Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1651: King of Hell

Huang Yi's breath climbed again and again, returning to the strength of the former god.

The large spar he swallowed melted instantly, replenishing the dry divine power in his body, which could support the tyrant to continue his attack.

"Boom boom!" Huang Yi waved his butcher knife, and continued to slash the enchantment of the black sun, exploding a vast wave of shock waves, converging with the shock wave of the previous possession, and was squeezed inside, could not To release.

"Damn! How could this be!" The Dark Lord roared, trying to maintain the stability of the Black Sun.

The other two demon kings were also furious. Huang Yi not only failed to kill, but also transformed into the main **** twice. How can this be fought?

With Huang Yi's successive attacks, and the massive shock wave pressure accumulated before, the black sun trembled violently, even if the three demon kings were transmitting power at the same time, it could not be suppressed.

The pressure revealed in the black sun made all three demon kings feel terrified. It was a bomb that had been suppressed for a long time. Once it exploded, the consequences were unthinkable.

"Boom!" Finally, after Huang Yi split a knife again, the black sun imprisoned him finally burst.

At that moment, it was like a real sun exploded!

The violent shock waves that had accumulated in the sphere before were finally released and swept away towards the outside, destroying everything and destroying everything!

The three demon kings were hit hard by this violent shock wave, and all flew out.

And the body of Huang Yi's mighty shore finally appeared in the small universe of the Demons unhindered. He stood in the void, like a heavenly god, and no one could stop it!

The breath of divine power of the Lord God's shore, as dazzling and bright as the red scorching sun, spread to the entire dark star in an instant, and countless creatures trembled suddenly, panic-stricken.

Not only that, this breath also spread to other areas of the small universe. All the demons were aware of the existence of a horrible existence of the dark star. Turning their heads and looking over, we can see that the planet glowed with dazzling blood.

Huang Yi subconsciously locked the weakest King of Darkness, and rushed forward with a flutter of his body, waving a butcher knife, and chopped it at will.

This knife was simple, but it was impossible to dodge. The dark king tried to resist, but was eventually cut.

"Oh!" The slaughter knife sank into the Dark Lord's body, splitting a terrible wound, and the blood of the demon splattered with a little light.

The King of Darkness was hit hard!

He had previously died of a powerful clone outside the Second World, and had just lost more than 30% of his strength just to maintain the stability of the Black Sun, and now was the weakest time in his several epochs.

"Stop him!" Said the Dark Lord in a panic, and trembled.

"Huh!" The Destroyer snorted, the Destroyer's Axe slashed towards Huang Yi, the raging flames burned the void, and the hot magma surrounded the whole body, full of momentum!

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the Lord of Destruction at will, his blood-red eyes seemed to have seen through him, and he waved the butcher knife upwards.

"Boom!" The slaughter knife and the axe of destruction slammed together, and the mighty power of the Lord God passed through the axe of destruction to the king of destruction, knocking him out.

"The fallen gate!" At this moment, the fallen king summoned his magic weapon immediately.

A huge iron cyan portal appeared in the void, and hundreds of millions of souls poured out of the portal, converging into a billowing torrent, rushing out roaringly.

Each spray is a struggling soul. Most of them have distorted faces, their eyes are exuded with depraved breath, and they rushed towards Huang Yi frantically.

The Fallen Gate is a magic weapon modeled after the legendary Hell's Gate. It has been used to stabilize the Demon Universe before, and it is rarely used by the Fallen King to confront the enemy.

It can summon the souls of all the creatures killed by the fallen king in history.

Since the long years, the fallen king has killed an endless number of people, including even those who are powerful.

"Boom ~" Hundreds of turbulent souls flooded Huang Yi's body, and the roar of the souls of various **** domains drowned him.

But Huang Yi and Wei Ran didn't move. After the torrent of soul hit him, a huge wave sprayed out, but he couldn't let him move.

He picked up the butcher knife, went up against the current of soul, set off a huge wave, and rushed to the fallen king in an instant, splitting instantly.

"Oh!" The fallen king's body flew upside down, vomiting demonic blood in his mouth, and his magical qi was disordered.

"Come again! Come again!" The Destroyer raised the Destroyer's Axe, and rushed towards Huang Yi frantically.

The King of Darkness also bombed down with a monstrous aura, and the black death light shone on Huang Yi's head again.

The fallen king held up a black shield and led the flood of souls from the fallen gate. He ran into Huang Yi from the other direction, and it was like a flood of war.

At this moment, the three demon kings attacked Huang Yi from three different directions at the same time.

Huang Yi's face was cold and solemn.

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" The butcher knife was split on the King of Destruction, the King of Darkness, and the King of Fallen in turn.

All three demon kings flew out, and no one could stop the blow!

Huang Yi's surroundings were emptied in an instant, leaving him alone, as if the center of the universe, everything must be surrendered to the tyrant.

"Huh! An unconscious soul, dare to be so arrogant!" Just then, the voice of the King of Hell finally sounded.

The next moment, a mighty ghost appeared in front of Huang Yi, and a white palm split out.

"嘭 ~" Huang Yi was hit by this chapter at once, and his body took several big steps backwards.

With just one move, the King of Hell has achieved an effect that none of the three demon kings have achieved!

"The three of you are going to maintain the little universe, and I will deal with him," the **** king ordered.

The three demon kings quickly retreated, disappearing instantly into the dark star, busy to maintain the stability of the small universe ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi waved the butcher knife, and immediately rushed towards the king of hell, the butcher knife crossed a **** trace , Shenmang spit, broken space.

The King of Hell flashed in his hands, and took out his magic weapon, Hell's Hammer, and arbitrarily fought with Huang Yi, colliding with the butcher knife again and again.

"Boom boom!" A huge shock wave exploded in the dark star, spreading wildly, setting off a turbulent stream, and countless demons were killed by the aftermath of the battle.

The Dark Star became a **** on earth because of the battle between Huang Yi and the King of Hell.

At this time, the king of **** had full control of the fighting rhythm. He did not choose to dodge Huang Yi's attack, but instead deliberately opposed it.

With each battle, the boundless power shook Huang Yiqi and blood, and the divine power was intensified and consumed. It would not take long for all the divine power to be consumed.

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