and they have no fetters such as inheritance or reincarnation.

At this point, the last person left by the Devil side was killed, and only the second world side remained.

The next moment, a solemn announcement sounded between heaven and earth—

"[System Announcement]: The Second World won a great victory in the decisive battle with the Demons, and severely damaged each other. After this battle, the Demons were greatly injured and unable to invade the Second World again. [King of Hell · Yan Mo] All troops have been withdrawn from the universe, turtles are constricted in the Demon Universe, and the gates of all Demon Kings are closed. Once all Demon Leaving the Demon Small Universe, it will weaken 50% of all attributes. In this decisive battle, [World of King Killing God], [Second Creator, Ice Queen], [Crazy Blade Incarnation · King of the Emperor], [Mother Earth Reincarnation · Kid] and others have played the most critical role, rewarding public reputation 10,000 points, and all upgraded to the level of the virtual god. Those who have reached the level of the virtual **** will be converted into other rewards of equal value. Get [time achievement]-[counter-attack demons], second world honor +5. "

The system finally released an announcement, officially confirming that the Second World has won!

All the players present, countless viewers watching the live broadcast, all showed victorious smiles.

This war was too tortuous. They tried to find a way to fight again and again, but they were crushed again and again by the demons. I don't know how many times they were desperate.

Both sides continue to overweight, and almost everything is thrown into this battle. Losing either side is a disaster that will never happen again.

Fortunately, the second world side won the victory, and the demons side fell into an unprecedented huge disadvantage.

"Finally victory!"

"I haven't slept a good sleep these days. I'll sleep for a few days!"

"The next step is to attack the nest of the Demons!"

At this time, a group of superb masters such as Blade, Thor, and Giant Bear laughed happily, celebrating the victory of this war.

Those reinforcements from all forces in the universe are also relaxed. They stood right in the team and became winners. They will enjoy the bonuses of the God-given people in the future.

The audience was full of laughter and laughter. Only Huang Yi, the king of the world, was still fighting. He had no time to celebrate, because at this time he had more important things to do.

"[System Tip]: The Second World successfully achieved the [Achievements of the Age]-[Counter Attack Demon Race], [Ultimate Age] ends here, the Second World will enter a new era. Since you are the King of the Second World, please be new Era names, and modify the rules of the new era. "

Huang Yi thought about it and spit out four words: "The era of extermination."

The previous "Ultimate Age" refers to the possibility that the Second World may end. If the refining of the demons had not been resisted before, it would be the last era of the Second World, and even the entire world would be erased and there would be no future.

Now, they have won the future for the Second World. Naturally, the Demons will not have a chance to resurrect. They must annihilate the Demons, so the era of demons is a very appropriate name.

"[System Tip]: The new era has been named successfully. Please modify the system rules of the new era in the following list ..."

In the eyes of Huang Yi, a series of dense system rules appeared. These rules were not allowed to be modified before. But with the advent of the new era, the power of his King of the World was elevated, and more rules could be involved.

Huang Yi, like an emperor, carefully reviewed this rule, like reviewing the setbacks submitted by a number of ministers, which can be approved and which need to be modified.

Finally, after spending some time, he completely determined the rules of the new era, confirmed with the system, and chose to officially release.

The next moment, another epoch-making announcement sounded throughout the Second World:

"[System Announcement]: As the Second World achieves [Achievements of the Age]-[Counterattack Demon Race], [Ultimate Age] ends here. [King of the World · Kill God] announces that the Second World has entered the [Devil's Age], And promulgated the following initiatives-

1) God-given people in the second world showed great fearlessness, fearless life and death, and tenacious fighting in this crisis. [King of the World · Killing God] Special reward for all God-given level +2, + 20% of all attributes, -20% of experience required to upgrade, + 50% of the speed of gaining divine power after reaching Divine Realm.

