Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1639: Yuejing

A trace of perseverance appeared in the eyes of Can Yue, saying: "This is the moon essence collected by our countless moon races, plus the blood of the father's creation ancestral spirit, which is better than the power of the world. Much more advanced, SS-class treasure. Even a barren planet, sprinkled with such a bottle of moon essence, it will become a vibrant world. Of course, this moon essence can also drink to strengthen itself, But it does n’t mean much to the virtual god, because all the power in the virtual **** has been transformed into divine power, the strength has reached the ceiling, and it cannot be strengthened by drinking it. ”

Yue Yue said, her face solemnly said: "This bottle of moon essence is best taken for those demigods. After drinking, they can be promoted to the level of virtual gods, but each person can only take moon essence once a lifetime, how much moon essence can be absorbed at a time It is different from person to person. If this amount is not controlled well, it will explode the body and be killed alive. How many demi-gods can be promoted to virtual gods in this bottle of moon essence depends on your luck. In fact, The physique of our Yue tribe is the most suitable for taking Yue Jing. Its absorption rate is high, and it will waste a lot to change to other races. "

"Good thing!" Huang Yi finally nodded with satisfaction. This bottle of Yuejing truly reflects the sincerity of the Yue tribe.

SS-level items have reached the quality of "Contract Water", and judging from the effect of this month, they are among the top in SS-level items. Looking at the three realms are real treasures, even many gods are difficult to get. .

Can Yueyue finally took out this bottle of moon essence, she was thinking of trying to save it, but unfortunately Huang Yi's vision was too high, and she was not touched by the conditions she said before.

"So, for the creator ancestors, if this bottle of Yuejing is drunk, shouldn't it be a problem?" Huang Yi asked thoughtfully.

Wan Yue nodded: "The creation ancestors should be fine. Their physique determines that they can have greater power without having to worry about the limitations of the rules of the world."

Huang Yi smiled and put this bottle of monthly essence into the storage ring.

He has evolved with the blood of Moon Father, not only a Moon clan, but also a creation ancestor spirit constitution, which is suitable for taking this bottle of Moon Essence!

Drinking this whole bottle of Yue Jing, I don't know what level he can push him to, maybe he can reach the strength of the founding ancestors, even the weakest creation ancestors, he is satisfied.


After bidding farewell to Can Yue and Fa Huang, Huang Yi came to the top of the Yinglong tribe, and took out the bottle of moon essence.

When he opened the bottle cap, a fresh feeling suddenly burst out of the bottle, and he took a sip. The refreshing feeling suddenly filled his heart, and it smelled like mint.

He opened his mouth directly and poured the whole bottle of moon essence into his mouth, swallowing with a big mouthful.

If Can Yueyue sees this phenomenon, she will be horrified. Even if their moon family takes moon essence, it is measured by drops, for fear of exceeding their own tolerance limit.

And Huang Yi drunk like a drink, completely dying.

Soon, a whole bottle of Yuejing was drunk by him, and there seemed to be more spring eyes in his stomach, and a steady stream of strength came out, spreading to the limbs and bones, enhancing his strength.

This power is very overbearing and turbulent. He rushes through his veins and destroys everything. If it was replaced by another false god, his body would have been exploded.

However, Huang Yi resisted stiffly. Nefarem's blood has already transformed his body, and he has the constitution of the founding ancestors. He can always increase his strength without touching the ceiling.

His strength was growing all the time, but the lunar essence in his stomach was not showing signs of exhaustion. It seemed that it would take a long time to fully absorb it.

Huang Yi thought of what Mr. Huang Sha said to him before. Since everything in the virtual world is real, it also shows that there is indeed a moon-like treasure in the real universe.

If in reality he can get even a drop of moon essence, it will be enough for him to reborn and transcend human limits, maybe he can become a sacred power in the virtual world, and even a power in the sky level. The punch blasted the mountain ...

"Brother Yi!" At this moment, a young boy sounded. It was a long-lost puppet fish. His name in the real world was Zheng Nan.

After Huang Yi's death before, the puppet fish was entrusted with a heavy responsibility and became the new No. 1 organization.

It is very difficult to cultivate a core character like him, growing up step by step, and it will take a long time to be alone.

During this time he grew up fast, following the older generation of free organizations working to overthrow the World Federation.

Especially when the world worked hard for Huang Yi's resuscitation surgery, the World Federation spared almost all its power to make the last fight, and tried hard to block the actions of free organizations all over the world, but suffered the stubborn resistance of free organizations At that time, the puppet fish followed the older generation to see the big world.

"It's Xiao Nan!" Huang Yi smiled slightly. "Are you busy?"

The puppet shook his head: "It's not busy anymore! We have almost won the game, and the World Federation has not done anything during this time."

"Then work harder in the virtual world! The future situation will be very different. You have to treat the virtual world as a real thing. We will receive more important tasks in the future. It will be about human life or death. The enemy facing them is far from comparable to the world federation. "Huang Yi urged, but did not disclose specific information.

Puppy thoughtfully: "Recently, our intelligence department has gathered some information that Time is developing a tool to explore interstellar, and maybe it has something to do with you."

Huang Yi nodded. Mr. Huang Sha said before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ They would reveal some small news from time to time, let the outside world guess, discover the truth little by little, and accept the truth.

He touched the head of the puppet fish and said, "The demons have ruled the king for thousands of years and offended many forces. You immediately arranged for people to contact all parts of the universe and called on all forces to join our joint army. Overthrow the Demons together. One month later, we officially began to attack the Demons Universe and completely destroy them! "

"Okay!" The puppet nodded his head.

Huang Yi doesn't know how many forces can be assembled in a month, but the God of Power should break through more than a thousand.

If a few more creation ancestors are brought in, their actions will be smoother.

At that time, he should have absorbed the Moon Essence in his body, and his strength has gone further. As long as he does not face the **** king, no one can threaten him.

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