Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1622: Tree of the world, the universe is coming

Upon returning to the Second World, many reinforcements from all over the universe left Huang Yi and went back to their homes.

"Kill God, now that the crisis in the Second World has been lifted, I will take my people back to the underworld, and you should fulfill your promises." At this time, Ji Ji Gong led his team of virtual gods to In front of Huang Yi.

He and his team contributed a lot to the Second World, killing many enemies, but unfortunately lost two false gods.

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded, and then took the Jiji son to find the guardian of the second world-messenger Yimingfeng.

"Yi Mingfeng, you want to be free." Huang Yi pointed to Jiji, and continued: "He is the descendant of Hades, this time brought many people to help the second world. As a condition, I have to After the victory in the Second World, I will give you freedom. Now I will cancel your guardian contract, and you will return to the underworld with the Jiji son! This is where you should go. "

The messenger of the underworld Yi Yifeng slightly bowed his head: "Thank you for killing the gods, thank you Jiji, I have been eager to return to the underworld."

Next, Huang Yi used the rights of the heroic empire king to cancel the contract of the underworld messenger Yimingfeng, making him a free man.

Jiji stepped forward a few steps, patted the shoulder of the underworld messenger Yimingfeng, and smiled: "You will follow me in the future! The sword becomes Hades, I must have my own hands to open up new territory, Build my power. "

He turned to look at Huang Yi and waved his hand: "Kill God, don't stop there! I wish you success in destroying the demons and becoming the master of the realm."

After speaking, they disappeared into the air without any trace.

"Kill God, when will we be free?" At this time, several guardians also came to Huang Yi, staring enviously at the place where the messenger of the underworld Yimingfeng disappeared.

Huang Yi smiled slightly, looked up at the vast interstellar space, and said, "I can guarantee that you will get greater and greater freedom. Next, God-given people in the second world will travel to all parts of the universe, especially those who were previously demonized The planet controlled by the tribe, and then set up an interstellar teleportation array with the Second World, and become the territory of the Second World, and you will be able to teleport by then. As long as we have enough planets and the Second World ’s sphere of influence is large, then you will Can be teleported to all parts of the universe. "

"Let's take the Alz world first! I want to go back to my hometown," said the mad monarch Izeus.

Huang Yi laughed, shook his head, and said, "How can it be so simple, your Alz world is in the top ten world, and the strong ones are like clouds. The world we occupied in such a powerful world in the past will cause a large scale in both worlds. War. The occupation of the planet I just said refers to the occupation of small worlds without many strong or unowned planets. It is okay to have less resources. It is also good to simply expand the sphere of influence. In the future, if there is another war, there will be more The big strategic depth will not be hit so quickly by the enemy into the second world nest. "

"What's the matter, if you can make better relations with the Moon clan, it is not impossible to occupy the world of Alz. The nest of the moon clan is on the moon in the world of Alz, and they have a lot of control over the world of Alz Force. With the support of the Moon clan, you can get Alz. "The mad monarch Izeusus didn't take it for granted.

Huang Yi pursed his lips, looked up at the starry sky, and said, "I hope so! I am waiting for their visit."

Looking at him along the line of sight, the moon hangs above the starry sky like a silver plate, and the bright moonlight illuminates the night of the second world, which has not changed since ancient times.

But the power inside the moon has repeatedly wanted to make the second world fall into the night.


With the demons threat being lifted, players from all over the world have come online, and the Second World has returned to the age of billions of players who have been online for a long time.

As soon as these players came online, they noticed the breath of the new era. The air was filled with strong heaven and earth aura, the sky was clear and clear, and the whole world was renewed and full of hope everywhere.

And as long as you turn your head to look at the direction of Woye mainland, you can see the end of the distant horizon, a huge tree standing on top of it, disappearing on the clouds all the time.

That is the reborn world tree, which can be seen in half a second world!

Many players rushed to the Woye continent, and as soon as they teleported here, they suddenly felt the world dark.

Looking up, the sky is full of huge leaves and branches, each leaf is like a vast square, countless leaves spread out, boundless, the whole fertile land is covered by the shade of the world tree.

Looking down from outer space, the world tree seems to grow in the vast ocean, and the entire Woye continent is covered by its canopy.

"啾 ~" A bright phoenix rang out across the sky, and I saw a huge fire phoenix flying from the vast interstellar space to the second world, and finally landed on one of the branches of the tree of the world, it seemed to be here settle down.

Huang Yi has announced that the Second World is open to the entire universe, and that creatures from all over the universe can come and settle in.

The power of the world tree has attracted the attention of all the creatures in the universe. Countless creatures want to come and perch on the tree of the world.

Only those who are capable of crossing the interstellar can filter out the majority of ordinary beings, control the number of alien beings, and keep the second world from being overcrowded.

Powerful beings like Phoenix, once they take the Second World as their homeland, strengthen the power of the Second World. When the Second World is threatened again, they will naturally rise up and protect their homeland.

As the major forces and creatures of the universe join the Second World, the Second World will become the center of the universal universe ~ www.readwn.com ~, and the status of the First World will plummet, even the people of His Majesty. I want to leave the first world and settle in the second world.

Huang Yi is not afraid that they will destroy it. The Second World is now strong enough, and he is the king of the world. He controls the rules of the world. Outsiders come here and can only accept his rule.

At this moment, in the empty continent of falling gods, Huang Yi was standing in front of one of the giant circles in the blood ring, looking at the rotating black hole.

A thick aura of heaven and earth was gushing out of the black hole, blowing his clothes with a bang, and then spreading between heaven and earth.

This giant array that affected the entire Second World once and for all continuously transported the heaven and earth aura of the Second World to the First World.

But after Huang Yi killed the blood ring, he reversed this formation from the first world and absorbed the heaven and earth aura from the first world and transported it to the second world.

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