Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1644: Genie reveals how to become a **** king!

"I will arrange more people to guard here." Huang Yi said.

"Unfortunately, our two avatars are already the limit of the outside world's strength, and we can no longer send them out, otherwise we can guard the place ourselves." Fa Huang regretted his face.

Although they can differentiate into many avatars, the total power of all avatars cannot exceed the limits of the outside world.


Inside a seaside villa in South Africa.

A black man and a yellow-skinned Chinese are sitting on the sofa, drinking wine dumbly, wearing an automatic translation headset in their ears.

These two are the only two new kings of the demons-the genie and the demon.

Now the genie has resurrected from the underworld, and the demon has returned to the small universe of the demons.

But they couldn't go anywhere anymore, they just crouched in the cosmos, holding their breath in their hearts, and didn't even want to go online.

"Now that we have become virtual gods, it is difficult to improve our strength again." The genie shook his head and shook the wine glass in his hand. "Going up is Feng Shen, but we signed a master-servant contract with the King of Hell. , Can never seal God, like .T, have the water of the contract, wash away the contract. "

Tianmo looked at the blue ocean outside the floor-to-ceiling window and said quietly, "In the past, they were the leaders of the demons, and were strongly cultivated by the king of hell. Later, we got the power and squeezed them both, thinking that they were Eliminated, I didn't expect them to retain such a hand. I have to say that **** is still old and spicy, and these two seniors are probably laughing at us now, and we are in an awkward position. "

Speaking, he took a sip of wine and continued: "However, the third-generation virtual world is about to open soon, and we can fight again at that time. Unfortunately, I didn't get revenge. The **** of killing is simply one that can never be defeated. Enemies, I did not defeat him once and for all. "

The genie shook his head and smiled: "I haven't defeated him once and for all. I also assassinated him with the eyes of the soul last time. However, we can't give up so easily. I collected some information. There are still deeper times when the company created the virtual world The purpose is to select a group of outstanding people through the virtual world and do a task for them that can change the destiny of human beings. They can gain unprecedented fame and unprecedented wealth, and may even have more. I dare not think about the benefits. I don't want to miss such an opportunity. "

"Oh? Actually there is such a thing? What task is it?" Tian Mo froze, and sat up straight.

The genie shook his head and said with uncertainty: "I do n’t know the specific, it seems to be a mission related to outer space. This mission has nothing to do with us in a short time, at least until the third generation of the virtual world is over. This The mission will begin. However, in this second-generation virtual world, God of Slayer and Sword Emperor must have been selected in advance, and some of them may be selected, even if they do not enter. The third-generation virtual world doesn't matter, we just need to wait for the notification. But we still can't, we still have to fight in the third-generation virtual world to compete for that opportunity. "

Tianmo nodded thoughtfully: "Since this is the case, what we do in the virtual world is even more important, and we can't easily give it up. But now even the **** king has no way to deal with the second world, you What else can be done? "

"I'm not dealing with the Second World, I just don't want to perish with the demons. Now that Miyamoto Musashi can refine the water of the contract, we can buy from him, no matter how much it costs, we must leave the demons and protect us Yourself. "

"If that's the case, then it's okay. The Mozu has no use value. It's time to leave." Tianmo nodded, but then thought of a question, "But now the Mozu small universe is isolated from the outside world, even if Miyamoto Musashi is willing to sell us the water of the contract, and we can't get it. "

The genie smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry about this! Yesterday's Yueyue revealed to me that the Yue tribe will help the masters of the second world side enter the demonic universe. If Miyamoto Musashi can persuade the **** of killing and agree with him to enter the demonic universe, then He will be able to give us the water of the contract. However, such precious items as the water of the contract will definitely not be able to be refined at will. You do n’t know how much to sell for a bottle, you have to be prepared to lose everything. ”

"Are you homeless?" Tianmo frowned and hesitated. He used to be an ordinary person, not a rich second-generation, and had no background. Now he has a family background. He doesn't want to hand it in casually.

The genie put down his wine glass, leaned forward, and stared at the opposite demon: "You have to look to the future. As long as you can be selected by the time company, what is the price? You can earn it again after losing the house, and miss that opportunity. But I will regret it for life. "

The demon bit his lip, and finally nodded: "Okay! If you can convince Miyamoto Musashi to sell us the water of the contract, I will find a way to meet his conditions. But our hatred with the **** of killing, .T is bigger Even more, even if we are separated from the demons, it is still difficult to escape the killing of God. He is already so powerful that we can't deal with it. "

"I also took this into consideration!" The genie smiled, a look of wisdom beads in his hands, "The king of **** has mastered some secrets of becoming the king of the gods, the most important of which is 'break and remake'. "

"Break and remake?" Sky demon stunned.

"Yes! The **** of death and the emperor Huangquan went to the place of origin ~ www.readwn.com ~ for rebuilding! In fact, in our universe, it is almost impossible to become a **** king, at least from the understanding of the king of **** Looks like this, unless there is a way that the king of **** doesn't know. No matter whether he kills the **** or the sword king, even if he can get another adventure against the sky, he should not be the **** king. "

"Isn't it ok to get the crystal of the **** king?" Tianmo asked.

"Let ’s not say if the crystal of the **** king can be found, even if they get the crystal of the **** king, they must go to the place of origin to take that last step. But the place of origin is the focus of the next generation of virtual world" Origin ", so I guess, No one in this generation of virtual worlds can become the **** king, and must go to the place of origin to 'remake' it, but that is the thing of the next generation of virtual worlds. I have already obtained the 'remake' from the **** king The method is really impossible. We can go to the place of origin to rebuild. Anyway, we have to go through this step anyway. It's just a matter of time. "

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