Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1623: Savage plan

The Second World was previously blocked by moon prisoners, and the giant formation was in stagnation. Now that the moon prisoners have been lifted, these black holes have resumed their transport function.

The current second world is actually receiving the dual promotion of the Giant and the World Tree at the same time, and it is becoming stronger all the time, and life around the world is nourished by the heaven and earth aura at all times.

But this is not enough. The top forces must have a small world to support the scene. Now there is no small world in the second world. This is a big flaw.

Xun Huangyi is going to the first world and moving that small glass world into a second world.

At that time, he can release the real mortal criminals, or unlock the mortal gods of the second world that have been sealed with power, and let them hide in the small world and avoid the rules and restrictions of the mortal world.

The next moment, Huang Yi changed his appearance, and then immediately fanned the wings of freedom, allowing himself to enter the absolute stealth for 20 seconds.

He has the blood of the Gwang clan, and this 20 seconds of absolute invisibility is upgraded to god-level invisibility. Only God can detect it.

Now, he and Savage God have officially become deadly enemies, and the blood ring has also been exposed. This time it is dangerous to go to the First World. You must always be careful.

Xi Huangyi strode forward while disappearing into the rotating black hole while in a stealth state.

Uh ...

There is also a very famous giant tree in the First World.

That is the towering sycamore tree on the barren continent, which is the direction that everyone in the First World worships, because the barbara temple is on this giant tree.

At this moment, the huge guardian fire phoenix is ​​standing on the huge sycamore tree, cleaning his feathers, and it is burning with colorful flames, elegant and beautiful.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly flew into the distance, wearing a furry animal skin costume, holding a plate in his hand, which contained more than ten smurfs.

蓝 Every smurf was terrified, shouted, and struggled, but couldn't leave the plate.

Beacon Phoenix turned his head to look at the man and found that the man was a high-priest priest, Shadow Chao Candle, and he ignored it and continued to comb his own beautiful feathers.

Wu Ying Chaozhu looked up and nodded toward the fire phoenix, strode to the quaint tree house, read a spell, and pushed in.

The linden tree house was very dim, and the torches in the niches on both sides pulsated violently, which seemed to represent the mood of the temple owner.

At the end of the house, there was a huge savage cow, and the figure of the savage **** sitting on the back of the savage cow showed an evil godlike silhouette under the swaying firelight.

Shadow chaos went all the way to the **** of the gods, knelt down respectfully, and raised the plate with both hands: "Dear Lord **** of the gods, this is the smurf who came to the elven temple this time, please enjoy slowly . But the elders of the Elven Temple said ... "

Speaking of this, the sound of the shadow chaos candle went down, and he seemed afraid to say the following words.

"Continue." The pretty **** held up the plate, stretched out **** and squeezed a smurf into his mouth, chewed slowly, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"The elders of the elven temple said that the next tribute to the smurfs will be halved, the smurfs are already on the verge of extinction, and I am afraid they will not be able to support it for a year." Shadow chaos candle trembled and said, lest anger the gods.

"Anyway!" Said the cheery expression as he chewed, "God kills Soderros, and we have completely entered into a hostile relationship. Within a year or even less, I must resolve those godsends People, otherwise they will grow to the point where I ca n’t even deal with it. When I solve them, the whole mortal world is almost under my control. Even if the avatar completes the mission, he can return to heaven and merge with my ontology, no longer Need to supplement the Smurfs. "

The savage **** picked up another smurf and put it in his mouth, and said, "What about Xuanzun about the meeting?"

"Xuanzun said goodbye to another day, he can't come over if there is something." Ying Luanzhu said.

"Huh! Cunning old thing, the last time he fell asleep, he had already scheduled this meeting, and he wanted the Xuan people to come to the First World to spread their leaves, and for this reason he also sent Xuan Wuxiong to wait for my assignment. Now seeing the rise of the godsend, I waited and watched. "Said the god, biting a smurf in half.

"How's the investigation of the blood ring?" The Savage continued to ask.

"Our people have gone to the small glass world and are quietly ambushing. Once we detect any change, we can know it for the first time."

Savage nodded his head, thinking thoughtfully: "The matter of blood ring must be investigated clearly. In the past, he was loyal and even sacrifice himself to set up the giants. But now he dare to openly oppose me, even at the expense of He blew himself up to protect the Second World, and there must be someone behind him. He appeared on the battlefield with the incarnation and mount of the **** of killing, and the one who has the most relationship with the life and death of the second world is killing the **** ~ www.readwn.com God is also very close to the Naga clan ... Every indication shows that the blood ring is likely to be a god-killer. "

"Master, God, does killing God really have such a powerful strength? He can actually let the blood ring die for him?" Ying Luanzhu could not help but ask, he has never seen Killing God, but he often heard people talk about it. , Very unconvinced.

The savage God snorted softly: "Did you think that a god-given person who killed God is too short to grow up to threaten us? That is what the Lord Soderros thinks, and as a result, you already know his end. In the future Don't underestimate the killing **** anymore. The killing **** has fully grown up, not only in the realm, but also in the death temple of the heavens. He has also made arrangements. He has restored the sickle of death to become the Death Star Formation method. The array of eyes has greatly strengthened the death star's enchantment, and it is even difficult for me to break through. Therefore, this avatar must solve the things of the world as soon as possible, and go to heaven to merge with my body, and then it will be easy to destroy the death star. . "

The **** said, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said quietly, "Thanks to the blood ring, his giant formation has delivered countless energy from the second world, and there is the breath of the **** king crystal, especially in recent years. The breath of the crystals of the **** king suddenly increased. If it were not for the breath of the crystals of the **** king, my avatar would not be able to maintain it to the present. Since the endless years, the breath absorbed by my avatar has gathered a trace of true god. Wang Jingjing, once fused into my body, I can cross the current bottleneck of the Lord God and enter the position of the Supreme God. "

"The Lord God must be the Supreme God!" The tone of the shadow chaos became more respectful.

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