Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1635: King of God-Drofsky

Huang Yi first went to cell No. 7.

Thousands of miles away, volcanoes erupt, there are nine suns in the sky, and the earth is burning.

"Vulcan, your freedom is here!" Huang Yi shouted towards the volcano, the huge echo circulated over and over again.

Soon, the earth suddenly trembled, and a flame giant slowly walked out from behind several volcanoes.

He was covered with cracked rocks, and under the cracks were fiery red magma-like flesh.

Every time he stepped out, the earth shook violently. The magma flowing on the ground was trampled by him, and the magma erupted on him, like a spray of water on him.

This is Vulcan, a well-known master of the strong gods, once the ascendant Bloodhoof is his servant.

Last time Vulcan said that as long as Huang Yi has a small world, he can be broken down into pure elements of fire and filled into the small world.

However, this is very costly to Vulcan. After his decomposition into pure elements of fire, his strength will decline, and even if he reorganizes again, his previous strength will no longer be.

"Your efficiency is pretty good, and you haven't waited too long." Vulcan said in a whisper, his voice was rough, like billowing Honglei.

"Well, go out!" Huang Yi said directly.

The gods are not subject to any contract other than the **** king, even if they sign the guardian contract with the heroic empire, which is against their noble personality.

This is also the reason why the gods in the heavens have their own policies. None of the four supreme gods has a god.

Like the temple of death, there is only one **** of death, and then there is only a virtual god.

The gods generally form a group in the form of an alliance, but this binding does not involve a contract and may be dissolved at any time.

Like the **** of time and the sacred dragon Georgia, the alliance is an alliance. Although Georgia did something for the **** of time, they did not sign a contract.

Whether it was a former tyrant or a current barbaric god, after they conquered other gods, they could not sign a contract with them, only to rule them.

Just like the ancient emperors and courtiers, even if they surrender, there may be betrayal in the future.

Therefore, Huang Yi can only let the fire **** go out.

But he is not worried that Vulcan will mess up, because Vulcan can only stay in the small world. Once the small world is destroyed, he is directly exposed to the rules of the mortal world, beyond the ability of the mortal world Withstand the limits of power.

This end is even worse than the exposure of all gods. After all gods are exposed, they will only forcibly seal the gods. Once the gods are exposed to the realm, they will be severely damaged by the rules, and then forced to the heavens. They may not reach the heavens, and will be broken by the power of the rules.

"Boom ~" At this moment, Vulcan's huge body suddenly collapsed, like a mountain crumble.

His body was originally composed of cracked rocks. After the collapse, it was scattered into a pile of red stones. The fiery flesh inside turned into a river of magma, rolling and surging in the air.

This is a pure element of fire with no trace of impurities. If a fire mages gets a drop of such magma, his power will increase sharply, and the damage of various fire abilities will be greatly increased.

Huang Yi immediately used the warden's rights to teleport himself and this magma river to the small glass world outside.

As soon as this huge river of magma came out, it spread immediately, covering the boundary of the small glass world, as if painted with a layer of fire paint.

The small glass world is not stable, so Vulcan has strengthened the small glass world by himself. His magma covers the boundary of the small world, which will greatly increase the strength of the boundary.

"Kill God, rest assured! With me, this little world won't collapse so quickly." Vulcan's voice rang out from the air.

Huang Yi nodded and entered the hero prison again, preparing to release the next criminal.

Criminals who can come out must meet a condition-the other party has the ability to stay in a small world like Vulcan.

Not all the gods can stay in the small world. The dream of the former cell No. 14 is because the dream has a way to stay in the dream.

Later, the 12th criminal Long Zaitian, it was also because the three Supreme Dragon Emperors made arrangements to keep him in the Dragon Realm.

Huang Yi does not have such a method now. If the next criminals do not have the ability like Vulcan, then they cannot come out for the time being.

Finally, an hour later, Huang Yi found another criminal who possessed this ability—God King Drofsky.

This is a former **** king, the strength has reached the level of the main god!

Only the gods of the **** king can seal the gods, and other gods, even the gods of the four highest gods, can only be the level of virtual gods.

After the death of the **** king, the ambition of death was great, and he wanted to inherit the position of the **** king and dominate the Three Realms.

In terms of the underworld, he battled with the underworld for control of the underworld, and arrested many people of the underworld into heroic prisons, such as the underworld messenger Yimingfeng who had been cancelled by Huang Yi;

In the world, he let every world believe in him. For example, Tianlin World, one of the top ten worlds, and the eighth largest demon king of fear at that time was because of spreading fear in the Tianlin world, disrupting the religion of God Then, they were jointly hunted down by the four dragon knights of the death temple and captured into the hero prison.

In the realm of heaven, the **** of death is the old part of the collection of **** kings. Divine Lord Drofsky was one of the most powerful Divine Kings. He rejected the death, so he was taken to the hero prison and held in cell number 10.

Divine King Drofsky is the same as the God of Light in Cell 6 before. He is also a twelve-winged jihadist angel with a magnificent appearance and glorious light. At first glance, he is a noble and holy and powerful person ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Twelve wings are generally very powerful. The previous tyrant was a twelve-wing dark demon. After Huang Yi turned three times into an eternal tyrant, he also had twelve wings. Four pairs of wings combined a lot of skills, and they have become death wings, guard wings, freedom wings and killing. Wings, and there aren't many skills left to integrate, so the other two pairs of demon wings are useless.

"Kill God, if you still release the criminals to guard the second world, the one in cell 8 is very suitable. He has the same strength as me, but he does not need to stay in a small world and can directly become your second world. Guardian. "After the **** king Drofsky came to the small glass world, he revealed a message to Huang Yi.

"Oh? Who is that person?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested.

That person can actually sign a contract, and the strength can reach the level of the Lord God, who will it be?

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