Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1621: Ways to Break the Demon Universe

"Fortunately, we successfully blocked their plans! Otherwise, the Lord of Hell will have the crystal of the God King, and we will no longer be able to defeat him, and even the Supreme Gods of Heaven will not be his opponents." Kidd was afraid Said quietly. Behind him is the God of Life, the four Supreme Gods. He knows how powerful the God of Life is, but no matter how strong it is, he cannot be the opponent of the King of God.

.T stared at the enchantment below, saying: "However, even if the king of **** has not been promoted to be the **** king, the small universe of the demons is still very powerful, much stronger than the small world of other forces. The small universe and the small world are the largest The difference is that the small universe has the rules of the universe and can evolve life on its own. Those endless demons, in fact, many demons have evolved from nothing to nothing. The small world is different. There is no universe in the small world. Rules ca n’t evolve life, it ’s just a space, and the life inside moves from the outside. With the rules of the universe, it ’s impossible for you to break this small universe by brute force. ”

At this time, .T turned to look at Huang Yi and said, "Before, the Demon had always hidden this enchantment. You do n’t know its existence. Naturally, they do n’t need to expend power to activate the rules of the small universe, so you can easily Break this enchantment, but now the demons already know that you want to attack this enchantment, and have activated all the rules of the universe. Even if you have the most powerful power, even if there are tens of thousands of gods strong, you ca n’t break it. This small universe. Unless you can interfere with the rules of this small universe, or you can produce a world-like power like God the King, you can destroy this small universe. "

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a while.

They had previously planned to call on the major forces of the universe to destroy the small universe of the Demons, but now it seems that not many people can do this.

If the Demon Clan has been crouching in the small universe, then Huang Yi and other people will be stronger, and no matter how many people are called, there is no way to take them.

And the small universe that wants to teleport to the demon tribe through the gate of the demon king is not enough, because the system announcement just said that the king of **** has closed all the gates of the demon king and has no communication with the outside world.

It can be said that the demons are now invincible. They are unable to attack the second world again, but they are completely safe.

"Don't be discouraged, in fact, there is still a way to deal with the Demon Universe!" At this time, Miyamoto Musashi suddenly said something and sold off.

"Oh? What's the way?" Everyone flashed in front of him and asked quickly.

Miyamoto Musashi smiled with satisfaction, turning his head to look around slowly and slowly, and he enjoyed the feeling that everyone wanted him, just like a savior brings hope to everyone.

"Yuezu!" At this moment, the Holy Dragon Supreme seemed to remember something and suddenly said something.

"Yes, yes! The Moon clan should be able to do it!" The other several war clan Fanshen seemed to be awakened, and quickly nodded.

"Yes, the demons put this little universe in the moon, and they definitely got the help of the moon tribe!" The Lord of the Night also realized.

They are old antiques that have lived for countless years, and soon they figured out the key.

At this time, the Supreme Dragon turned to the huge dragon head and looked at Huang Yi, saying: "Kill God, just now you let the Moon clan be a very wise choice. The Moon clan is one of the most proficient in building a small world. The "small world satellite" is a masterpiece of the moon clan. The small world satellite we sent you before was also obtained from the moon clan. The moon of each world is actually a satellite of these worlds. The moons in countless worlds can be said that the moon people live on satellites in various worlds. However, they have stronger means to directly transform a real satellite into a small world. Instead, small world satellites are not needed, but for For other races, small world satellites are a great vehicle for small worlds. "

"Small World Satellite? What is this?" Many people on the field had not heard of this thing and asked aloud.

At this time, Huang Yi shook his palm and took out the small world satellite that the Dragons had given him.

The small world satellite looks like a globe, emitting a bright light, slowly rotating, the sphere is covered with craters and craters, with the texture of a real celestial satellite.

Everyone's eyes were suddenly attracted by this small world satellite.

The Holy Dragon Supreme also stared at the small world satellite, explaining: "The small world can not only let all gods isolate the power of sealing the heavens, but also protect them from foreign enemies. So all the top forces, all They have built their own small worlds. However, maintaining the stability of the small world requires a huge amount of power. It requires the removal of many **** masters to maintain, and even use artifacts to maintain. If the small world is set in such a small world satellite, then this Small satellites are put into the orbit of a world and become a real satellite in this world. Then you can use the gravity of this world to help stabilize the small world. You can save at least half of the power, which means that you only need half of the original. The strongest of the gods can guarantee the stability of the small world. "

Holy Dragon Supreme looked at the moon below ~ www.readwn.com ~ continued: "The demons set the small universe in this moon in the second world, and this must be the same consideration, and they want to use the huge gravity of the second world To help maintain the stability of the small universe. Only the Moon clan mastered this method. The Mo clan must have received the help of the Moon clan to put the small world on the moon, even if the **** king later transformed this small world into a real one. The small universe is still implemented on the basis of the Moon family, so the Moon family should have a way to deal with this small universe. "

The Lord of the Night also nodded his head and said, "I guess, the indemnity that Father Yue said should be to help you solve the Demon Universe. They broke up with the Devil, and they must be afraid of the revenge of the Devil, just like the star of the year The tribe is the same. So they also hope that you can completely destroy the nest of the demon tribe and never suffer from it. "

"In this case, let's go back and wait for the Yue tribe to visit. This small universe is so powerful that the Yue tribe should be prepared for a long time. During this time we first strengthen our strength!" Huang Yi thought for a while And made subsequent deployments.

Then they turned around and returned to the second world.

The moon behind them, still suspended in the universe, seems to symbolize eternity.

.. m.

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