Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1654: Betrayal of the demon and the genie! lie!

"Boom!" The immense force suddenly burst into the core, shaking the giant tower slightly.

The core immediately trembled violently, and the dense high-pressure atmosphere inside it was disturbed.

Looking in through the enchantment, there were dense flashes of light, like countless stars in a small universe shaking.

"Boom!" The genie's attack followed immediately, blasting on the core, causing the core to shrink for a while, and the torrent of magic gas suddenly became intermittent.

As soon as the torrent of magic gas that soared to the sky broke, it immediately affected the entire Demon Universe.

The enchantment of the small universe became weaker in time, and it was difficult to stop the attack of the more than 5,000 Divine Powers outside, and infiltrated most of the power at once.

"Boom!" The Mozu Universe was immediately damaged, the space collapsed, various forces raged everywhere, and hundreds of millions of Mozu were shaken into dregs in no time.

"Huh ?!" The King of Hell is at war with everyone. As soon as he sees the changes in the small universe, he immediately understands that there is something wrong with the core of the small universe.

Dozens of strong men, such as the blade, suddenly stared at each other. They had been beaten by the King of Hell, but now the King of Hell has taken the initiative to leave.

"How is this going?"

"It just seemed that this little universe suddenly weakened a bit."

"Will it be killing God?"

Everyone thought of Huang Yi first, because he had already come in before, but he didn't die. It is likely that he caused this phenomenon.

"Don't worry about that much, go everywhere and destroy! The living force that slaughtered the Demons." Blade quickly said.

The others also dispersed, with turbulent momentum, and went to the four planets in front of each other to avoid being killed by the King of Hell when they returned.

Among them, Miyamoto Musashi's direction is very special, he did not go to any planet, but flew to a remote star field in the small universe.

The demon's small universe is very vast. In addition to the planets of several demon kings, there are countless asteroids scattered in the vast starry sky, and most areas are remote.

"Miyamoto Musashi, what are you going over there?" The blade suddenly called Miyamoto Musashi, staring at him like a torch.

Miyamoto Musashi stopped immediately, looked back at the blade, and said, "I'm going to solve the genie and the demon. I'm very familiar with the small universe, and I know where they hide."

"Oh? The spirit demon and the demon? This is an important goal. I go with you!" Suddenly, Thunder God volunteered to fly to Miyamoto Musashi, asking him to go with him.

"No no no, I'll be enough! You go elsewhere!" Miyamoto Musashi quickly shook his head.

"Heaven and Genie are two new kings, with endless means, harder to kill than twenty false gods. We have a few more people to be more sure to kill them." Thor insisted, without moving his footsteps.

"Many people are easy to expose, but they will not succeed. You can rest assured, I have full confidence to solve them." Miyamoto Musashi smiled, with a brazen appearance.

"But ..." Thor still wanted to persist, but the blade suddenly stopped him, "Thunder came back! Let him go alone, let's go somewhere else."

"Okay!" Thor took a deep look at Miyamoto Musashi, then retreated to the blade.

Miyamoto Musashi nodded and continued to fly forward, and soon disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

Thunder God looked at the direction he was leaving, his face cooled down and said: "I am afraid that Miyamoto Musashi has a conspiracy. He has too much bad thoughts, and I don't know if it really is with us. Why do you stop me from following me? he?"

The blade looked right and said, "Employment is unquestionable, suspect is not used. Before killing God, he agreed to put him on the list. Certainly, we have considered all kinds of situations. At this time, it is best that we do not have differences within ourselves, but believe him. Just once! "

"Okay! I hope he doesn't live up to our trust!" Thor nodded, squinting his eyes slightly.

"Let's go!" The blade immediately flew towards the dark star.


The King of Hell crossed the starry sky, crossed mountains and mountains, teleported, teleported, super-speed of light and other means came out, and soon returned to Hell's Temple, and came to the giant tower.

At this time, the demon and the genie were just outside the giant tower.

They clasped their weapons and flew around the magic tower, looking around, guarding the tower with all their strength.

"I've seen the Lord of Hell!" The demon and the spirit demon bowed their heads respectfully when they saw the arrival of the king of hell.

"What's going on?" The **** king asked.

"Just now we noticed a change here and rushed over the first time, but we didn't see anyone." Tian Momian said unchanged.

The genie also helped: "After that person attacked for a while, I found that it was not so easy to destroy the core of the small universe, so hurry up and escape!"

After listening to the words of the two, the King of Hell hung quietly in the air without speaking.

The spirits of the demons and genies hung high, cold sweat came from their foreheads, and they dared not see the king of hell.

In front of the Hell King of the Hell King, they had no resistance at all, but could only lower their heads and tremble inside.

The reason why they did not run away just now is because the risk of escape is greater. They simply stay here to pretend to be here to rescue, and do not know if they can fool the king of hell.

Time passed by every second, the hearts of the two of them also grew faster and faster, and the King of Hell did not speak, making them more and more disturbed.

"I just sensed every inch of space here, and you have the breath left in the tower." At this moment, the king of **** said lightly.

The spirits of the demons and spirits trembled, and one heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Yes! We went in and searched and found no enemies." The genie nodded, and a drop of cold sweat on his forehead fell down.

"According to our analysis, this person is not afraid of magic gas corrosion, has great strength to enter the giant tower, and has extremely fast means of escape. At the same time, only those who possess these abilities can kill God ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is nothing he can't do in this world. "Tianmo quickly hurried out a guess.

"God-killing has been imprisoned in my treasure bag." The King of Hell's voice still had no emotion.

The two of them suddenly froze. They only knew that Huang Yi had come in, but they didn't know the specific battle result between him and the King of Hell. They thought that Huang Yi had fled, and they did not expect to be locked in a treasure bag. There was no chance of committing a crime.

"Well, will that be his incarnation? His avatar is also very powerful and can do things that many people can't!" Tian Mo swallowed his throat, as if talking was almost unfavorable.

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Chapter 1654: Betrayal of the Demon and the Spirit Demon! lie! (Page 1/1)

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