Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1619: Revealed! Devil's biggest secret!

Huang Yi raised the butcher knife high, and strove towards the enchantment below!

A thick ray of divine power flew out, tearing the space with the power of destroying the earth and violently bombarding the enchantment.

"Boom!" The moon trembled violently, and the remaining land was lifted out, as if the contaminated soil on the enchantment had been blown away, more parts appeared.

This is Huang Yi's first attack after becoming a virtual god. If it is against a small planet, this knife is enough to split the entire planet in half, but after the enchantment, it just trembles.

Huang Yi can obviously feel that the strength of this enchantment is much higher than before. It seems that after the Zerg and Moon clan retreat, the demons immediately strengthen the enchantment to avoid being broken.

"This is the enchantment. It has been cracked before, but now it is not only repaired again, but also has higher strength than before. It can be seen that the demons attach great importance to this place." Huang Yi pointed to the enchantment below to everyone. Said, "Now everyone follows my rhythm and attack that enchantment together."

Having said that, Huang Yi picked up the butcher knife again and began to prepare a second blow.

At the same time, there are hundreds of Divine Powers in the audience, whether they are superb masters such as Blade, Kid, or hundreds of demigods who have just risen to Divine, whether they are sent by various forces, or leaders of all gods All followed Huang Yi's attack at the same time!

All kinds of lights are on, which brighten the starry sky;

Destructive waves of divine power spread, making the space tremble uneasily.

The power of these hundreds of powerful Divine Powers is enough to make people flee from the wind, even at the brewing stage. No one can stop them, even the creator ancestors.

"Break!" Huang Yi shouted loudly, chopping off the butcher knife, pouring out the long-awaited attack.

At the same time, hundreds of Divine Powerhouses poured out their attacks at the same time!

In a moment, this area was drowned by endless divine power.

Infinite forces poured out at the same time, bombarding that enchantment, blasting an unparalleled wave of energy.

This whole space instantly shattered into black chaotic matter.

The shock wave of destruction swept away in all directions, all the lunar earth, all craters, all the plateaus where they passed were all lifted off, exposing more enchantments below.

Suffering such a fierce blow, the enchantment suddenly fluctuated violently like a blanket, and flew the earth covered by it into outer space.

When the wave stopped, the enchantment returned to its original state, with only a few fine cracks on it, but it was soon repaired and became as good as ever.

After being attacked by hundreds of Divine Powers, even the planet will be blown into pieces and no dregs will be found, but this enchantment still remains intact.

This is simply contrary to common sense!

In the realm, there is no such enchantment that can resist the attack of hundreds of powerful gods. The enchantment consumes energy. There is no energy source to support such a high intensity enchantment, even the broken godhead. Will not work.

"It's weird! Before, the blood ring could break this enchantment, but now we can't break even hundreds of divine attacks at the same time. What is hidden in this enchantment?" Huang Yi was startled.

The demons are obviously protecting this enchantment at all costs, and whenever the enemies are attacked, they increase their strength.

Even if the external power is enhanced to the level of several hundred gods, the strength of this enchantment can actually be increased to the corresponding strength.

"Want to know why? We can tell you." Just then, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the distance, and then two figures appeared in the sight of everyone.

One of them wore a large samurai uniform, holding a slender Toyo sword in his hand, like a Japanese samurai.

The other was a bald head, holding a staff in his hand, and burning raging flames all over him, just like Vulcan fell into the ranks.

"Huh? Is it you?" After all the players saw these two people, they suddenly froze.

These two people, .T.

Since Huang Yi listed them as public enemies of the world, they have not shown much in public. Until a few days ago, they betrayed the demons and killed the body of the cursed king, and then they regained everyone's attention.

However, the breath of the two of them is very weak, it seems that they are just two avatars, and there is not much loss when they die. As for their essence, they don't know where to hide.

"Kill God, how about we make a deal?" Miyamoto Musashi asked Huang Yi.

"You said." Huang Yi calmly said without emotion.

Miyamoto Musashi slowly said: "The reason you listed us as the public enemy of the world is because we have collusion with the demons, but now we have rebelled from the demons and killed the cursed king for you, This is enough to show our sincerity, we want to return to the second world and lead a normal life. "

.T also took the words: "If you promise, we can help you destroy the demons. We have stayed in the demons for so long and we are in a high position and control a lot of secrets of the demons. With our help, you can Destroy them more easily. Do n’t doubt our sincerity, now the Demons hate you not the most, but the two of us. They will punish our two traitors at all costs, so we hope the Demons more than you. destroy."

After listening to Huang Yi, he turned around and looked at a group of superb masters such as Blade, Thor, Kid, and Giant Bear ~ www.readwn.com ~ and asked, "What do you think?"

"May promise them."

"I have no opinion."

"Now that they can provide important information, they promise it!"

Soon, everyone expressed their views, .T's proposal.

"Okay! We promise you." Huang Yi nodded. "I declare as the King of the Second World that you will immediately cancel your public enemy status. You will become normal citizens of the Second World and will not be subject to injustice. Treatment. "

After the words fell, .T immediately received a system prompt that their public enemy status in the world had been cancelled. Later, it was calculated that the current second world would not have a prominent public enemy label and became a normal player.

"Good! Now I can tell you the secret of this enchantment." Miyamoto Musashi nodded and stared at the enchantment on the other side with a slight smile: "In fact, this enchantment is the Devil's. Little universe. "

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