Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1650: Against God! Huang Yi singled out the 3 main demon bodies!

The black sun is like a black ball, imprisoning Huang Yi inside, forming a black ball-shaped enchantment, suspended in the void.

The two powerful flames blasting out of Huang Yi's eyes hit the ball-shaped enchantment severely.

"Boom!" The strength of Wei'an exploded, setting off a turbulent shock wave, but unable to rush out, but locked in a ball-shaped enchantment, tumbling back and forth frantically, repeatedly hitting the enchantment repeatedly, turning the black sun Dye the red sun.

Looking through the enchantment, I saw Huang Yi's silhouette standing in the center of the sun, and Wei Ran remained still under the turbulent wave of shock.

He held the butcher knife with one hand and slashed forward at will!

This knife is unskilled and consumes little divine power, but it is full of returning to true meaning and has more terrifying power.

The red spit was spit out on the blade, and a gorgeous red track was drawn, which was split on the black sun.

"Ka-chan ~" The black sun trembled fiercely, and a gap was suddenly cracked in the spherical nodule. The red divine light inside was ejected through the gap, forming a beam that cut through the darkness.

The knife ’s shock wave also could n’t spread out, and it continued to be locked inside the sphere. When it was superimposed with the previous shock wave, it became more violent, causing greater pressure on the enchantment, like locking a bomb.

"Don't think about it!" The king of darkness roared, and the body of monstrous magic and divine power spewed out, forming a mighty torrent, flowing across the sky and pouring into the black sun.

These are the powers that he has accumulated over the years. With a little less, after this battle, his strength will drop a lot, and it will take countless years to replenish it.

With this majestic spirit and blessing, the black sun enchantment was immediately strengthened, and the cracks showed signs of stitching.

The thick magic air once again masked Huang Yi, and his silhouette became hazy again. Only those **** eyes still appeared through the thick black magic gas, like two dazzling stars.

"Boom!" Huang Yi slashed again, pouring out the mighty power of the main **** again, and blasting on the enchantment.

"Ka-cha!" There were two new cracks in the enchantment, the black magic on the sphere quickly faded, and his silhouette of the mighty shore was exposed again.

He stood at the very center of the black sun, like a sun god, unstoppable. These forces infused by the king of darkness cannot make up for the damage caused by Huang Yi.

Looking at the entire history of the heavens, the tyrant is also one of the strongest gods.

In the realm, all the founding ancestors such as Zombie, Sagittarius, Ancestral Dragon, Light Source, Warlord, Xuanzun, etc. are not his opponents, only Cardo formed by the fusion of 100 million Cardol, and the **** The king can fight the tyrant head to head.

None of the remaining three demon kings is an opponent of the tyrant.

Even if the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Desolation are sealed, they are just two gods, and the Lord God has not been reached.

After the Lord of Destruction sealed down, he could reach the level of the Lord God, but it was only an ordinary Lord God, and there was still some distance from the tyrant.

What's more, the three demon kings are just gods. They have not experienced the baptism of gods. There is no **** in the body, no privileges of the gods, and they are not opponents of tyrants.

"Boom boom!" Huang Yi's silhouette chopped tirelessly, the consumption of each knife was very small, but the power pouring out was very horrible, bombing the enchantment of the black sun again and again, violently Shock wave.

There are more and more cracks in the enchantment, which are more and more dense, and spread throughout the sphere like a spider web.

However, the shock waves he split again and again did not leak out, but accumulated in the sphere, repeatedly hitting the buildup repeatedly, causing increasing pressure, making it difficult for the black sun to maintain stability.

The King of Darkness has exerted all his strength and accumulated countless years of power pouring out like the flood of a dyke, but cannot fill the consumption of the black sun, watching it become more and more fragile.

Once the black sun shatters, the main horror **** locked in it can break through the ball and descend into the small universe of the demons, bringing devastating disaster.

"Quick, help me stabilize the dark sun! I can't hold it up!" The King of Darkness finally softened, and just delivered so much power, his strength dropped by a quarter, he didn't dare to continue anymore, only Able to ask the fallen and destroyed kings for help.

The fallen king and the king of destruction instantly appeared in the other two positions of the black sun, pouring out the vast divine power and magic energy, forming two torrents, and pouring them on the black sun together.

The three demon kings formed a solid triangle, trapped the black sun forcibly in it, poured out three torrents, and continuously supplemented the black sun.

At this moment, the black sun finally stabilized again, and the endless magical energy once again covered the yellow overflow inside, and his silhouette could no longer be seen.

