Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1638: Moon clan's gift

Huang Yi took the staff and nodded: "Okay, I'll go out and find him right away."

Having said that, he immediately left the hero prison, left Liuli Small World, returned to the Second World, and sent a message to the Emperor.

When he found the Emperor, the Emperor was lying on one of the billions of leaves of the tree of the world, basking in the sun, and sleeping loudly.

To prevent glare from the sun, he also applied a dark magic to cover his eyes.

Several of them knew how to scream tirelessly, full of the breath of summer, looking down from the leaves, and the distant wilderness directly to the distant ocean and sea, like a student's summer vacation feeling.

Perceiving Huang Yi's arrival, the Emperor stretched his waist, sat up from the leaves, took out a bottle of wine, took a sip, and then raised towards Huang Yi: "Come, have a drink!"

Huang Yi sat down, took the wine bottle, took a sip, took out the staff of the magic **** and handed it to the emperor, saying, "Before, the beard of your French team joined our Yinglong tribe, he said that you have been Look for this thing. "

When the emperor saw the staff in Huang Yi's hand, the idleness in his eyes swept away, and he immediately sat upright and took the staff of the magic **** with his hands solemnly.

"This is the magical artifact of Fa Shen! As a descendant of Fa Shen, I haven't found it for so long. How did you find it?" Fa Huang was surprised.

"Fa Shen is being held in a hero prison. This staff has his element mark. You must quickly restore it to the finished product! I will then release Fa Shen to reunite you." Huang Yi poured out again A sip of wine, which tastes a bit like brandy, but stronger than any brandy he has ever drunk.

"Thank you!" The emperor held the staff in her arms like a baby, and laughed: "I previously merged the spirit of Fengshen in the tomb of the **** and became the reincarnation of Fengshen. Now I can perfect the inheritance of God of God. The power of the Great Spirit is one, and my strength will reach a new level. "

Huang Yi glanced at him and talked about another topic: "Your brother seems to be a member of the EU negotiating delegation, how to handle the negotiations on the world federation, but what's the inside information?"

"The World Confederation should be dissolved, and countries around the world will most likely form the Earth Confederation, which is an upgraded version of the former United Nations. Don't worry! You can definitely come out of the Rose Prison and wait patiently, Thor, Blade King, Ni Dongde, and You are freely organized, many people are running for your freedom, and I will let my brother do his best. "Fa Huang patted Huang Yi's shoulder.

"In fact, on a larger scale, our struggles are unnecessary. Compared to the vast universe, the earth is just a small village. We fight for power in this village. The pattern is too small, and human beings should have become One whole, marching into the universe. "Huang Yi said deeply.

"Yes, you will know how small humans are when you see the vastness of the universe." At this time, a woman's voice rang behind them.

Huang Yi and Fa Huang looked back, and saw a beautiful woman standing behind them, with a crescent mark on their foreheads, glowing with a faint light.

"The residual moon?" The emperor instantly recognized the woman.

This woman is the player of the Moon tribe who won the best charm award in the 4th Annual Ceremony.

However, when the Yueshuang blockade the Second World before, she did not come out to fight, and many people had never dealt with her.

"Kill God, this time I came to offer a gift on behalf of the Yue clan." At this time, Yue Yue came to Huang Yi's side.

Huang Yi nodded: "Before, Yuefu said that your indemnity will make us satisfied. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. My vision is very high and there are not many indemnities that can satisfy me."

"You can rest assured, our gift is very sincere." Can Yue smiled slightly and said, "You should be blocked by the enchantment of the Demon Race Universe, and you can't break into it! At this point, our Yue can help, we can let you enter Demon Universe. "

"Just let us in? Can't you break the enchantment?" Fa Huang frowned.

Can Yueyue shook her head: "No! The enchantment strength of the small universe is far beyond that of the small world, and it is difficult to break from the outside, but the power required to maintain the stability of the small universe is also far beyond that of the small world, so you can break from the inside. After you enter the demon small universe If you can defeat the other powers of the Demon Clan, leaving only the King of Hell alone, then he will not have enough power to keep the small universe stable, and the small universe will collapse by itself. "

The emperor touched his chin and pondered for a while, and said, "I'm afraid it's difficult! In the Demon Universe, we are facing the hell's body, which is an enemy that can't be defeated. And they must have now Very vigilant, it is not realistic to want to kill a demon quietly like the last time he killed God. "

"The King of Hell can no longer take care of everything. Moreover, the last time he tried to suppress the gap in the prisoner of prison, he has consumed a lot of power, which he has accumulated over many years, and it is not easy to recover. Dealing with the Devil all the year round, he knows the King of Hell better than you. "

Yue Yue said, looked at Huang Yi, and continued: "In addition to helping you enter the Demon Universe, we will also send experts to destroy the Devil with you.

"What else? Just these two points are not sincere. You have already broken with the Demons. In order to avoid their revenge, you can only destroy them and never suffer future troubles. These two points you said are not so much in Help us, it is better to help yourself. "Huang Yi said calmly.

"Our Moon tribe is willing to form an alliance with the Second World ~ www.readwn.com ~ Our moon tribe spreads across the universe and can be used by you, and your God-given people who want to go to all corners of the universe will be very convenient and quick." Chan Yue continued.

"Not enough!" Huang Yi still shook his head.

Can Yueyue looked cold, stared at Huang Yi for a long time, and finally shook his head, and said, "Yue father guessed right, you really are an insatiable person. I originally wanted to save some resources for my Yue family. Now It seems that it is impossible. "Then, with a shake of the palm of her hand, she took out a crystal bottle and handed it to Huang Yi, and said," This is the last indemnity, no more. "

Huang Yi took the Shenjing bottle and took a look. The bottle was a liquid condensed like moonlight, shining brightly and shining.

The liquid that can be filled with a Shenjing bottle will not be worse.

.. m.

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