Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1652: Invincible! The King of Hell singled out!

"Boom!" Huang Yi and the King of Hell have hit the other side of the Dark Star.

The ground where they passed was cracked, and whether it was a mountain or a forest, they were all flattened, messy and withered.

The King of Hell had the upper hand over Huang Yi, but did not form an absolute crushing advantage. He could not control the aftermath of the battle, and could only let it cause damage to the Dark Star.

Huang Yi refused to let anyone else in, but also because the tyrant lost control of the enemy and me. Being locked in a small universe can ensure maximum damage to the demons without accidentally hurting others.

In addition to being killed by the aftermath of the battle, many other creatures were poisoned by Huang Yi's death kiss.

And those who have the ability to escape from the gods have long escaped the dark star when Huang Yi was trapped in the black sun.

Now, the entire dark star has almost no life, and has become an empty dead star.

However, the Demon Universe is too big, and the damage that Huang Yi can cause is mostly limited to the dark stars, which has little impact on the other planets.

"Boom!" After a fight, Huang Yi's body trembled fiercely, blood-red eyes restored to clarity, and the huge pair of eternal wings behind them split into six pairs of demon wings.

The second tyrant's advent is over!

A huge sense of emptiness struck once again, Huang Yi was caught in a serious sequelae, and even a little of his power was gone.

But he was still in that state of immortality, and even now he was weak, the King of Hell could not kill him.

"Stay well!" The King of Hell shook his palm, took out a bling bag, and threw it at Huang Yi.

This swollen bag looks like a money bag with the crisp sound of gold coins colliding.

After it flew into the air, it swelled rapidly, and the mouth of the bag was shrouded by Huang Yi.

"Hmm? The treasure bag of the greedy king!" Huang Yi recognized the bag, but was unable to struggle, and was immediately put into the bag.

This bag is exactly the famous magic weapon of the greedy king-[the treasure bag of the greedy king].

It is not a combat artifact, but an auxiliary artifact, like a treasure chest or treasure bag or something.

Historically, the greedy king carried this bag, greedily searching for various treasures in the world, and put them all in this bag, like a Jiangyang thief.

The baby in the bag cannot be used up. After taking it out, as long as you wait long enough, the baby will automatically appear in the bag.

For example, put a bottle of SS-grade [Yue Jing] into this treasure bag, and then take it out and drink it. Then, after hundreds of millions of years, a bottle of [Yue Jing] will appear in the bag. It ’s all there, and it never ends.

However, it is difficult to get out of this bag by yourself.

Huang Yi has been beaten out of tyrant status, and his strength is extremely weak. After being put into this bag, it is difficult to break free.

At this moment, the king of **** reached out and the treasure bag flew into his hand again and was taken away by him.


Outside the small universe, more than 5,000 Divine Powers are still attacking the small universe of the Demons.

They all felt that the resistance of the small universe enchantment had dropped a lot, and the resistance force inside was greatly consumed, but it was still unrealistic to directly break the small universe.

"Almost ready to go in!" At this moment, the Yuezu Shuangsha suddenly said to the blade, the Demon Universe was created on the basis of the Yuezu, and they could perceive that it had calmed down, indicating that Huang Yi had been suppressed. .

According to the plan made before, when Huang Yi entered, the army was led by the blade, and now they all have to listen to the blade.

The blade nodded, raised the blade of the emperor, and chanted, "Everyone, we are now entering the next stage of the plan. All the people who were listed before come to my side to gather, and we will immediately enter the Demon Universe."

The words fell, and a group of super first-class masters all came to the blade, including Meng Nitian, Shancheng Langzi, Can Yue, Dark Night Xiaotao, Miyamoto Musashi, .T and others.

In addition, the avatars of the three Supreme Dragon Emperors, the avatars of the three major war clan mortal leaders, and the avatars of the Lord of the Night also came to the blade.

This is the most powerful group of more than 5,000 gods, but it does not include those virtual **** NPCs.

Because people who go in need not only be strong, but also not afraid to die.

If these players of the blade receive a fatal blow, Huang Yi can use death veto to protect them, it is just to consume some reputation.

But Huang Yi couldn't veto the death of the NPC, so only the avatars of the gods can enter the NPC.

At this moment, the Moon Race double-brake fired two dazzling moonlights again and hit a certain area of ​​the enchantment at the same time. After a while, the enchantment gradually became silver-white.

"Let's go!" The blade slashed sharply, taking the lead towards the enchantment.