But this cost is very heavy. The three demon kings have consumed and accumulated countless years of strength, and their strength is constantly falling.

Even if Huang Yi died in it, they would lose a lot, far from their previous strength.

Moreover, all three of them were dragged by Huang Yi, unable to pull away to stabilize the small universe of the Demons, and the power of more than 5,000 Divine Strongmen outside immediately penetrated the barrier of the enchantment and penetrated into a small part.

More than five thousand **** domains, even if only a small amount of power penetrates them, are enough to cause terrible catastrophes.

In a short time, the small universe was collapsing everywhere. There were sorrows and blood on the four planets, and blood flowed into the river. Countless demons were shocked to death by these forces, and even the demigods were under tremendous pressure.

"Darkness, degeneration, and destruction, you quickly killed him, and I stabilize the universe first." At this moment, the voice of the king of **** sounded.

He no longer used his power to control the movement of the small universe, but to stabilize the small universe of the demons.

The galloping Universe finally stopped, the escape plan was suspended, and it was forced to face a war.

The outside world of more than five thousand gods also stopped at the same time, encircling the Demon Universe from all directions, pouring out more than five thousand torrents of attack, and the colorful light completely drowned the enchantment.


Among the black sun, Huang Yi still waved the butcher knife frantically, hitting the enchantment of the black sun again and again, pouring out violent power.

Under the simultaneous blessing of the three major demon kings, the black sun was firm and extreme, Huang Yi had been unable to crack the cracks, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

The Lord God is not only powerful, but also reaches the peak in the use of divine power. With the same divine power consumption, he can exert more power.

"Boom ~" At this time, after Huang Yi split a knife, blood-red eyes finally recovered the clarity, the breath on his body suddenly dropped, the huge pair of eternal wings behind him spread out, and re-differentiated into six pairs of demon wings.

The time for the tyrant's possession was over, and he returned to his original strength.

A sense of emptiness struck immediately, and the divine power in his body had been drained, and he was caught in the extremely weak sequelae.

"Is it finally over? Kill God, and welcome my anger!" The King of Dark laughed, and suddenly controlled the black sun, pressing down in the middle.

In a short time, the black sun shrank violently into the middle, and the power of the three demon kings all ran on Huang Yi's body, instantly taking away all his life.

"[System Tip]: You have lost all your health. Since you are a new generation of death god, and you control the death rules, do you agree with your death?"

Huang Yi shook his head: "Disagree!"

"[System prompt]: You vetoed your death. Within 24 hours, you will have the ability to immortal."

The next moment, Huang Yi was still well in the dark sun, without any injuries.

"Huh? What's the matter ?!" The King of Darkness sounded in surprise, the fallen King and the King of Destruction staring at Huang Yi inside.

He was obviously weak to the extreme, and could easily run to death, but he still survived.

Huang Yi smiled and said, "Do you know why I dare to break in alone? Because I can veto my death, both as a player and a referee."

The three devil kings were shocked!

Be a player and referee! How can this be lost?

The contest between the two sides should have been based on a fair referee. Whoever died would lose. Death should be fair to anyone. No matter how powerful a master dies, there will be no death, even a master **** like a tyrant.

But now Huang Yi comes to be the referee himself, he doesn't agree with his death, how can he fight?

"Also, can this be?"

"Vot yourself to death ?!"

"How could this happen ?!"

The three devil murmured dullly!

For countless years, they have only seen the **** of death veto the death of others, but the **** of death has never died. They do not know whether the **** of death can veto their own death.

A while ago, the **** of death died in the place of origin, there is not the scope of this universe, the rules of death control do not work.

Huang Yi's death veto this time is the first time since the creation of the universe that God of Death vetoed his own death.

In this universe, no one except Death King can kill Death, and no injury can make Death lose his life.

Death means immortality!

At this moment, Huang Yi shook his palm and pulled out a large number of **** spar from the storage ring, and then directly put it into his mouth. Then he waved the butcher knife and sacrificed the remaining 10 souls. Again!"

The next moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ The six pairs of demon wings behind him suddenly merged again, and turned into a pair of huge red divine wings again, turning the black sun into a red sun again.

The butcher's knife revolved again, drawing a huge vortex, and the sulfur magma sputtered inside, and the voice of the ghost crying and shouting came again, which connected the **** again.

"Boom!" A familiar figure jumped out of the vortex and appeared inside the black sun.

This figure is truly a tyrant!

He is back!

The next moment, he took a step and walked towards Huang Yi, fused with him.

Tyrant, come again!

.. m.

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