Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1648: 3 Savages

"Catch up quickly, don't let them run away, otherwise there will be endless trouble!" Huang Yi immediately caught up, and continued to attack the enchantment while chasing.

More than five thousand **** domains also moved with the universe. They attacked wherever it went, and they chased after each other.

Gradually, they are getting farther and farther from the Second World and into the depths of the interstellar.


First world.

The subordinate of the Savage God looked at the direction of the Second World, and saw that mighty divine power went to the depths of the universe, his mouth slightly raised, and said, "Sure enough, as I expected, the Demon Universe went to In the depths of the interstellar, they killed God and they caught up. "

"Master God is as good as God!" He continued to slap.

"What makes things look like God, I am already God." The barbaric God corrected.

"Yes, yes, the Lord God is not only the god, but also the strongest deity of the demon world, not far from the realm of the supreme god, and will soon be able to unify the demon world." Tianyi quickly replied.

"My sword is already hungry and thirsty! Will you set off for the Second World now?" Lu Ba couldn't wait to ask, his eyes full of warfare.

The wild **** shook his head: "Don't worry, the demons are not so easy to destroy. Let them continue to chase, the farther they can go, the better."

At the same time, below them, in the tree house among the lush foliage, the clone of the Savage God finally jumped off the back of the Savage Cow.

With a shake of his palm, he summoned three fierce beasts.

The three beasts are a tiger, a lion, and a wolf.

They were grim-faced, fangs grinned, exuding a strong barbaric breath, but motionless, without any breath, like three specimens.

These are the three savage spirits of the Savage God. They were originally three pets that were conquered when his body was not yet sealed.

But after a long period of time, these three pets have died. Because they have been cultivated by him all year round, and because of the affinity of his contractual power, these three pets were successfully refined into three powerful wild spirits.

The wild spirits are almost the same as the puppets. They do not belong to the category of creatures, but as long as they are infused with the power of the wild gods, they can temporarily recover and regain a powerful fighting force. And not subject to the rules of ordinary mortal realms, as long as the power of infusion is strong enough, they can temporarily reach the fighting power of the mortal **** after they are violent.

However, if they fight with the power of all gods, the power in the body will soon be consumed and they will become corpses again.

The savage **** squatted down, all six arms extended, and held the heads of three savage spirits in twos and began to infuse power.

The vast and mighty divine power poured out from the avatar of the Savage God and poured into the bodies of the three Savage Spirits.

Their breath suddenly became stronger and stronger, the still abdomen began to undulate, the dark eyes began to brighten, the blood vessels in the body came to the sound of blood, and it seemed to be gradually resurrected.

Correspondingly, the breath of this avatar becomes weaker and weaker.

Over the years, this avatar has accumulated majestic strength, far exceeding the limit that the outside world can withstand, and can only differentiate into a secondary avatar to go out.

Even with such vast power, infusion of three barbaric spirits into the level of all gods would consume a huge amount, greatly affecting the strength of this avatar.

But as long as the world tree can be destroyed, this loss is nothing. If the heart of life of the world tree can be obtained, it can even bring ten times the benefits.

Finally, after the long divine infusion of the Savage God, the strength of the three Savage Spirits reached their limits.

"Woohoo ~" There was a wolf howl from the evil wolf's hair, and the red divine sound wave spread out of his mouth.

"Roar!" The tiger shouted, and two tiger teeth glowed with cold light.

The male lion shook his head, his mane on his neck swelled open, and his majesty shone.

"I hope you will not disappoint my expectations." The pretty **** touched the heads of the three pretty spirits and said expectantly that the breath was far worse than before.

At this point, the power that he had accumulated over a long period of time had already been exhausted, and if he consumed even more, his avatar would be able to leave the barbaric temple without being restricted by outside rules.

"Go! Destroy the tree of the world!" The pretty **** patted the bodies of three wild spirits.

The three savage spirits shook their tails and rushed out of the savage temple immediately.

Above the canopy above, the sub-avatar of the Savage God finally turned to look at the three patriarchs, and commanded: "Go back immediately, call your God Realm team in person, and get ready to go."

"Yes!" The three patriarchs bowed their heads and then disappeared instantly.


Huang Yi and others did not know about the plot of the savage god. At this time, they were still pursuing the Demon Universe in the depths of the interstellar.

All kinds of attack rays, storms, and rain poured down on the enchantment, leaving gorgeous trails in the starry sky.

Along the way, they have passed through the worlds and rubbed across the planets.

The souls of those worlds saw their five thousand gods strongmen passing by, like five thousand dazzling large meteors across the starry sky, scared to the ground and worshiped respectfully.

This is a force sufficient to destroy any world. Fortunately, Huang Yi has strict orders and is not allowed to injure these worlds by mistake. Some reinforcements still come from these worlds, and they will also give out reminders.

After their long attack, the strength of the enchantment has been weakened a bit, indicating that the power of the demons in it has been consumed a lot.

"Attack for a while, the strength of the enchantment can meet the requirements, and then we can let you in." At this time, the Yuezu Shuangsha said toward Huang Yi.

Huang Yi nodded, turned and shouted toward the five thousand **** domain: "Everyone works harder, putting more pressure on the demons!"

The voice fell ~ www.readwn.com ~ The attacking brilliance of the Five Thousand Gods Realm was obviously brighter, and the power was upgraded by a level, which exploded the enchantment of the Demon Universe.

"Roar!" The mountain prodigal suddenly shook his body and turned into a majestic lion. He waved his claws wildly, and drawn **** claws in the void, forming blood claw marks and flying to the enchantment. Hit the densest area.

The group of demons and gods he brought with him all followed the stronger attack, hitting the same area, and the enchantment sank.

After having attacked for nearly half an hour like this, Yueshuang Brake nodded and said, "Okay! We can cast you into this small universe."

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the Five Thousand Gods Realm and exclaimed: "Everyone, let me go in alone and stir him upside down. When the time is right, I will let the next wave of people in. Everyone must act in strict accordance with the previous plan. Those who are not on the list must not go in to die. "

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