Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1643: Two-Face

Five minutes later, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the entrance of the hero's prison. The gust of wind contained various elements like the ocean, forming a colorful ribbon that exudes the eternal power of the devil.

This is the power of the law god. For the law god, his body is composed of various elements, and the body can be decomposed into various elements at any time, just like the fire **** before.

However, Vulcan is a pure fire element. It is more pure than his mixed element and has a higher realm. He can come out without the inheritor. This cannot be done by the law god.

Emperor Eiffel immediately sensed this familiar atmosphere, and quickly held up the battle of the finished artifact, God of Art, and faced the gust.

In a short time, all the elements and powers of that strong wind poured into the Emperor's body.

If this god-like power poured into other people's bodies, they would have been exploded long ago, even if it was a virtual god, it could not bear the full power of a god.

But as the heir of the Dharma God, the Fa Emperor has the same source of strength and withstands the infusion of this power.

When all the hustle and bustle subsided, the breath of the Emperor was already full of eternal meaning. Between raising his hands and throwing his feet, the divine power was rippling, the space was distorted, and there was no difference between the gods and demons in heaven.

He has become a god!

This is the same as Meng Qitian, but the dream ancestor of Meng Qitian is a creation ancestor, so he can leave the small world and move outside the world, without being restricted by the rules of the world.

The emperor is a god, and he can only stay in this small world in the future, and he can only send out activists.

But even as a avatar, his strength far surpassed his previous level of virtual gods.

Virtual gods are the limit of strength that can be reached by all living beings, which means that all the internal power is transformed into divine power, but some virtual gods are obviously stronger than other virtual gods. For example, virtual gods such as Huang Yi can fight one group at a time.

This is related to the physique of each creature. Some talented creatures have stronger bodies than other species, hold more divine power, and use the divine power more efficiently.

Such a person may be able to slay the virtual **** in the demigod realm. After reaching the virtual god, it is almost an invincible existence in the realm.

At present, the emperor and the **** are merged into one, and it has become such an anti-natural existence. Just sending out a detached person can surpass the false gods of many races.

"Ah! I haven't been active for a long time!" Fa Huang twisted his neck, and the voice of Fa God appeared in his mouth.

"Predecessor Fa Shen, would we be weird like this?" Fa Huang heard his own voice again.

"Anyway, we can't leave the small world. It doesn't matter if it's weird. If you're not used to it, we can become a double-sided form." Fa Shen's tone was with a smile.

The words fell, and the emperor's back suddenly squirmed, and the back of his head became a face, which is like the gray **** with a gray beard.

The emperor turned into a double-sided person, one side looked like the emperor himself, and one side looked like a divine god.

After a few more minutes, Huang Yi and a primitive man with a wild atmosphere exudes from the entrance of the dragon's head at Heroes' Prison.

The wild desolate **** splits out too.

"You are my inheritor! We have to hurry up and merge!" Savage God · Split Sky looked at Tiandao and reached out to touch him.

When his hand touched Tiandao, it seemed like it was invisible, fused directly with Tiandao's body.

Li Tian walked towards Tian Dao, but he did not collide with him, but instead submerged into Tian Dao's body and merged with him.

Soon, the heavenly path also exudes the breath of God's mighty shore, even more powerful than the Emperor. The desolate god, the split-day god, is also the top even among the main gods, surpassing the **** of fire and the deity of the **** king, Drofos. Gee, the death **** placed him in cell No. 5, which proves the importance he attaches to him.

However, even if the Tao of Heaven perfects the inheritance of the barbaric deity and the split sky, it is not adapted after being imbued with such a powerful force, and the body swells and shrinks violently. More difficult.

"This has reached its limit! Fortunately, my strength has not reached its peak, otherwise we will not be able to merge at all!" At this time, the voice of the wild **** · Skybreaker sounded in Tiandao's mouth.

After a long time, Tiandao's body gradually calmed down, and his back became a barbaric god, split sky, and a double-sided person.

So far, Huang Yi has released all the gods and criminals who can be released.

The **** of law on the 11th is the level of the gods, and the **** king of the 10th is Drofsky, a former god, but now the power has fallen to the level of the gods.

The Vulcan on the 7th and the barbaric deity on the 5th • Skybreaker are still the main **** level, but they are far from their peak strength.

With their guardianship, this small world is as golden as ever, and it is placed in the outer space of the Second World, which is enough to give the Second World peace of mind.

At this moment, the bodies of Fa Shen and Tian Dao suddenly shook, each splitting into an identical clone.

This is the strongest avatar they can appear to the outside world, but it has little effect on the body. If they die outside, it will only make the body lose a small part of its power.

"Let's go!" Huang Yi said, took a look at the ancestors of Tiandao and Fahuang, and took them out of here.

Coming out of the hidden crater, they came to the empty surface of this small world satellite, where fortifications were set up, and there were strong gods stationed all year round. Ordinary players were not allowed to land, and the surroundings were empty.

In front of it is the huge Second World planet ~ www.readwn.com ~ occupying the entire field of vision, the outline of the continent below, the island in the sea can be seen clearly. But the most eye-catching thing is the tree of the world. Looking at it from such a distance, the tree of the world is also astonishing. The crown of the tree is like a huge cauliflower.

"Hmm? There is a sharp tip hidden!" At this moment, Tiandao suddenly snorted, his body flickered, appeared on a crater in the distance, and jumped into the middle crater.

"Boom ~" A loud roar rang from the bottom of the crater, and the whole mountain trembled violently, and then everything was calm.

Immediately afterwards, Tiandao's figure reappeared, carrying an indigenous man in animal skin clothes with painted faces on his face. He was a very religious man, but his voice was gone.

Carrying the corpse of the barbarians, Tiandao returned to Huang Yi and the Emperor, saying: "Fortunately, I have the barbarism pot of barbarism, and I realized that this barbarism demigod, otherwise he will continue to hide Here, maybe we will find our little world. "

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