Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1646: Demon Clan Arrival

"I don't know how the Lord God arranged it?" He asked.

"From the information found by the spies, there are dozens of virtual gods in the second world, and more than a thousand demi-gods. The strength of our first world is almost the same, which is considered to be evenly matched. Of course, the premise is that those allies in the second world If you do n’t intervene, if you count their allies, we wo n’t be able to fight, especially the five thousand **** domains currently led by the killing gods. If these people intervene, even our first world will be destroyed by them. So we must We will not be able to go until they are completely away from the Second World. "

The savage **** paused and continued to analyze: "After being attacked by these 5,000 gods, the Demon Universe will fully control the Universe to escape into the depths of the universe, and people such as God of Killing will continue to pursue. Wait for them to stay away from the second The world, when we ca n’t help in time, is when we start the second world. "

"What about the guardians of the second world? As guardians, they can't follow the killing gods and go to encircle the demons, they will definitely stay at the old nest." Tianyi asked again.

The Savage God shook his head and said, "Our goal is not to destroy the Second World. It must be a protracted war and it is difficult to succeed. Therefore, we can only attack the most important parts of the Second World and cut off their lifeline. No need to face the guardians. "

"Oh? What's the most important place?" Lu Ba asked curiously.

"Tree of the world!" The **** of God spit out a name and stared straight up at the direction of the second world in the sky. "At present, the tree of the world has become the lifeblood of the second world. We just need to stay in the sky outside the second world. Destroying the world tree from a distance can rebuild the second world. Therefore, our strategy is to concentrate our superior forces, kill them suddenly, and make quick decisions. Before they can respond effectively, they can achieve their strategic goals, which is better than attacking the whole The second world is much easier. "

"Master Savage is wise!" Wu complimented.

The **** with his hands on his shoulders sneered, "Moreover, the demons are not so easy to annihilate. Killing them must pay a huge price in the hands of the demons. When the second world suffers a double blow, it will be easy to deal with."

"Then how many people do we send to participate in the operation?" Lu Ba asked.

The Savage God glanced at the three of them and said: "The Savage God sent five virtual gods and fifty demigods. Each of your three races sent two virtual gods and twenty demigods; together with Mosto and Fei The eagle, the sea tide, and the evil spirits each sent one virtual **** and ten demigods. In addition, from the alien bases such as the Xueling World, Kyle World, and Dixu, we took back the ten virtual resident we were resident in. God and fifty demigods. Then contact our allies and ask them to send out twenty false gods and two hundred demigods. "

Tianyi counted: "In this way, together with our allies, we have formed a powerful team of 45 virtual gods and 400 demigods!"

"This is not all, I will instill my strength into the three great spirits, and let them fight too." Added the god.

"Is the three savage spirits fighting too? Is it too wasteful? Your power is poured into them, but you can't take them back." Xu said in surprise.

The Savage God shook his head: "We must be cautious to deal with the Second World. After the Savage Spirit enters a state of rage, the combat power can be compared to the gods themselves, so that they can sit back and relax! In addition, I have a trick that everyone can't guess. Hand, I have n’t used it for countless years. I hope I wo n’t use it this time. ”

When the three patriarchs heard the words of the Savage God, they immediately became practical and made so many deployments. In addition, this time it was a sneak attack. It was entirely possible to destroy the World Tree before the Second World reacted.

"Then let's call for people!" Lu Ba said hastily.

"Not in a hurry!" Savage reached out and stopped, "I can contact our allies at any time, and then temporarily assemble before the expedition. This is not a short time. This is a sneak attack. The strictest confidentiality must be achieved. It is now easy to assemble people. Expose. Secrets that you do n’t even know about yourself are truly confidential. ”


"Kill God, our demon tribe is also here." A careless voice sounded in the void, and a group of people came on the golden sunrise.

This is a group of powerful virtual gods. There are more than a dozen of them. They all have different looks. There are tree demon, fire demon, wolf demon, water demon, etc. Each has a striking demon tail.

At the forefront of the team was a rude man with long, lion-like blond hair, unbridled and open, showing a strong pectoral muscle, like a prodigal son.

Their arrival immediately caught everyone's attention. The more than 4,000 demigods from all over the universe, and even the strongest of the universe's top races such as Dream, Dragon, and War, all turned their heads to stare at these people.

The demon tribe is the descendant of the creation ancestor spirit demon ancestor, and it is also one of the top races in the universe. Its strength is second only to the dream tribe. They embraced the strong of other races, gathered various gods, and acquired races a bit like the demons. A more vivid statement should be a force.

