Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1627: Pull apart

The Blue Devils Island has become clear again, and there are thousands of bones everywhere on the ground.

虚 An imaginary **** appeared in the sky above the Blue Devils Island, his face looked diligently at the direction where the small glass world left, and there was a dread in his eyes.

"I've seen Lord Muddy!" At this moment, the hegemon demigod came to the front of the virtual **** strong, bowed his head respectfully.

"What's going on here?" Qingzhu asked.

The hegemon demigod was full of resentment. "Just now a magical spirit suddenly appeared and killed thousands of our generals. It should be that the devil came to sneak attack. Please also ask Master Qingzhu to kill the demon thief. Comfort our souls of thousands of soldiers. "

"What just happened? In this case, I'm almost after him!" Qingzhuo thought to himself thoughtfully, staring at the direction where Liuli Xiaoshi left, shook his head, and said, "That's a A very powerful enemy. I am not his opponent. I have to wait for the Lord God to come and deal with him personally. "

"What? The Lord God shot it in person?" The demigod was startled, and a little flashed on his face before he was afraid. I didn't expect that the Devil was so powerful. Fortunately, the other party just passed by here and didn't stay to kill, otherwise he might fall here.

"You continue to stay here, waiting for the Lord God to come. I continue to track that person, he should not have found me yet." Qingzhuo said, chasing again towards the breath left by the small glass world.

After this delay on Lan Mo Island, the distance between him and Liuli Small World was re-opened again.

Alas, the breath was very weak, and he had to stop from time to time to discern the breath carefully, chasing slowly for a while.

Uh ...

It didn't take long before Huang Yi noticed the turbid approach, and it wouldn't take long for him to catch up.

That should not be the only enemy, and there should be other chasers behind it, maybe the gods will shoot in person.

He must act and delay the enemy again!

He immediately took out the killing wrath from the storage ring, used the god-like stealth effect of the wings of freedom, and temporarily left the small world.

After Li lost his divine support, Liuli Small World immediately stopped, and it was impossible to move the Small World by the strength of dozens of small snakes alone.

Xun Huangyi immediately fanned the Dragon Wings day by day, and instantly came to the side of the false god, and then used the second artifact skill of the wrath of killing gods-the curse of killing gods.

The next moment, the wrath of the god-killing blood was great, exuding a breath of surging divine power, every glyph on the axe seemed to come alive, and quickly became blood red.

Soon, a drop of blood flowed from the glyph of the wrath of the **** of death, sending a dazzling red light, and flew towards the turbidity.

But because Huang Yi is now invisible, Qingzhuo can't see it all, let alone see that drop of blood, thinking that there is nothing around him.

Almost instantly, the drop of blood fell on the murky body, immersed in him.

Qingzhuo just felt like he was bitten by a mosquito, but there was no other feeling immediately, like an illusion.

The ability to kill God's curse is to parasitize a killing seed in the enemy, monitor the enemy's whereabouts, and choose the effective time of the killing seed at any time. Once it takes effect, the enemy loses his mind and attacks everyone around him without discrimination, even self-harm .

"Hum!" Huang Yi snorted deliberately, his body exuded a blast of magical energy, and instantly dyed the surrounding waters into magical energy, and then fanned the daily dragon wings, returned to the small glass world, and continued to control it to move forward.

Sudden and clear, startled by Huang Yi's cold hum, he stopped quickly and made defensive measures. He looked at the enchantment around him with fear, and did not dare to follow him.

Huang Huangyi does not need to use the daily dragon wings now, just the killing seed can perceive the turbid movement, like a radar map, and the turbidity is a striking red dot.

The red dot stopped now, apparently he was afraid to catch up.

Xun Huang Yi could not help but show a smile, and things were developing exactly as he envisioned.

Uh ...

Finally, a black coastline appeared at the end of the vast sea. The land showed gray-black, polluted by magic gas, and no grass was born. Abandoned fortifications were everywhere. Some inferior demons, demons and other demons The wickedness wandered around.

In the very center of that land, there is a huge burrow where the magic energy is constantly flowing out, which is unfathomable.

陆地 This land used to be the base camp of the Devil when it fought in the First World, and the huge hole was the devil's cave of several demon kings. Inside, there was a door of the demon king connecting the devil's small universe.

Zhi Huangyi controlled the small world of Liuli and immediately rushed into this land and entered the magic cave.

There is an enchantment in Jain Demon Cave, which prevents outsiders from entering, but Huang Yi is the true descent of the King of Darkness. Without being obstructed by this enchantment, he enters smoothly.

After I landed at the bottom of the magic cave, I flew along the tunnel quickly, and soon came to the huge underground space.

地下 This underground space is strewn with abandoned Demon weapons, the bones of the dead Demon, and the stench is pungent.

A black portal was suspended in mid-air quietly, with a deadly light film on it.

The last time I came, the layer of light film on the gate of the Demon King was dynamic, and there was a black gas swimming on it, similar to the feeling of a portal.

现在 But now, this layer of light film has no movement. It seems that a barrier prevents outsiders from entering and loses the transmission function.

门 The door of this demon king has been closed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if this layer of light film is broken, outsiders cannot enter the Demon Universe.

Not only here, the gates of countless demon kings scattered in all universes of the universe have been closed. Now the Demon Universe has cut off all connections with the outside world and is in a safe closed state.

Xi Huangyi came to the back of the base of the Demon's Gate, finally stopped, and came out of the small glass world.

He took the small world satellite out of the storage ring and touched it to the entrance of the small glass world flashing.

"Will it be incorporated?"


"It's going to be integrated. It takes twenty minutes to fully integrate. Now it's time."

Xi Huangyi prayed silently in his heart. In the past 20 minutes, there should be no interference, and no enemies should come, otherwise he would only give up this small world.

After only 3 minutes, Huang Yi suddenly cleared up and suddenly speeded up.

He had always been cautiously moving forward, but now he suddenly increased his speed and looked very energetic. It should be that his reinforcements had arrived and he had a fight against him.

Huang Yi showed a grin, and immediately chose to make the curse effective!

His curse struck a long distance in an instant, acting on countless miles and numbness, detonating the killing seed inside him.

The next moment, the red dot represented by turbidity was suddenly delayed, followed by a dramatic change.

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