Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1634: Small satellite

"A Yi, let's take a look!" Thor urged, and he had never seen the birth of a small world satellite, and was curious. ?

Huang Yi nodded, immediately holding the base under the small world satellite, and quickly turned.

"[System Tip]: Do you want to remove the base of [Small World Satellite]? After being lifted, the Small World satellite will expand to its normal size and cannot be sealed again."

"Yes!" Huang Yi immediately made a choice.

"Click!" The next moment, the base made a sound of lifting the bondage, completely detached from the sphere above.

Subsequently, the small world satellite spun quickly and swiftly, and doubled with each revolution, spreading rapidly.

Huang Yi and Thunder God had to retreat quickly to avoid being hit by this small world satellite.

From their perspective, the small-world satellites quickly became larger, and the ground details became more and more clear, as if they were falling on this planet, and the starry sky in front of them was completely occupied by the small-world satellite's earth.

Finally, the small-world satellite stopped expanding and stayed in the starry sky. Huang Yi and Thor were standing in the sky of this small-world satellite.

Looking down, the small world satellite, like other moons, is surrounded by craters and craters on the gray earth.

It is about the same size as the asteroids that Thor has dragged into outer space of the Second World these days, and is not eye-catching.

The glaze of the entrance to the small glass world is inside a crater. The small glass world has a small space and only takes up a small part of the satellite's volume.

This means that the small glass world can expand the space many times in the future, until the center of the small satellite is completely emptied.

"Go in and see!" Huang Yi said, and immediately landed on the crater with Thor.

The crater is deep, and the bottom is dark, but there is a bright flash in the dark, which divides the space into two.

As soon as Huang Yi and Thunder God flew to this flash, they suddenly disappeared outside and entered the small world.

The small world is crystal clear, and the walls are translucent like glazed glass, revealing the stone and soil outside.

The dozens of demigod pythons are busy all over the small world, repairing those fragile parts and stabilizing the small world.

"For the time being, only a few of us know that I will release a few of the most criminals in the heroic prison to hide in this small world and avoid the restrictions of the rules of the realm." Huang Yi said.

"I'm really looking forward to it! What kind of big names are the top criminals in the hero prison?" Thor said expectantly.

"I'll know in a moment! Check this satellite to the Second World first!" Huang Yi said, leaving this small-world satellite.

After going out, Thor stretched out his hand, and suddenly a giant ship appeared in the starry sky, covering the sky, and the shadow cast completely submerged the small world satellite.

Ancient godships are more imposing than before, not only can they sail on the ocean, they can also exist as spaceships, cross the stars, and consign small planets.

Wherever it goes, whether it is the asteroid belt or the ring of stars outside the planet, it must be broken by brute force.

In the past, this ancient godship needed to be equipped with multiple crew members, and everyone could work together to ship a behemoth such as the island, but now the ancient godship requires only Thor to complete these operations.

The two came to the ship's cockpit, and Thor operated it in front of the console for a while, then took out a spar, embedded in a groove on the console.

Previously, this ancient godship needed to fill the holy spar and celestial spar in the magic furnace, but now it is no longer necessary to use that magic furnace, but directly consumes the power of the **** crystal.

"Om!" A huge red divine power poured out from the spar, and poured into all parts of this huge ship like blood.

In a short time, the ship seemed to tighten its clockwork, containing the power of God, and it was urgent to be vented.

"Oh!" The red light from the tail of the Godship pierced the starry sky and flew towards the small satellite, like a red shooting star.

These red lights are actually huge chains of divine power, composed of majestic divine power.

These divine power chains automatically wrapped around the asteroids, binding the entire star for several turns, and looked like a pile of cargo being dragged behind the Shenzhou ship.

At this point, Thor reached out, held the joystick in front, and pulled it to the end.

"Boom!" A powerful roar from the powerhouse of the Godship!

At that moment, the divine crystal in the groove suddenly melted away, the vast divine power spewed out, and it was continuously introduced into the various cabins of the Shenship. Every part seemed to burn, quickly turned red, and ran wildly.

The huge Shenship finally started slowly, sailing in the direction of the Second World.

The thick chain of divine power at the tail of the ship was quickly straightened, tightened tightly, and dragged the small satellite behind to move forward.

It didn't take long for a spar to melt completely, and Huang Yi took out a spar and set it in the groove.

The **** spar is a kind of treasure with many uses. In the past, Huang Yi also used the **** spar to upgrade the embryo that killed the wrath of god.

But with the improvement of his strength, the usefulness of the spar is less and less. A while ago, the Second World defeated the Demons and killed many of the gods. Their corpses, even with storage rings, turned into Second World trophies, and a group of **** spar was searched out from them. It cost a lot to check those satellites.

The speed of ancient godships is getting faster and faster, and they are flying rapidly in the starry sky, dragging that small satellite to approach the Second World at a rapid speed.

Finally, after crossing a large starry sky, the second world ahead is already in sight ~ www.readwn.com ~ More than twenty satellites are orbiting the second world, like a pearl, with interstellars set on each satellite The teleportation array, the guardians of the second world can teleport to any satellite at any time.

At this time, there were players on many satellites. They saw the ancient godship flying on a planet and did not show much interest. Thunder God is doing the same thing these days, and they are used to it.

Soon, the ancient Godship picked a suitable location outside the Second World, anchored the small world satellite into a suitable orbit, and then loosened the bound divine chain to lift the bondage.

The small world satellite was immediately captured by the gravity of the second world, and began to revolve around the second world, becoming one of its satellites, and it was inconspicuous among many satellites.

Huang Yi returned to the small glass world, summoned the entrance to the hero's prison, and strode in.

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