Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1628: The horror of the magic cave

With the clear tracking, Savage God and Wu Ziye don't need to carefully sense the breath left by the small glass world, just follow it up.

It didn't take long for them to catch up with the Blue Devils Island, seeing the tragic scene below, and paused to inquire about the demigod of the hegemon, and they left again.

After crossing the long sea, they finally caught up with the turbidity.

"I've seen the Lord God!" Qingzhu respectfully said, "In order to avoid grass and snakes, his subordinates deliberately slowed down."

"I'm here, there's nothing to fight against the grass and scare the snake!" Savage said casually, and personally distinguished the breath left by the small glass world, with Wu Ziye and Qingzhu moving forward, the speed suddenly increased a lot.

At this moment, Qingzhuo shuddered and suddenly attacked toward the god.

The savage **** did not expect that his men dared to attack themselves, and they were hit hard before they could react.

"What are you doing?" Wu Ziye on the side completely stunned, staring blankly at this long-time friend, as if it was the first time he knew him.

Before the voice of his voice fell, he was struck by the turbidity, and the majestic divine power exploded on his chest, spit out a large blood, and flew out.

"How dare you!" The savage God sang angrily, six palms pointing at the same time with a clear voice!

All of a sudden, six stern rays of light radiated out, hitting the clear body instantly, piercing his body, and hitting six blood holes.

Qi Qingzhuo was unconscious, and shouted towards the Savage God regardless of his injury, and attacked the Savage God with his life, as if the Savage God was his father and his enemy.

"What's wrong with turbidity?" Wu Ziye flew back covering his chest, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and asked in horror turbidity.

"He's unconscious!" Said the Savage God thoughtfully while avoiding the murky offensive. "It should be what the man did to him and disturbed his mind. See if he can wake him up first. If you don't wake him up, you can only kill. "

"The Devil! It must be the Devil!" Wu Ziye blurted out. "The fallen king is most adept at disturbing the mind! He can change a person's spirit unknowingly and unknowingly. He has always been loyal to the Lord, and there is a talisman for the Lord God. Most people can't deal with him at all. Only the fallen king has the ability to disturb his mind. "

At this moment, the turbidity rushed towards the **** again, and a bright red light of divine power emerged in the fist!

"Wake me up!" The savage **** suddenly yelled at the opacity, and a huge ghost appeared behind him, which was like a majestic idol.

This deity is dedicated to countless small and large barbaric religious temples in the First World. It is rooted in the hearts of every barbaric religious believer. They worship this image every day and pray to it. This idol has a powerful spiritual effect on them.

However, after seeing this deity, Qingyun just trembled a little, and continued to attack madly. The majestic imaginary power poured out, the situation changed, and the waves were soaring.

"There is no medicine to save!" Savage God's face was somber, with a flash of determination in his eyes, and he rushed forward toward the turbidity. Six strong arms grabbed him, and choked like a chick. move.

Then, a word was spoken in the mouth of the Savage God, and a spell of witchcraft from the Savage God was read out. A mysterious purple smoke suddenly poured into the turbid seven tricks, trying to dispel the source of chaos in his body.

Qi Qingzhuo struggled hard, but couldn't move, the purple smoke twisted his face, and the blue tendons twitched like earthworms.

Suddenly, the turbid body began to swell, and the violent and out-of-control power radiated from the body was about to explode.

His consciousness has become so confused that he could choose to explode without venting.

"Damn!" The brutal complexion was iron-blue, and six arms suddenly burst into blue muscles, tearing suddenly.

"噗!" The turbid body was suddenly torn apart and turned into six pieces, blood spewed out and splashed on the body of the god, reflecting his stingy body like a **** demon.

The savage **** tossed out the six corpses that were turbid, wiped his face, wiped the bloodstains, and sank in a deep voice: "The man can instantly kill six of our powerful gods, and he can change the consciousness silently. I ca n’t wake up. With this ability, there are very few of us in the entire universe. Only the leaders of the major top forces, even the ancestors of the creation, can do it. It seems that killing the gods is not as strong as this, is it? Is it really a demon race? "

"Killing God can never have this kind of power. It must be the Devil. Only the Demon King has such a pure magic spirit!" Wu Ziye had already guessed that it was the Devil, and what he saw and heard along the way made him even more. Affirmed this guess.

"Catch up and check it for yourself!" Frown God frowned, discerning the lingering breath of the small glass world, and continued to ride on the fire phoenix to catch up.

Uh ...

Deep in the Demon Cave, Huang Yi has no sense of opacity, which indicates that the opponent has either ended the cursed state or has been killed.

No matter what, he won a very precious time for Huang Yi.

Until now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Most of the small glass world has been integrated into that small world satellite, and the fusion can be completed a little bit later.

Suddenly, day by day, Dragon Wing felt three powerful waves coming from the distant space, and was rushing towards here.

The enemy has finally caught up!

At their forward speed, if they can get here in a while, the enchantment of that cave can't be carried for too long, and he must have no time to complete the fusion.

Huang Yi thought for a while and summoned Feng Aungju directly!

He has installed the heart of the net world in Feng Anju's corpse and can control it. Although the strength of the corpse is a bit weaker, after all, Feng Anju is the strength of the semi-ancestors. Can make people retreat.

Xun Huangyi unreservedly released the powerful breath of Feng Angju and spread out through the entrance of the deep magic cave. Some of the magic wolf wandering outside suddenly shuddered and fled.

After a while, Savage God, Ling Yu, and Wu Ziye came to the periphery of this magic cave, staring in the air with cold eyes.

The deep magic cave is bottomless, filled with a thick black magic, as if it is the entrance to hell, making people creepy.

More importantly, there was a terrifying coercion in the magic cave, and even the air seemed to freeze, and it was out of breath.

"Such powerful coercion ... must be the demon king!" Wu Ziye looked solemnly, and the breath was immense, and even his deity could only look up, except for the demon king, he could not think of anything else.

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