Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1647: Bombard the moon

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in the direction of the moon, and the cloak rose high under the rising sun, dyed with a layer of golden color.

In a hurry, more than 5,000 masters of the Divine Land took off, all following him flying towards the moon.

The army formed by more than 5,000 gods covered the sky, and the breath sent out crushed the world, killing gods and slaughtering monsters, and no one could stop them.

The light of various artifacts and treasures is colorful and shining, and it is more dazzling than the stars.

Where they pass, interstellar space is constantly rippling like water waves, and all the light shining there will be refracted.

"Ice Queen, let's get started!" At this moment, Huang Yi, the incarnation of the second world, raised his head and said something towards the sky.

"Okay!" The words of the Snow Queen sounded in the sky, and then there was a sound of turning the pointer.

After a while, the red star in the distant starry sky suddenly shot out a vast red light, flashing the whole star field a blood red.

More than 5,000 Divine Strongmen were immediately attracted by this eye-catching red light, and they turned to look around.

"Boom!" The thick red light had cut through interstellar space, hitting the moon fiercely, blowing red waves of shock waves.

A large amount of lunar dirt was blown into outer space, exposing the demon small universe enchantment below.

Last time, the demons moved the moon between Red Star and the Second World. They wanted to prevent Georgia's support of the Second World at the time, but now it is easier for this artifact to attack the Moon.

To attack this place on the moon, Georgia's time is more effective than all other artifacts, because this is the holy dragon Georgia specially placed on the red star to deal with the demons.

The majestic energy on the Red Star can continuously provide the magic power for that artifact, continuously and violently hit the moon.

With the continuous blow of Red Star, deep pits gradually appeared on the moon, the soil on the surface was getting less and less, and more and more parts of the Demon Universe enchantment were exposed.

Looking at it from a distance, the moon is gradually not like the moon, and there are black holes exposed on it. The surface of the enchantment is not reflective, but the surface soil that can reflect is becoming less and less dim.

Finally, Huang Yi led more than 5,000 gods to the sky above the moon, and his eyes stared at it with indignation.

"Free attack!" Huang Yi gave a command at will, waving a butcher knife, struggling to split a knife towards the moon below.

The remaining five thousand **** domain strong also issued their own attacks.

In a moment, more than 5,000 devastating attacks, a brain pours out towards the moon below.

All kinds of brilliance completely covered the stars, bombarded the moon frantically, and blasted out dense shock waves.

The moon suddenly suffered the most violent devastation in history. It was bathed in the attacks of the powerful gods everywhere. The earth could not find an inch of tranquility. The bright moon turned into a fireball with colorful lights, more than fireworks Be brilliant.

After a while, the entire moon changed completely, the surface of the ground had been cleaned up, all the enchantments below were exposed, and became a black sphere.

However, the attack of the 5,000 **** domains has not stopped, and continues to pour out the vast power, which continuously blows on the enchantment, consuming the power within the enchantment.


In the Demon Universe.

All the demons raised their heads and looked at the boundaries of the small universe. The colorful attacking glare outside faintly shone in through the enchantment, illuminating their terrified faces.

Hundreds of demons felt the breath of the end, those low-level Warcraft panicked and wailed in the earth.

The demons above the realm of God are busy maintaining the stability of the small universe, and some of the forces that bombarded the enchantment scattered to them, making them bloody.

In a corner of Hell's Star, the demon and the genie are also busy maintaining the stability of the small universe, but did not do their best, just pretending.

The two looked at each other, and instead of panic, they were full of expectations.

They had previously reached a transaction intention with Miyamoto Musashi, and they paid a huge deposit through offline bank transfers.

As long as people outside weaken the enchantment of the small universe to a certain extent, the Yue tribe will let the killing gods and others enter the demon small universe, and Miyamoto Musashi can also come in and give them two bottles of contract water.

At this time, the four demon kings are presiding over the big picture on their respective planets, and they are the core force for maintaining the stability of the small universe.

"Their offensive was so fierce that any world would be destroyed."

"I thought that killing gods could only convene a thousand or two thousand **** domains, but I didn't expect to exceed five thousand."

"This power is far beyond our previous estimates and we can no longer resist it."

The king of destruction, the fallen king, and the king of darkness communicated with divine thoughts, all shocked.

They thought that if they hid in the cosmos, they would sit back and relax. One or two thousand **** domains are not in their eyes yet, but now there are five thousand **** domains, far exceeding their estimation.

Although the enchantment of the small universe is as solid as gold, this is based on the fact that they expend their power to maintain. The 5,000 strong will continue to consume it, and one day they will drain their power.

At that time, although the small universe can still persist, no one can stop the power outside. Those powers will be transmitted into the small universe through the enchantment, and all the endless demons will be shocked to death, even the virtual gods. It is difficult to resist, and the foundations of countless years will be destroyed, leaving them alone with a few demon kings.

"Everyone is obliged to make every effort to maintain the stability of the small universe. The king wants to control the small universe to leave the red star range ~ www.readwn.com ~ to go to the Black Star Black Hole." At this time, the majestic voice of the King of Hell sounded in the small universe, The planet echoed and passed into the ears of every demons.

Under the attack of more than 5,000 gods, the **** king finally decided to abandon this orbit of the moon and escape to the depths of the universe.

At that time, the reason why the small universe was selected at this position was to help stabilize it with the help of the gravity of the second world according to the principle of the small world satellite.

Once the small universe leaves the satellite orbit of the second world, it means that the gravity reinforcement of the second world will be lost, and the small universe will face a huge crisis of collapse. This lost power can only be made up by the demons themselves.

But they had to flee. There were more than 5,000 **** domains, which far exceeded their previous estimates. If they continue to do so, they just sit back and wait.

After a while, Huang Yi and others were surprised to find that the small universe of the Demons suddenly trembled violently and began to gallop towards the depths of the universe.

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