2) As the Second World fights against the demons, the God-given people of all countries cooperate fully, and the world integration enters a new stage. [King of the World · Killing God] announced that there will be no national distinction in the future. Cancelled, all converted into world honor value.

3) The rebirth of the World Tree was successful, greatly increasing the strength of the second world, the heaven and earth aura quickly recovered, and the hero aura was reborn. All the god-given people will have the opportunity to become heroes;

4) The second world is open to the entire universe. All cosmic creatures can freely migrate to the second world and no longer suffer from the barriers of the world. However, they must accept the rule of [King of the World · Kill God]. God-given people who have occupied the planet in the universe can become the star of the planet. They can set up an interstellar teleportation to communicate with the second world and be protected by the second world ... "

The announcement of the system sounded throughout the world, and new rules were simultaneously transmitted to the ears of millions of viewers through the live broadcast of reporters, announcing the arrival of a new era.

In the era of Fengshen, players will have greater opportunities, not only to grow faster, but also to absorb heroic auras to become heroes, to go to the wasteland to become the master of one star, and so on.

Correspondingly, the demons are severely restricted. Once they leave the demons' small world, they will weaken 50% of their full attributes, which makes the demons dare not come out and make a mess in the future. Unless they have the ability to end this era and enter an era dominated by the demons, they will be able to turn around.

"Brother God, thank you for your reward, many of us have risen to the realm of God." At this time, a large group of people flew up from the Second World, and most of them surrounded by divine power and raised their hands to cast space in the foot. The fluctuations show the demeanor of the gods.

They are like a thousand players who had previously hid there to experience the experience. As Huang Yi and others frantically slaughtered the strong on the Demon side, a large amount of experience value poured on them, creating a strong god. Just the death of Feng Aungju, fourteen **** realms were created at once.

After that, Huang Yi modified the rules of the new era and directly rewarded the players in the world at level 2, which is the biggest reward he can give.

The biggest benefit of this reward is this group of players who are in the ascent stage. The ascent stage directly upgrades to level 2 and the player rises to level 2 in the sanctuary stage, which are completely different concepts.

Many of them had originally risen to eight steps to the sky. Now that they have 2 levels, they have directly reached the top level of 300.

At present, there are more than 600 players in the second world of the God Realm. Looking at the entire universe, even the top race in the universe, the No. 1 dream race, there are not so many masters of the God Realm.

"Next, you go to the universe and occupy some planets for the second world. The second world will protect you. You are all gods. It is no problem to be the one-star master." Huang Yi encouraged the group of players. Road.

Later, Huang Yi turned to look at the reinforcements from the forces in the universe, especially the overwhelming races of the Dragon, War, Night, and Kirin races, and chanted, "Thank you to the Second World. Aid, you have gained a deep friendship in the Second World, and we will grow together in the future. Ten billion people will never forget your kindness. If you encounter any difficulties, you can always ask for help in the Second World. In addition, we have God The planet occupied by them is always welcome to station your Majesty's race, and everyone will build together and guard together. "

"Very good ~ www.readwn.com ~ I bet on the future for our night clan." The Lord of the Night nodded, his face full of relief.

They were the weakest of the top races in the universe before. There was no ancestor of creation. Even the gods only had the Lord of the Night. They wanted to expand their hands and feet, depending on the face of other top races in the universe.

But now, they have taken the express train of the Godsend, and they can expand with the Godsend in the future, and they no longer need to fear any forces.


Feng Anju is our ally, but here is written as villain, sorry. Because there is only such a dragon suit with more drama recently, and it is very powerful, the name of the wind leader is used.

In addition, I said before that the alliance leader has added it. In the past few years, it has been written too slowly. I haven't added the alliance owner. I keep it in my mind. I will add it after I open a new book.

The New Year is approaching, starting from tomorrow, two changes a day, every 2,000 words, that is, 4,000 words a day, only a thousand words more than now, one more morning and evening, and strive to raise the amount of updates to prepare for the new book.

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