Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1625: Savage shot

The six gods of the realm had not yet responded, and they fully took the blow. Four demigods were crushed into pieces on the spot, and two virtual gods were also seriously injured, vomiting blood, and staining this sea.

At the same time, a **** light wave swept across the entire ocean floor and swept across the two seriously injured gods.

"嘭!" The two virtual gods fluttered, and the remaining life was taken away instantly, floating in the water motionlessly.

It was only a moment before and after the death, all six of the gods in the domain died, and there was no time for reaction, let alone a report.

The souls of these two false gods rose quickly and flew into a chaotic undercurrent somewhere.

Subsequently, Huang Yi's figure appeared from the undercurrent. The butcher's knife was already surrounded by 20 souls, dense and dazzling, not even the blade.

After he brought out the magic dragon to the world, he immediately took a move and decided to kill the two gods.

These two skills cost two thousand energy points and one ghost soul, which are very expensive. You have to do this in order to end the battle in an instant.

But even then it can't ensure safety. There may be other ways for the Savage God to know what's going on here.

Xun Huangyi thought for a moment, simply switched to the form of the King of Darkness, gushing out two violent demons, and bombarding the two imaginary corpses, one smashed it and destroyed the corpse.

Later, Huang Yi returned to the previous shipwreck.

After the destruction of the magic dragon, the shipwreck has been blasted into slag, leaving only a flash of light in place, cutting the seawater in half, which is the entrance to the small glass world.

Xun Huangyi rushed in and came to the interior of Liuli Small World, and instantly felt the dozens of demigods.

They were originally descendants of the blood ring using the belly of the snake-haired banshee, but now they are used by him, staying here to guard the small world.

"Quickly urge the small world, leave with me!" Huang Yi immediately issued an instruction to them, and then began pouring out the majestic power of the body, spreading into the space of this small world, trying to control it.

The small world of Liuli is very small. The magic of Huang Yi and the dozens of small snakes quickly permeated the entire small world, and it was worthy of control. If it were bigger, Huang Yi's divine power would not be enough to cover this small world, and he would not be able to remove it.

Huang Yi immediately stripped the small world from its original space position and quickly moved in one direction. It was like driving a submarine. People were hiding in the small world. The small world was advancing rapidly on the ocean floor, only to appear. Out of that bright flash.

In fact, as long as he integrates this small world into that small world satellite, it will be convenient to carry, and he will soon be able to return to the second world.

But the fusion process took 20 minutes. He didn't dare to do it in this place. He could only control the small world to leave here as soon as possible and find a relatively safe place to reintegrate.

Uh ...

There is a dense virgin forest on a large island closest to the small glass world.

There is an old wooden house deep in the dense forest. The wood is covered with green moss, and the roof is covered with a thick layer of leaves, like a small temple.

There are four people wearing animal skins in the Tochigi House, sitting cross-legged on the ground with their eyes closed and meditating, each of them exuding the breath of the strong in the realm.

In front of them is a statue with six arms, muscles knotted, and a fierce expression, which is a **** of the gods.

There is a table for the goddess below with ten tablets with different names written on it.

"Papapapapapa!" Suddenly, there were six tablets on the donor table shattered instantly, making a series of dense sounds.

The four meditators suddenly opened their eyes and stared in shock at the tablet on the table.

"Innocent, Green Beasts' six of them's cards are broken at the same time. What kind of strong man is, they can kill them all instantly!"

"In the small glass world, there are only dozens of small snakes in the blood ring. Even if they come out of the nest, they are not their opponents of innocence and green beasts. The killer is another person!"

"The talents of the Naga tribe are dying, and the blood ring is dead. It is impossible for them to move their hands!"

"Unfortunately, the six of them were killed instantly, and even the thoughts were too late to pass back, otherwise we would know who the killer was!"

The twenty-four people had somber faces, with a hint of shock and fear in their eyes.

The other person could kill the six people instantly, and the four of them used to support the death, but now they can only report this important news to the man himself and let him decide.

Soon, the four of them knelt respectfully before the statue of the Savage God, formed complex handprints, and read a spell.

A red divine power rose from everyone, flying into the statue of the Savage God.

After a while, the statue's eyes suddenly turned red, as if coming alive, staring at the four and asking, "What's up?"

A false **** strong reverently said, "Master Savage! Six evil gods, such as innocent and green beasts who just squatted around the entrance of the small glass world, suddenly died at the same time, and even had no time to return the thoughts."

"Huh?" Obviously, the **** was also a bit unexpected, and immediately said, "Go and see the night, the turbidity, you two take amulets, and immediately go to the small glass world, but don't come near, wait and see, you can explore the movement, I can Go there in person! "

"Yes!" The two virtual **** strong men nodded immediately, then immediately came to the front of the statue, fastened the two red eyes of the statue, and put it on his body.

These two eyes are the talisman of the Savage God, which has the power of the Savage God's infusion. Within a day, as long as they are within the range of the first world, they can transfer the damage they suffered to the Savage God ~ www.readwn.com ~ Equivalent to save their lives for a day.

Subsequently, the two false gods turned into two streamers, flew out of the wooden house, and disappeared into the sky instantly.

Uh ...

"Did it kill God?" In the Temple of the Savage God, the avatar of the Savage God whispered to himself. Huang Yi is his current number one enemy. If something strange happens, he will think of Huang Yi first.

At this moment, his body trembled violently, and the flesh and blood of half of his body began to separate.

This is the pain of tearing the body. Rao is such a powerful man in the world who also twitches a little, but forcibly restrains the pain.

Gradually, the group of flesh and blood flew into a new god.

The avatar God stayed in the realm of the realm is too powerful, far beyond the limit that the realm can hold, and can only hide in the small world of the barbaric temple, just like the real god.

He wants to go out, only to differentiate a secondary clone from the avatar again. Differentiating the secondary clone is very troublesome, and the process is extremely painful.


Many people report that each chapter is very short, because in the past it was changed every day, each word was 000 words, now every day it was changed two times, every time it was 2,000 words, and the total was 4,000 words. A thousand words more than before.

If you are not accustomed to this, you can stop watching the updates during the day, and watch the two chapters together after the second update at night, so it is more durable.

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