Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1636: 12 Astral Spirit

"Don't you know if you go in and take a look yourself?" The King of God Drofsky dropped a word and disappeared into the depths of the small world.

"Is cell 8?" Huang Yi whispered to himself and entered the hero prison again.

Ten minutes later, he entered Cell 8.

Here is a monotonous desert, with only black and white, or the gray blending of the two, there is no vitality, the black mist is diffused between the heavens and the earth, and the eerie is terrifying.

There is an old road sign ahead, pointing straight ahead, with a few vague words engraved on it-Nether Desert.

"Is it a criminal related to the underworld?" Huang Yi suddenly made a guess. The underworld was also called the underworld, which corresponded to the name on the road sign, and the black and white scene was like the underworld.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, and quickly flew towards the nether desert.

The sand sea below retreated quickly, and there were endless sand dunes in front. You couldn't see the end at a glance. I didn't know where the criminals were hiding.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a big earthquake in the sand sea below, and countless sands were flying, causing a huge sandstorm between heaven and earth.

The earth suddenly approached, the trembling sand dunes below suddenly became larger, and the details became more and more clear. It seemed that Huang Yi was falling towards the ground quickly, and he was about to fall.

But Huang Yi has not changed his height!

After a while, he understood--

The earth flew up!

Huge overflowing pressure shrouded Huang Yi, even more fierce than Taishan's egg pressing. It seemed that the earth was about to knock him to death.

Soon, Huang Yi came into contact with the earth. The boundless force bombarded from below. He could clearly feel the power of heaven and earth. Even the strong man of this level was deeply affected by this power. Shocked.

Fortunately, he is the warden. Although he can feel the power of this force, he will not be harmed.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day and quickly rose to a higher sky. After the height reached a certain level, he overlooked the earth and found the truth.

It turned out that the so-called earth was actually a huge scorpion that was unimaginable. It was just this scorpion that rose to the sky, so that it seemed like the earth rose to the sky.

"Who are you?" Huang Yi asked, his voice ringing through the desert like Hong Lei.

"Death! You better kill me, or wait for me to go out, I will kill all your men!" The huge scorpion below responded hoarsely, just by listening to its voice, you can feel a wave It's cold and venomous, if it escapes, it's like a scorpion buried in the sand. I don't know when it will come out and give you a fatal blow.

"I am not a **** of death. The **** of death is dead." Huang Yi said in a deep voice.

"Dead?" The scorpion stunned, suddenly relieved from the huge hatred, but quickly said sharply: "But you still have the breath of death on your body, I can't remember it, you can hide it Everyone, but you can't hide from me, you are the **** of death, no matter how deep you become, I can feel it! "

"I am a reincarnation of the **** of death, a new generation of **** of death, and I have no grudges with you." Huang Yi revealed his identity, "I am a godsend, my name is to kill God, as long as you are willing to become a second world Guardian, sign a guardian contract, and I will give you freedom right away. "

"Not the **** of death himself?" At this moment, the earth suddenly and sharply contracted, and the huge scorpion quickly shrank to the size of Huang Yi. It flew into the sky and came to Huang Yi's body.

It revolves around Huang Yi, perceiving it carefully, and seems to be seriously discerning Huang Yi's identity.

Its hair trembled slightly, two large pliers opened and closed, and the poisonous needle at the tail flashed a cold light.

"Are you a reincarnation of death? But ..." The scorpion hesitated a few steps back, and two large pliers stood in front of it. "But there seems to be a power in your body that surpasses the demon!"

Huang Yi's heart stunned!

This scorpion seemed to be aware of his identity.

Nefarem blood is a taboo of the Three Realms. When it grows up, it will surpass all the demons and demons. Once exposed, it will suffer the joint hunting of gods and demons. By then, Huang Yi will have no peace.

"Would you like to sign a contract?" Huang Yi skipped the topic and asked again.

"Dream! I will never die for the dead, get out of here! Don't let me see you again!" Said the scorpion, and it got into the desert below and disappeared completely.

Huang Yi frowned. This scorpion did have great strength, but its hatred with the **** of death was too deep. It seemed impossible to sign a contract with it.

Moreover, its perception ability surpassed any person Huang Yi had seen in the past, and he actually sensed his identity of Nerefarem. If he let it go, he would probably leak the news.

Huang Yi decided to give up, no longer forced, but he must know the identity of this scorpion.

He quickly left the hero prison, returned to the small world of glass, and found the **** king Drofsky.

"Who is the scorpion in cell No. 8?" Huang Yi asked as he opened the door.

God Lord Drofsky looked at Huang Yi with a slight smile: "It seems that you are suffering from it's anger. I didn't expect it to be so long ago. It hasn't forgotten hatred. Scorpio is indeed as vengeful as the legend!"

"Scorpio ?!" Huang Yi froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered something, "Sagittarius ... Scorpio ... Mr. Fei, this is also a creator ancestor?"

God Lord Drofsky nodded: "Yes! It's one of the twelve astral spirits like Sagittarius."

"What is Xingzuling?" Huang Yi asked curiously ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xingzuling was born in the place of origin. There are twelve constellations, corresponding to the twelve constellations, scattered across the universe. At the time of the creation of Her Majesty King BC, three star ancestors were attracted. One was Sagittarius, located in the realm of the world; one was Taurus, located in the heavens; the last one was Scorpio in the 8th cell of the Hero Prison. Guardian of the Underworld. "

God King Drofoski paused and continued: "At that time, the **** of death wanted to invade the right of Pluto, and arrested many great people from the underworld. Scorpio was one of them. But Scorpio is not yet the underworld criminals. The most powerful of them was the one in cell 3. When I was playing with His Majesty the King, I was very familiar with the big men in the Three Realms. When I was in jail, I felt a little familiar with the breath left in front of cell 3. But I'm not sure who it is, you have to go in and find out for yourself. "

Huang Yi nodded thoughtfully, remembering the former messenger of the underworld, Yi Mingfeng, who was also arrested for this reason.

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