The leading man came in front of Huang Yi and made a handshake gesture with a hearty smile: "Jiu Yang killed the **** name! My name is Shancheng Langzi, the lion king of the demon ancestors. It is everyone's responsibility to destroy the demons. The ancestors came to support. "

Huang Yi shook hands with him and nodded his head: "As far as I know, among the demon ancestors, what can be called" the emperor "and" the king "are all gods, such as the peerless demon emperor night sky of our heroic empire. Hua, may you also be a god? "

"Of course!" Shancheng prodigal smiled, "I merged the old lion king of the demon tribe, and replaced it, becoming the first god-given **** in the demon tribe. This is my avatar, my body is in the demon world, if If you are willing to be a guest in the demon world, I will certainly welcome you with the essence. "

"Somewhat interesting!" At this moment, the dream leader Meng Guitian smiled.

The Shancheng prodigal son is similar to him, and also merges his strong man, but he is fused with the dream ancestor of the Dream tribe, and Shancheng prodigal is a mortal god.

"You're just dreaming against sky! I don't know if it came from dreaming or the body?" Shancheng prodigal man also stretched out his hand toward dreaming sky.

"The great thing about destroying the Demon Clan is of course the coming of the body!" Meng Nitian shook hands with Shancheng Prodigal.

"The body?" Shancheng's prodigal smile was even brighter. "That is to say, in our joint army, there is a ancestral spirit like a creation?"

"More than one, my father will take action if necessary!" Said the Supreme Dragon.

"Our father will also shoot!" The war madman answered.

"And our father." Two voices rang out, one man and one woman, in unison.

Eight figures dimly glowing from the moon flew over from a distance, headed by a man and a woman, who are the twins of the Yue tribe.

The last moon to present a gift to Huang Yi was also included in it. She wore a beautiful moonlight gauze dress and had a beautiful face. Like a quiet and elegant moonlight goddess, she was indeed the player who won the best charm.

"You are finally here!" Huang Yi said hello, then clapped her hands, and said in a direction behind him: "Come out of the three of you, see your tribe!"

The voice fell, and under a leaf of the Tree of the World, three dim meniscuss suddenly flew out, came to the front of Shuangsha, became humanoid, and bowed towards them: "I've seen Shuangsha Lord."

"Eh? It's you guys ?!" Shuangsha stunned.

It turned out that these three moon tribe gods were the three moon tribe gods who were captured by Huang Yi when they helped the demons refine the Second World.

At that time, the three moon gods were attacked by Huang Yi and turned into an ancestor. They were seriously injured, and the Yueshuang brakes sent them back. As a result, they were intercepted halfway by Huang Yi's avatar and locked in a hero prison.

A few days ago, Huang Yi released them and signed a master-slave contract with them. The three of them have become Huang Yi's slaves.

However, they were seriously injured and their strength dropped greatly, and they could not play much role.

"Kill God, what do you mean? We have resolved the hatred, you should return these three clan people to us." Can Yue Yue stared coldly at Huang Yi.

"They are war criminals, how can I give them back to you." Huang Yi shook his head and said slowly, "Of course, if you are willing to pay the corresponding benefits in exchange for the three of them, then I should not let them go. You stood in the first place. The wrong team should have this awareness. "

"You ..." As soon as Can Yue wanted to speak, the male brake reached out to stop her, toward the three Yue people's virtual gods: "You stay well in the second world to heal, now the second world is a good place, the tree of the world There is a strong aura of heaven and earth, and the guardians of the second world are all well-known predecessors in history. Your stay here may be a good fortune. You should be the representatives of our Moon family in the second world! "

"Yes!" The three moon tribal gods nodded.

Huang Yi glanced at the Yueshuang brakes and shook his head slightly.

As the leaders of a top race, they are too soft and not as tough as Can Yue.

Before, they were indecisive when they helped the demons ~ www.readwn.com ~ Later, when Yuefu called them back, they were also full of hesitation. Now facing these three hostages, they have not submitted a request for exchange, but they have advised them to stay in Second world.

If you change to a leader like War Frenzy, this is definitely not the case.

Seeing that it was almost time, Huang Yi glanced down at the glance. The sun had shone through the earth and the ocean, and a new day officially came.

He immediately flew into the higher air, raised the butcher's knife, looked around at more than 5,000 Divine Strongmen in the audience, pointed directly at the moon in the distance, and said, "Friends from all over the universe! Since these epochs, the demons committed Sin is as many as the stars of the universe, and today we are going to make them pay! I, kill God, announce as the King of the Second World, and set off immediately to destroy the demons! "


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