Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1618: Return to the moon

At this time, the Mo Qilin leader of the Kirin tribe came to Huang Yi's body with four huge hoofs and uttered words: "Kill Brother, before you became the king of the Second World at the ascension ceremony. We have a few junior juniors to make troubles and cause some trouble, please forgive me. This time I personally led our strong Kirin tribe to support the Second World in order to build friendly relations with you. In the future, we The Kirin family will advance and retreat with the Second World. "

As he said, he looked right and solemnly said: "I, the 27th-generation patriarch of the Kirin [Mo Lin] announced that I will stay in the world to become a god, and protect the Kirin to become the top race in the universe. This is me. The wishes of the predecessors of the Kirin tribe, and also ask the Second World to help us realize this dream! "

Huang Yi nodded his head: "The Second World will definitely give us what we can. I know that you and the Great Bear have had some conflicts in the Tianlin World, but now you have fought side by side, once the grudges can be put down, and we will fight against the magic together in the future. Tribe, you will get greater benefits, and you will definitely become the top race in the universe. "

The top races in the universe have multiple judgment criteria, including the number of clan members, the number of powerful gods, the range of influence, whether there is a strategic deterrence such as the gods and even the ancestors of creation.

The Kirin tribe is a race very close to the top racial standards in the universe. It is very similar to the feather race of the Second World at that time. There are many demigods in the tribe and many virtual gods. It is difficult to leave the world in which he lives to expand into the universe, and cannot enter the ranks of the top races in the universe.

But now, they have formed alliances with God-given people, and there is no difficulty in becoming the top race in the universe.

"That's right!" At this moment, the giant bear stood out, looked at Mo Lin, and said in a snoring voice: "Our contradiction is nothing, we can achieve greater benefits by cooperating with each other in the future. Next, we will Take the power of the second world, unite all the allies of the universe, and attack the small universe of the demons. As long as the demons are destroyed, everyone can get endless benefits. The scope of the demons ’spheres will be vacated, and your Kirin tribe can completely from heaven The forest world is moving towards the whole universe. "

Mo Lin nodded his head: "Very good! Next, our Kirin tribe will send more forces to participate in the war against the Demon Universe."


Next, everyone began to clear the battlefield and collect loot.

The corpses of Divine Strong are everywhere on the field. These are very precious materials that can be used by players of the Yinglong tribe to make avatars.

In addition, there are some weapons and treasures of the gods, etc. These are mostly legendary and epic levels, which have little appeal to Huang Yi and others, but are precious to other players.

Some enemies also carry storage rings, which have accumulated for many years as a powerful god, and are also a lot of wealth.

Huang Yi only collected Feng Anju's body. As for the other loot, he was selected by the blade, Thor, and the reinforcements of the major forces.

Before that, many allies left him with the last enemy, and the ghosts he collected were already the best loot. No other things were needed.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked at the second world ahead, finally completely relieved.

Now the Second World is unprecedentedly powerful. Not only are they only a few hundred gods players, but also so many allies fighting side by side. Looking at the whole world, almost no one can stop it, and there is no danger of destruction.

In terms of personal strength, Huang Yi has also become the top group in the world.

He was just a demigod before, and did not reach the level of virtual gods like the blades.

He had absorbed the broken godhead before he possessed the "virtual warfare body". Before he became a virtual god, he possessed the physical strength and strength of the virtual **** in advance.

In fact, the strength in his body has not been completely transformed into divine power, not a real **** in the true sense, so even if he becomes an ancestor, it will not be long.

But after winning this war, the system's rewards directly elevated him to the level of virtual gods. Now all the power in his body has been transformed into divine power, vast and magnificent, and his strength has once again risen to a level.

In the future, he will be transformed into Zulong again, and the divine power in his body will continue for a long time.

With his current accumulation, the idle gods can't survive a few tricks in his hands. Like the former Xuan Wuxiong, he is not his opponent, and only the creator ancestor can suppress him outside the small world.

Even if he entered the small universe of the Demons, Huang Yi was confident that he could fight against the body of the King of Darkness and the Fallen King. Even the body of the King of Destruction would not be much different, and it was no problem to escape .

The entire Demon can kill him, leaving only the hell's body.

But Huang Yi is the reincarnation of death. Death is in his own hands. The king of **** cannot kill him. At most, he can only use other methods to abolish his fighting power.

It can be said that Huang Yi is almost invincible now, and the vast universe can go at will, and no one can stop it.

Seeing that the battlefield was almost packed, Huang Yi shouted toward the crowd: "Everyone, I want to disclose a message to you. Among the moons in the second world, there is an enchantment that is very important to the demons. I counted before I wanted to break the enchantment, but all were strictly guarded by the Demons and failed to succeed. Now the Demons have been defeated, and we have hundreds of Divine Powers here who are unable to stop us. Next, we go together Moon, blast the enchantment and see what's hidden inside. "

Next ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi led hundreds of Divine Powerhouses to the Second World Moon.

It didn't take long for them to come to the moon. Not far away was the bright red star. The blood-red light was blocked by the moon and could not shine to the second world.

The other day, in order to break the demons' blockade of the Second World and control the time of the Georgia artifact, the Dean emitted light from the Red Star to interfere with the Second World. But the demons changed the moon's orbit, blocking the red star's light, and abolishing one of the greatest effects of this artifact.

By now the battle is over, and the moon has not returned to its original orbit, and it is still blocked in front of the Red Star.

Huang Yi led the crowd and came to the area of ​​the previous crater.

There is no one here. The strong people of the Moon and Zerg have already withdrawn. The lonely and desolate lunar earth is a mess and there are traces of battle. The huge crater has been shattered into gray, showing the enchantment. Part of the enchantment was hazy underneath, and it was unclear what exactly it was.

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