Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1624: Shun 6th place sanctuary

"That is of course! However, the old guys in Heaven Realm will not let me integrate the avatar into the body so easily. They all know that I have stayed in the realm of the Lord God for too long. As long as I cross that slight bottleneck, I can become Supreme God. And my avatar is the key to breaking through this bottleneck. Once I become Supreme God, it will break the pattern of countless years in heaven and cause great changes. They will definitely stop me. But these are all future things. At present, the most important thing is to deal with mortal realms and kill people like God. "

"Where's the demons?" Yingran Chan asked.

"Devil? Huh! Since this endless years, I have always thought that Devil is my biggest enemy in the world, but in just a few years, the threat of killing God-given people has surpassed Devil! , Killing the gods will surely lead the forces of the universe to destroy the old nest of the demons, maybe we will have to help the demons by the time, so that they can resist the siege of the gods. "

For a while, the feeling of turning around came, Huang Yi teleported to the giant array of eyes corresponding to the first world.

This array of eyes is located in a virgin forest. There are towering trees everywhere, the ground is covered with thick leaves, the trunk is covered with ferns, and a vine is hanging from the forest, even the light shining from the sky. It was all covered, and a few beasts roared faintly from the distance, as well as crisp bird calls, full of vitality.

This is a pristine area that has not been visited for thousands of years. The flora and fauna here are bathed in the aura exhaled from the eyes. It grows extremely lush, the land is almost filled with plants, and it is difficult to walk. Even a savvy hunter cannot open up wasteland At this point, you can only fly over the virgin forest from the sky.

Xuan Huang Yi is still in a state of invisibility, and outsiders cannot see him.

很 He turned his head cautiously and looked around, gently fanning the wings of the dragon day by day, emitting waves of ripples, spreading out, scanning the forest like a radar.

In addition to the attributes on the bright surface on the property panel, the day-to-day dragon wing also has the hidden ability to perceive the space, and you can find all the differences in the space in the range.

He reversed the giant formation some time ago, and now it has just come into play. People who do n’t know the sect of the gods are aware of it.

After feeling for a while, I didn't notice anything unusual in the space here.

Also, the surrounding area of ​​the eyes is fine, there is no trace of destruction.

It seems that the gods have not yet discovered that the giant formation has been reversed. Otherwise, they will definitely send a large number of experts to inspect each array and try to destroy the array.

Xun Huangyi waited for 5 minutes to cool down, fanned the wings of freedom again, and let herself enter the 20-second divine stealth again. Then twisted the teleportation ring on the finger, disappeared in place, directly across countless distances, and teleported to the area where the small glass world was located.

The teleportation ring was sent by the player who played the legend during the three-round trial. It can be teleported to the place he visited before. The cooling time is only 10 days. But this ring can only be teleported within the world and cannot be teleported directly to other worlds.

The entrance of Liuli Small World is located in a sunken ship on the bottom of the sea somewhere in the First World.

珊瑚 Corals are everywhere here, and a group of colorful marine fishes make this place their home and swim around.

As soon as Huang Yi came here, the dragon wings suddenly trembled day by day, and they noticed abnormal spatial fluctuations.

In the coral reef outside the shipwreck, there are actually six gods strong. They are scattered around, and a large circle is formed around the shipwreck as the center point. From here and there, two people exude false **** Fluctuations.

They are hiding very well, even the dragon wings just feel the slightest fluctuation.

"Is it a very godly person?" Huang Yi had a speculation in his heart.

The behavior of the blood ring in the outer space of the Second World before will definitely cause doubts of the wild gods, and it is very likely to send people to watch this small glass world.

Fortunately, he is in a state of stealth, even if the enemy has the ability to penetrate vision and the like, he cannot see him inside the shipwreck.

Huang Yi must destroy these six people at the same time in the shortest possible time to avoid them from ventilating and reporting and attracting more masters.

They did not stand together, but scattered in various directions around the shipwreck. It was too time-consuming to kill a single person. It was easy for others to find. They had to use group attacks to kill them instantly, so that they did not have time to react.

Squinting to see that there is 16 seconds left for the invisibility of the god, he decides to use the artifact skills of the daily dragon wing.

Demon Dragon Comes to the World: Fly in a certain trajectory, draw the image of the dark demon dragon inkwell, summon its dragon soul to impact the target area, and perform a devastating blow. Each use consumes 2000 energy points.

The next moment, Huang Yi teleported to a more appropriate height outside the shipwreck, and then followed a certain trajectory, flying quickly in the sky, coming and going, and tumbling.

的 The day-to-day dragon wings behind him fluttered sharply, like a large writing brush, drawing a trace of ink in the space along the way, and soon a huge black dragon was drawn.

The black dragon was outlined by ink ~ www.readwn.com ~ with only a few strokes, no specific details, full of freehand style of ink painting.

Finally, Huang Yi flew to the head of the black dragon, and gently touched the eyes with the wings of the dragon day by day.

The finishing touch!

Suddenly, the black dragon came alive. The dragon head was exactly the same as the entrance of the hero prison. It was the dark dragon dragon.

It has a dragon tail and quickly swims in the deep sea, as if it is a huge monster in the deep sea, horrifying.

However, because Huang Yi was released in a god-level stealth state, and the day-to-day dragon wing itself is a space artifact, this black dragon can only be seen by Huang Yi, which is difficult for others to detect.

"The dragon is here!" Huang Yi spit out a spell, then pointed towards the wreck.

The speed of that black dragon swims suddenly increased several times. Immediately open the huge dragon wings and dive down towards the area of ​​the shipwreck!

The huge figure fell quickly, with the coercion of destruction, the entire sea floor space was suddenly squeezed like never before, and the first shipwreck was instantly broken.

"Huh?" The six Divine Powers wondered, only feeling that the surrounding space seemed to freeze, and suddenly there was irresistible coercion from their heads, and they looked up.

"Boom!" The devil dragon crushed down with horrible power. The seabed was suddenly blown out of a large pit, and the river was turned over. The turbulent undercurrent swept away in all directions. All the corals were lifted out. Here comes the doomsday.

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