Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1653: Core of the Universe

"Do you really think you can destroy the demons? With my king of hell, the demons will never die!" Said the king of **** solemnly.

Even to this point, he still carries the pride of the superior, as if the decline of the demons is irrelevant, as long as he is still alive, he can rise again.

The blades and other faces were very blue. They thought that this was a battle that would win. More than 5,000 **** domain strong men were enough to destroy any force. But now, their most elite force is blocked by the **** king alone.

How can this destroy the demons?


In the **** star, the genie and the demon are still pretending to maintain the stability of the universe, and from time to time they turn their heads to look at the distance.

"Why isn't Miyamoto Musashi coming yet?" The genie frowned, anxious.

The damage infiltrated by the more than 5,000 gods outside is getting bigger and bigger, and if this continues, those low-level demons will be shaken to death, leaving them only the high-level demons, when they will not be able to touch the fish in muddy water.

"I sent a message to ask him," said the demon, and immediately sent a message to Miyamoto Musashi.

After a while, Tianmo received a reply from Miyamoto Musashi, and immediately frowned, saying, "They have come in, but they are blocked by the king of **** and cannot come."

"Is blocked by the King of Hell ?!" The genie touched his chin and groaned. "This is a bit difficult to do! If the King of Hell wants to keep the demons, he will surely block them at all costs. By their power alone It's hard to rush in. "

The demon bit his lip, and his heart was more anxious than the genie.

They paid the deposit. He started from scratch and has only accumulated a little bit of assets until now.

This deposit is a big number for him. If something happens, his heart will bleed.

Thinking for a moment, he suddenly felt faint and said, "Shall we help them?"

"Oh? How can I help?" The genie turned to look at him.

The demon bit his lip and said, "Let's go to Hell's Temple, pretending to destroy the core of the small universe, and let the king of **** think that foreign enemies have sneaked in. He will definitely come back to rescue and give up blocking Miyamoto Musashi."

"You can't see it, you are so brave, you can even figure out this method, and you are not afraid to be found by the king of hell?" The genie squinted and looked at the demon, as if he had known him for the first time.

"I've invested so much money, but I don't want to see anything change." Tianmo's face was ruthless, and the desperate madness flashed in his eyes.

"Okay! Anyway, we can't be trapped here with the Demons, otherwise the struggle in recent years will be wasted. We must break away from the Demons and regain our freedom." The genie nodded.

Next, the two immediately turned into two streamers and rushed towards the hall of hell.

The Hell Hall is the palace of the King of Hell. There is no guard here, because the body of the Hell King usually sits in this magic hall. He is the strongest of the demons and does not need anyone to guard.

For countless years, very few outsiders have broken into the Devil's Universe, let alone broke into this magic hall.

It didn't take long for the demon and the genie to arrive at the hall of hell.

The building complex of the magic hall can't see the head at a glance. The buildings are magnificent and tall. Even if they fly into the air, they need to raise their heads to see the top of the building, exuding trembling pressure.

Among them is a huge black magic tower, and a huge torrent of magic gas gushes out from the top, which is continuously injected into the sky and disappears into the clouds.

Even at such a long distance, you can feel the huge torrential impact of the magic tower, space shocks, raging winds, and people under the demigods ca n’t even come here. They are blown by the wind before they get close. Ran.

Inside the black giant tower, the core of the Demon Universe is hidden.

The two immediately flew towards the magic tower, and they flew between this huge building complex, just like two tiny flies.

The building complex here is full of deadly magic. Once outsiders break in, they will be drowned by endless magic, and even the bones will be rotten.

But the demons and spirit demons themselves are demons, these demons failed to hurt them, and went in very smoothly.

Soon, the demon and the genie came in front of the tower.

Viewed from a close distance, the torrent rushing out of the top of the magic tower is even more spectacular and shocking. There are countless souls mixed in that torrent, roaring and screaming frantically, and converging into a turbulent impact.

It seems that there is a terrible **** connected to this magic tower, and endless **** spirits are rushing up and destroying everything.

This giant tower is a thick defense layer, without any window and door entrance. If you want to go in, you can only go down from the jet of this magic gas torrent at the top and rush into the interior of the tower.

"Let's go!" Tianmo glanced at the genie.

The genie nodded, and both of them plunged into the torrent of magical energy and disappeared into it.

After entering the torrent of magic gas, the two immediately felt a huge impact. Even the top powerhouses like them were uncomfortable. Fortunately, the magic qi in the torrent would not corrode them, otherwise they would have to be hit hard.

In the torrent, the two went against the current with the impact of hundreds of millions of **** evil spirits.

The roaring, struggling, screaming, mourning sounds of countless evil spirits ... all kinds of sharp and harsh sounds roared in their ears, endless and unbearable, it seems that all the painful sounds of the world have come to mind .

After a bit of pain, they finally rushed into the interior of the giant tower.

The middle area of ​​this giant tower is a constantly rotating black magic ball. On the outside is a layer of smooth enchantment. Inside it is dark and energetic, emitting dense high pressure, as if condensing a universe.

The torrent of magical gas rushed out of this black magic ball, flowing endlessly, as if it would never dry up.

The magic ball was empty around it, and the genie and the demon stood around and finally breathed.

The genie looked at the black magic ball in the middle and said suddenly: "The core of the small universe is like this."

"Here is the lifeblood of the Demons!" Tianmo looked dignified ~ www.readwn.com ~ squinted his eyes, "but even the top strong man like us, it is difficult to destroy this core. If you are here, you wo n’t know How long will it take to bring back the King of Hell. "

Then, he turned to look at the genie and said, "Go ahead!"

The demon pulled out a hunting knife, and the vast divine power flowed out of the body, pouring into the hunting knife frantically.

The hunting knife suddenly became red, and the blade became red, spraying red gods.

He held up his hunting knife, struggling to split down towards that core.


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