Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1620: The true power of the King of Hell

Everyone froze, staring blankly at the weird enchantment below.


"how is this possible?!"

"How do the Devil's Universe hide in this place ?!"

"Did the gates of the demon king all lead to the moon?"


Everyone was horrified. Countless of them were looking for the small universe of the Demons, but they couldn't find where they were.

Even if it is Huang Yi, it can only be teleported to the Demon Race Universe through the Gate of the Demon King. It is not clear where the little universe is.

Unexpectedly, the moon they see every night is actually the small universe of the Demons.

This is almost within reach, hanging above the head of the Second World.

It can even be said that they and the Demon are actually neighbors, they live next door, and you can see them when you look up!

Until then, a question lingering in Huang Yi's mind for a long time was finally answered-

He had been curious about the "time of Georgia" artifact when he was doing the hero trial at the Royal Academy of Oskan, and he didn't understand why Georgia wanted to put the main body of the artifact on the red star.

Later, Deputy Dean Marksman Ika told him that Georgia did this because it wanted to place the artifact where it would most threaten the demons.

At that time, the deputy dean also gave his own explanation, thinking that if the artifact was placed in the Red Star, the entire Second World was the attack range of the artifact. Because every continent and every island in the Second World can be illuminated by the red star. Therefore, no matter where the demons appear in the second world, they are threatened by this artifact.

It seems that this explanation is completely wrong!

The reason why Georgia placed the artifact on the red star is because the red star is closest to the moon, which is the place where the demons can be most threatened.

Moreover, Red Star is the most powerful planet in the vicinity, far surpassing several other colorful stars. Even the artifact quenching needs to absorb the light of Red Star.

Placing artifacts here can continuously absorb energy and continue to pose a threat to the demon's nest.

It is also difficult for the demons to board the Red Star to destroy this artifact, because Georgia has deeply integrated this artifact with the Red Star, and if you want to destroy this artifact, you must fight against the majestic power of the entire Red Star.

.T watched the crowd's response, smiled with satisfaction, and said, "You can't think of it! The moon in the second world is actually the small universe of the demons. Only a few people know this secret among the demons. Among them, God's gift There are only four of them, except for the two of us, only the genie and the demon know. Even the undefeated before did not know this secret. "

Miyamoto Musashi stared at the enchantment below and said, "You finally know why the Demon has to protect the enchantment with all its strength! Because it is related to the essence of the Devil. Once this enchantment completely breaks down, then the Devil The cosmic universe will communicate with the outside world, and all the demon kings will be dragged by heaven and forced to seal God. "

"So, as long as you can break this enchantment, the demons will not attack themselves. Several demon kings can only seal the gods and go to heaven. The remaining demons have no heads and are not your opponents at all." A plan to annihilate the demons.

At this moment, Thor touched his chin, and suddenly asked, "Hundreds of gods here at the same time can't break this enchantment. Isn't it enough power?"

The bear snorted and said, "Then we gather more **** realms! If there are thousands of **** realms, plus a few ancestors of creation, if everyone takes a shot at the same time, it should be able to break the small universe of the demons!"

Miyamoto Musashi shook his head: "If this enchantment had not been exposed before, you could break this enchantment while the demons were not paying attention. But now the demons already know that the enchantments are exposed and fully defend Enchantment, even if you gather as many **** domains as you can't break! "

"Why? No matter how powerful the enchantment is, there is a limit to its strength. Will it break apart if it exceeds that limit? As long as our Divine Power is strong enough and the attacks caused are powerful enough, how can this enchantment be carried? Even **** The main body of the King can't carry thousands of attackers at the same time! "Dante asked in confusion.

"You are too underestimated by the Devil's Small Universe!". T shook his head and smiled disdainfully, "Do you know why all major forces have small worlds, but only the Devil's Small World can be called a Small Universe? ? "

"Isn't it because the small world of the Demons has the most space?" Said a Divine player.

Miyamoto Musashi stared at the enchantment below, squinting his eyes slightly, and said, "It's not just that simple. The small universe of the demons is, in a sense, actually a real universe, or in other words, a The embryo of the universe. A long, long time ago, the small universe of the Demons was really just a large small world, and it is not fundamentally different from other small worlds. But since this endless years, the king of **** has transformed this small universe In order to be a 'small universe' in the true sense. You should know that the universe we are in is called the Azo Universe, because it was created by God King · AD. And the East Pole universe where the Xuanhuang World is located is God King · East. Extremely creative. Only the **** king can create the universe. The king of **** already has the potential of the **** king. This small universe of the demons is his masterpiece. "

"Open up the universe ... Has the King of Hell reached this state?" Said the Holy Dragon Supreme in shock ~ www.readwn.com ~ They and the King of Hell are considered as brothers, but after so many years of separation, they did not know the King of Hell at all Specific strength.

"Yes! You ca n’t imagine the strength of the King of Hell. You should have experienced his strength before. The attacks of so many of you hit him and he was transferred to the body to bear it. For a long time, this is the manifestation of his strength. If it was not your blow that exceeded the limit and was not transferred to the body by his clone in time, you would not be able to open that gap. Only the few people in the entire Three Realms that could threaten him were For example, the existence of several supreme gods in the heavens and the great emperor Huangquan in the underworld. Among all the realms, only the 100 million Kadores have merged to become the creator ancestor 'Kado', which can threaten the hell. king."

Miyamoto Musashi said, turning his head to look at the distant Second World and continued: "The reason why the King of Hell has to refine the Second World at all costs is because the crystal of the God King is hidden in the Second World, as long as he After getting the crystal of the **** king, he can break through the last step and be promoted to the **** king, and the small universe of the demons will also become a complete universe, and the universe of the West, the East Pole universe, the silver light universe, the Tusi universe, etc. The universe is juxtaposed. By then, the place of origin will erect a monument to the king of hell, Yan Mo, and announce the birth of another king of creation. "

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