All the superb masters and the avatars of the gods all rushed in behind him,

Dozens of people slammed into the enchantment with a mighty wave, making a circle of ripples, and instantly melted inside.

As soon as these dozens of people broke in, they were suddenly hit by an immense amount of magical gas, and they were rushed into an instant and couldn't control themselves!

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!" The dim figure of the King of Hell stood in front of him, but it was just one person, but it felt like a mountain that could not be crossed, easily blocking their dozens of masters.

"Hmm!" The three supreme dragon emperors hummed at the same time and rushed towards the king of hell. The dragon scales reflected the bright light, and the claws of the dragons were cold and strong.

The fighters of the three war clans also took out their respective weapons, attacked the king of hell, poured out a mighty war, and infected dozens of powerful gods around them.

Everyone raised their weapons and rushed to the King of Hell from different directions!

Everyone here is a well-known strong in the universe. Those who are heaven-sent by the blade are reincarnations of various gods. Any one can stand alone, but now all besiege the king of hell.

"The people of Wuhe!" The King of Hell uttered a word, waving the King of Hell, struggling to the void under his feet.

"Boom!" Hell's Hammer slammed into the void fiercely, and that area seemed like a big explosion in the universe, spreading a vast blast of shock waves, blasting in all directions, sweeping everything.

Dozens of masters who rushed towards him were instantly rushed out by this shock wave, spraying blood one by one, and spilling the stars.

No one can fight against this large group of world-famous masters!

He is like the master of all things, the only one in the world, no one can appear around him, and everyone will be shaken in one move, and no one can come to his side!

"Don't fight with the king of hell, let's go and kill the other demons!" At this moment, the blade said loudly, and rushed in the other direction, trying to leave the king of hell.

"Boom!" The blade immediately flew backwards, drawing a golden trajectory in the starry sky, like a shooting star, and finally hit the boundary of the small universe and fell down.

The King of Hell appeared before the blade, slowly withdrawing the Hammer of Hell.

Everyone else flew in all directions, turned into dozens of streamers, and flew across the starry sky of the small universe without any rules.

"Eh! Eh! Eh!" A dense attack sounded, dozens of meteors were all extinguished, and they flew backwards, none of which ran out.

Dozens of masters were beaten back to their places, one by one, spitting blood violently, covering their chests, and disorderly breath.

Dozens of **** kings appeared in the void. They looked exactly the same, all holding a hammer of **** in their hands, standing in all directions of the void.

"Do you know what is the master?" The dozens of **** kings said at the same time, converging into a big chorus, "Master, is the invincible existence! This king has been the master of mortals for so many years, and no one has ever You can defeat me, not one! You can defeat my avatar, but you can never defeat my being. "

Dozens of experts suddenly turned blue, holding their weapons tightly.

"I won't believe it!" Thunder God roared, raised the pillar of Poseidon, and slammed into one of the **** kings with all his strength.

The King of Hell stood still, holding the Hammer's Hammer upwards.

"Boom!" The Pillar of Poseidon was immediately beaten back, and Thor was lifted out, hitting the boundary of the small universe severely.

"Continue to rush!" The pope wielded the lightning scepter, chopped out thousands of lightnings, and turned into a flash of lightning rushing into the distance.

"Boom ~" A thunder blast sounded, and the pope fell out of the sky array, and the thunder dissipated.

"Arcane Teleport!" Dante spit out a spell, his body glowing blue, teleported to a distance.

A snow-white palm split from the void, slammed into Dante's chest, and flew back.

"Faith takes us anywhere!" Pharaoh spit out a verse, and the "Bible of Faith" burst into countless golden texts, covering his whole body, and rushing towards the distance.

Hell's Hammer suddenly descended, breaking the scriptures around Pharaoh and stopping in mid-air.

"The night is full!" The dark night enveloped the audience instantly, and the Lord of the Night melted into the night, spreading toward the depths of the small universe.

The next moment, the night dissipated, and the Lord of the Night returned instantly, bending over and covering his stomach in pain.

"Thousands of battle shadows!" The war mad roared and divided into tens of thousands of phantoms, covering every corner of the space, all rushing out together.

Hell's Hammer has also turned into a million, breaking all phantoms in an instant, leaving only a war mad man flying to the boundary of the small universe.

The dragon stab figure fluttered ~ www.readwn.com ~ instantaneously, and sneaked into the distance.

"Oh!" His body appeared halfway, with a **** hammer on him.

Dozens of world-heavy players tried their best, but no matter how hard they tried, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break through the defense line of the **** king.

The King of Hell is an invincible enemy.


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