Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1626: Clues

In general, when something is encountered, the gods often let the people of the gods do it, and they rarely go out in person.

But today, the unknown existence killed his six subordinates in an instant. This strength is at least the level of the blood ring. Sending other subordinates in the past can't keep the person at all.

Soon, a secondary avatar was completely differentiated. This is the strongest avatar that the Savage God can appear to the outside world. No matter how strong it is, it will be intolerable by the rules of the realm.

次级 This secondary clone immediately stood up, strode out of the tree house, came to the sycamore tree outside, looked up at the fire phoenix, and said lightly, "Ling Yu, go to Liuli Small World!"

"啾" The fire phoenix flew down obediently, carried the god, and disappeared on the Indus tree instantly.

When they appeared again, they had already teleported to the little temple where the four gods strongmen were just now. This was the closest teleportation point to the small glass world.

Xing Lingyu fanned the wings of the Phoenix, and carried the wild **** at full speed in the direction of Liuli Small World.

他们 When they came near the sea where the small glass world was located, they saw from a distance that the sea had become blood red, and the strong **** smell could be smelled far away.

That's the blood of the six gods, who have already dyed this large area of ​​water.

"Master Savage!" At this time, a powerful **** sent by the Savage God greeted him.

"Wu Ziye, how's it going?" Asked the god, staring at the sea.

"The small glass world has disappeared, but we have fiddled with the small glass world a long time ago. When it moves, it will leave a trace of breath, and the turbidity has chased up with that breath. He just told me through the mind , He's almost chasing Blue Devils Island. "

"Is there any clue left in that person? Did he kill God?" The **** asked directly.

Wu Ziya pouted his mouth and shook his head, not surely saying: "Subordinates did not notice the clues related to the killing of God, but found a trace of magic, and it was a very pure magic, it seems to be ... A demon king did it. "

"What? The Demons did it?" The savage **** frowned, and frowned. "The Demons have been beaten back to their old nests, and the men and horses sent to invade the First World have also been removed. How could they still come? The first world is chaotic? Besides, Sodeross helped them refine the second world before. They turned against each other so quickly? "

"I will catch up and see for myself!" The savage **** immediately urged the fire phoenix and chased after the trace left by the world with Wu Ziye.

As he chased, he stretched out a palm, and took a breath toward the **** sea below.

In a short time, the sea surface suddenly boiled, and a trace of broken flesh flesh flew up from the ocean into the sky and gathered in the palm of the god.

These flesh and blood are the flesh and blood of the two virtual gods that were previously blasted by Huang Yi.

The savage **** put his palm in front of his eyes and perceive it carefully.

"It is indeed the breath of the demon king ... with some light elements ... the king of darkness!" After analyzing the breath of the minced meat, the wild **** immediately came to a conclusion.

六 The six gods are killed by the King of Darkness.

"What are the demons doing ?! They actually came to the First World at this time, and they also took away the small glass world. What do they think?" The gods were puzzled.

"Are they revenge?" At this time, Wu Ziye said his guess, "Blood Ring openly confronted the Demons in order to protect the Second World, and the Demons deliberately took away the small glass world in order to protect them from future troubles. Lest the dozens of little snakes in the blood ring grow up and seek revenge on them. "

"This is in line with the style of the Mozu 睚眦 must report, but they do not have to be so troublesome, in short, this thing is very strange, the Mozu should not choose to offend us at this time, there may be other reasons." Man Shen groaned.

Uh ...

Xun Huangyi controlled the small glass world to advance in the deep ocean, but the small world was very troublesome to move, far less than he had to rush on his own.

His destination is the door of the Demon King when he teleported to the Demon Universe a few days ago. There is an unfathomable magic cave with an enchantment on it that can block outsiders from entering in a short time. It is an ideal Safe area.

站在 He is standing at the entrance of the small glass world, while manipulating the small world, he uses the daily dragon wings to perceive the space fluctuations through the entrance.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he felt a wave of false gods coming from far behind.

The savage gods have indeed discovered the trajectory of the small world and are quickly following it.

The situation is not optimistic. He can't delay for a moment, and can't waste time killing that god. He must reach the magic cave as fast as possible.

If the masters of the First World come together, he may not be able to take this small world!

在 At this moment, an island appeared in front of it, and the island was filled with a layer of blue mist.

This is the Blue Devils Island. It was once an important island occupied by the Demons. It has a high strategic value, but it has now been reoccupied by the First World.

Huang Yi's daily fluctuations in the space of the dragon wings show that there are tens of thousands of people on this island, and a demigod on the west side of the island ~ www.readwn.com ~ should be the highest commander of the Blue Devils Island.

He turned his eyes and turned up a ghost idea that procrastinated the enemy. He immediately controlled the small glass world and rushed to the east of the Blue Devils Island, and then exhaled a strong magical energy through the mouth of the small world.

The garrisons on the east of the Blue Devils Island saw only a flash of light suddenly flying from the ocean. In the flash, a black gas was emitted by the flash, and it disappeared into the distance as soon as it disappeared.

The black gas is the magical energy of the King of Darkness. It has a strong ability to corrode, spreads quickly, the trees where it passes wither, and the earth is black.

一 As soon as the tyrant soldiers who were stationed touched this magic, they suddenly fell down and turned into a bone.

"Ah! Run!"

"The devil is coming again ?!"

"Damn, dodge!"

"Go and notify Master Ba Yuan!"

There was chaos on the island, and there were screams everywhere in the dark magic. Numerous people were running and mourning. Everyone died.

"Hmm!" A cold hum sounded from the west of Blue Devils Island. A domineering demigod soared into the sky, and a red enchantment of enchantment spewed out from the body, covering the surrounding generals to isolate the magical corrosion.

But he can only save a part of the soldiers. The whole island is already in a mess, and more than half of them have been injured.

After a while, a terrible horde of coercion suddenly descended on the island, sweeping away the remaining magical energy and purging it away.

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