Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1649: Tyrant possession

"Well, let me in!" Huang Yi said towards the Yueshuang Shuangsha.

The Lunar Double Brake immediately switched to the body shape, turning into two bright moons, emitting two dazzling moonlights, and hitting somewhere in the enchantment at the same time, like a searchlight illuminating a circle.

After continuous exposure, the enchantment gradually changed its nature and became silver-white.

"You can go in!" Shuangsha said at the same time.

Huang Yi immediately fanned the dragon wings day by day and bumped into the enchantment.

The enchantment lost its resistance and made a wave of ripples, letting him rush in directly, like a stone thrown into the lake and disappeared.

"Boom!" As soon as Huang Yi went in, the sky's magma poured down like an ocean, endless, and sealed every inch of space.

These magma with the flames that burned everything, containing the ocean-like divine power, is enough to destroy the stars. The coercion alone can lock up the virtual **** strong and keep it from moving.

"I've been waiting for you to come in and die!" In the magma, the violent voice of the Lord of Destruction sounded.

This is his own body to attack, just to crush him to death the moment Huang Yi comes in.

Huang Yi waved the butcher knife, struggling towards the boundless magma, surrounded by 20 virtual **** souls on the butcher knife, and like 20 stars followed the blade to split on the magma.

"Boom" majestic force poured out, splitting a path stiffly in the boundless magma.

He immediately fanned the day by day, the dragon wings teleported out of the magma, without any injuries.

"Huh ?!" The Lord of Destruction sounded in surprise.

Huang Yi's current strength has completely surpassed the original Feng Angju, even if compared with the body of the King of Darkness and the Fallen King, it will not fall into the downwind.

The Lord of Destruction no longer has an overwhelming advantage against him, and even if Ontology has been waiting here for a long time, he cannot solve him with one stroke.

Huang Yi ignored the King of Destruction and headed for the four stars in the starry sky ahead.

His eyes were locked on a black planet, which should be the Dark Star of the Dark Lord.

Last time, the Lord of Darkness lost a clone and spread to the body. He is now the weakest of the four demon kings.

"Break!" The violent voice of the Lord of Destruction hurriedly chased from behind, holding the red-sharpened Destruction Axe in his hand, exuding the momentum of destruction, burning in the void, and raging flames.

But Huang Yi's day-to-day dragon wings were faster and disappeared at the end of his eyes in a blink of an eye.

The dark star is dark, and endless demons are perched on the planet.

Suddenly, a dazzling fire meteor appeared in the dark night sky, pierced through the darkness, illuminated the earth, and shook a shadow of a sorrowful demons.

In the end, this meteor hit the ground of the dark star fiercely, blasting a circle of vast shock waves, flying off the ground, and dying of countless demons.

Come here is Huang Yi!

He immediately fanned the wings of death behind him, galloping low in the dark star, wantonly breaking words.

Wherever it goes, the flames on the wings of death envelope the earth, there is a sea of ​​fire everywhere, it is burned to ashes everywhere, and countless demons are buried in the sea of ​​fire.

"Kill God, are you here to die?" At this moment, the voice of the King of Darkness sounded, echoing across the planet.

Deep in the dark, a round of black sun with gold rims suddenly flew on the ground around Huang Yi, spreading out into a black ball, covering him.

This is the magic weapon of the Dark King, the Wheel of Darkness, which swallows Huang Yi into the interior of the Black Sun.

"My king will destroy you with your own hands!" The flame body of the king of destruction finally appeared from the sky, picked up the axe of destruction, and fell straight towards Huang Yi.

"This time we won't give you any chance!" The voice of the fallen king suddenly sounded, crushing from the other direction with rolling pressure.

At this moment, the body of the three devil actually gave up all the things at hand, while besieging Huang Yi.

A man of God's gift in Huangyi District, at best competed with a demon king, but now the three demon kings suddenly came, apparently to kill him in an instant by thunder, without giving him any chance to escape.

"Very good!" Huang Yi smiled, and suddenly held up the butcher knife, fanned the four pairs of demon wings behind.

In a short time, the wings of death, wings of liberty, wings of guardianship, wings of killing, and the remaining two pairs of demon wings without fusion skills all became one and became a pair of huge red **** wings.

This pair of huge divine wings exudes the breath of gods, eternal and immortal, the endless red light dissipates the darkness, and turns the dark star into a red star.

The butcher's knife automatically spins up, forming a huge vortex, and the souls of ten false gods are directly sacrificed and thrown into the vortex.

In a moment, boiling sulfur magma appeared in the vortex, and the sound of ghosts and crying gods came from the depths, as if connected to hell, hundreds of millions of **** evil spirits were roaring, trying to rush out to ravage the world.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a large powerful hand stuck out of the vortex, grasping the vortex's boundary strongly, pulling his body outward, and jumping out of the vortex.

This is the body of a magnificent shore, exuding the majesty of the boundless king, and a pair of eyes looking down at the world, like the eternal ruler of billions of beings, the soul of a tyrant.

The tyrant turned his head and looked at Huang Yi, striding directly, rushing into Huang Yi's body with an irresistible majesty.

Huang Yi's eyes quickly became red, the breath was rising, eternal and immortal, just like the real gods in heaven, all things must submit to him.

But this is not over, his power is still rising, stronger than the gods, and finally has the momentum of the Lord of Heaven and Earth. He is like the Creator, and can create life and everything in between.

"This is ... the Lord God!" The Dark Lord's shocked voice sounded ~ www.readwn.com ~ This trick is exactly the artifact skill of the butcher knife-Eternal Wing. The tyrant possession in **** can be summoned, making Huang Yi temporarily possess the power of the main god, but the body is controlled by the tyrant until the power is exhausted.

In the past half-god, Huang Yi has not tried this skill, because the divine power in his body is not long enough to support it.

But now he has surpassed the virtual god, and has become similar to the creation ancestors. The divine power in the body is immense, and it is not much worse than the real god.

The only drawback is that he will enter a state of insanity, unable to control himself.

"Boom!" Huang Yi's crazy eyes looked in the direction of the King of Darkness, and two divine flames were shot in his eyes, pouring out the great power of the Lord God.

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