Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1629: Savage God's Suspicion

"The man came to this magic cave, isn't it really a demon race?" Savage God is also very scared of the coercion that reveals, he is only a secondary clone, if he really meets that power, he is not sure Can defeat each other.

He thought about it, instead of acting lightly, he shouted to the magic cave: "Friends below, if you come to our first world as a guest, you must at least inform me, the owner, who killed us for no reason, justified. ! "

In the demon cave, Huang Yi smiled slightly when he heard the sound passed by the god.

It seems that Feng Aungju's deterrence has played a role, otherwise the **** must not stop outside and talk nonsense, and already attacked.

In order to avoid revealing his feet, he did not choose to respond, and still maintained the deterrence of Feng Aungju.

Now, the fusion time is only the last few tens of seconds, and we are about to succeed!

The face of the savage **** cooled down, and he did not expect that he spoke so politely, and the man inside ignored him.

Unfortunately, there is a black enchantment on the top of the magic cave, which blocks his perception, otherwise his mental power can be penetrated to feel it.

After waiting for a while, he finally couldn't bear it. He stretched out six palms, and gathered six violent light clusters in his control. The dense divine power was compressed in it, like a cannonball bombarding towards that magic cave.

"Boom boom!" The light **** exploded on the black enchantment, causing the enchantment to sway wildly, and the brightness plummeted.

结 This enchantment has no continuous strength to supplement, just relying on the residual power of several demon kings at the beginning, it can not resist for long.

Xi Lingyu, the fire phoenix, also opened its mouth and sprayed a turbulent multicolored flame, impacting the entrance of the magic cave, burning the ground there, cracking and turning into fly ash.

Wu Wu also attacked from a distance, but he was always next to the god, and he did not dare to leave too far, afraid to be attacked by the powerful Demon master below.

"啵 ~" With a cracking sound, the enchantment was finally broken, and the entrance to the magic cave appeared in front of them unhindered.

"Hum! I want to see who you are!" The savage **** snorted coldly, and immediately rushed into the magic cave with Ling Yu and Wu Ziye.

The black magic cave is dark, the wall of the cave is full of demon blood, and the deep darkness below it continuously reveals that terrifying coercion. I don't know when it will suddenly rise up from the darkness and attack them.

The savage **** did not dare to go too fast, and always kept an eye on the movement below to prevent the other side from sneaking in.

Uh ...

On the other side, Huang Yi's day-to-day dragon wings clearly noticed that the three spatial fluctuations were close at hand, entered the bottom of the magic cave, and started to move forward in that tunnel, and soon came to this underground space.

And the time to fuse the small world is only less than ten seconds left!

He still has to fight for the last few seconds!

"Hum!" Huang Yi sneered deliberately, ringing the entire magic cave, with the domineering of the demon king.

He is now in the form of the King of Darkness, even his voice and tone are exactly the same.

The three savage gods have been walking in the tunnel with high alert, and suddenly heard this cold hum, the first reaction was to take a few steps back and immediately prepare for the battle.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Wu Ziye's forehead, and his lips were dry, he swallowed his throat, and stared at the dark depths in front of him, where he was so enraged that he couldn't see anything.

"Do you want to scare me out of this?" The Savage God didn't wait for the expected attack, his heart was annoyed, he lost his patience, directly stretched out a fist, and blasted toward the depths of the magic cave.

His arms stretched quickly, like rubber, and the fist was filled with raging red divine power, and he slammed into the depths of the cave.

所有 All the rocks and magic energies along the way have been crushed and unstoppable!

伸长 This stretched fist has penetrated the entire tunnel, appeared in a huge underground space, and hit the place where Huang Yi was.

At that moment, Huang Yi's heart hung up, as if he was about to be hit by this fist, and the process of merging the small world would be suspended.

"Boom!" This boxing hit the base of the Devil's Gate in front of Huang Yi.

Suddenly, dense cracks appeared on the black base, and a few pieces of gravel and strong breath shook Huang Huang's face.

拳 The fist finally stopped, less than one meter from Huang Yi behind the gate of the demon king, and retracted into the tunnel the next moment.

": Successfully integrated into it."

Huang Yi finally received the long-awaited system prompt.

He immediately put away the small world satellite and Feng Aungju, and immediately made a solution without a solution--


In a short time, he completely disappeared into this underground space.

Almost at the same time, the exit of the tunnel fluctuated, and the three gods finally appeared in this huge underground space.

I saw that in the empty underground space, there was only a pedestal of the Demon King's gate standing alone, and the denseness on it was cracks.

The horrible coercion before disappeared instantly!

The savage **** flew to the door of the demon king, and Tie Qing stared at this broken base.

He felt that after the remnant of the small glass world extended here, it completely disappeared.

Obviously, the man has slipped away through the door of the Demon King, and the small glass world has been taken to the small universe of the Demon Clan.

Now the gate of the demon king has been closed again ~ www.readwn.com ~ The people inside will no longer come out, even if he is full of anger, he can't question those demon kings.

"Sure enough, it was done by the Devil!" Wu Ziye also came to the gate of the Demon King and said angrily, "We kindly helped them to refine the second world, and they turned out to be revenge, hateful!"

"Why are the Demons dare to be against me at this time ?! Are they crazy?" The spirit of the **** was filled with anger, and he suddenly punched him, shattering the base of the crumbling Demon's Gate, and splashing pieces. Scattered and dive deeply into the surrounding stone wall.

The matter is developing in a direction he didn't expect. He originally thought that the demons would always crouch in the small universe to guard against the encirclement of God-given people.

I didn't expect that at this point, the Devil actually ventured to open the door of the Demon King and came to the first world to do this kind of thing, which was completely beyond his expectations.

"It is worthy of being the king of hell, every move is unexpected and unpredictable!" The man said to himself.

"Master, what are we going to do now?" Wu Ziye asked.

The wild **** thought for a while, and said lightly, "Well! I had planned to help the Mozu before. Since things are beyond my expectation, let the Mozu to toss on their own. Let us not intervene anymore! Wait Kill the gods and destroy the demons, and we will concentrate on dealing with those who are godsend. "

"I hope to kill God and wait for some people to scramble and kill all the abominable demons and avenge us!" Wu Ziye said with gritted teeth.

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