Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1655: Worst in history! The end of the gods and spirits!

The King of Hell was silent again, not knowing what he was thinking.

The demons and spirit demons were afraid to breathe, lest they reveal any flaws.

"It's possible that the king only grasped his body, maybe his incarnation came in quietly, too," said Shen Sheng, the king of hell, with a softer tone. "It doesn't matter, it's not so easy to break here, now the sword king and others Destruction is happening everywhere, and the king is going to solve them, and you will go to rescue everywhere immediately. "

After that, his figure suddenly disappeared, the overwhelming coercion disappeared in an instant, and the air seemed to re-circulate, and the genie and the demon could breathe again.

In a short time, the two breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling a collapse, with cold sweat behind them.

Just now they almost couldn't stand it. If the King of Hell asks a few more questions, maybe they will show their flaws.

The breath of the king of **** is really terrible. Lying in front of him requires strong psychological quality, and a little carelessness will reveal something strange.

The two flew away quickly, and soon disappeared into the sky.


In the pocket of the King of Greed.

"Does this **** king treat me as a baby? He actually put me in a treasure bag!" Huang Yi whispered to himself, took out three spar stones from the storage ring, and threw them into the mouth.

These are his last three phantoms. He is now too high, and even if all three phantoms are digested and absorbed, he cannot fill the divine power in his body.

At this time, he was located in the endless Jinshan and Yinshan, looking at gold and silver jewellery everywhere, shining armors of magic soldiers everywhere, all kinds of medicaments were so dazzling that he couldn't see his head, many babies were unheard of. .

However, the characters at the level of the demon king should despise these things, but just give them to the demons as a reward, let them work harder.

These treasures are all covered with a faint film, which is tightly protected. Huang Yi is not the owner of these things, and can only watch them, neither can they be destroyed, nor can they be used.

"[System Tip]: [Arcane Reincarnation Dante] lost all his health. Since you are a new generation of death gods and you control the rules of death, do you agree with his death?"

At this moment, Huang Yi received a system prompt, and it seemed that the situation outside was very dangerous, and the elite masters began to suffer casualties.

"Disagree!" Huang Yi shook his head.

"[System Tip]: You have vetoed the death of Arcane Tenjin Incarnation Dante. Within 24 hours, the opponent will have the ability to immortalize."

Now, all players die, it's up to him.

However, there are 10 billion players in the world, and people die every moment. If everyone wants his consent, he will be annoyed, and his reputation is not enough.

Therefore, he set a condition before, except for a few particularly important people such as the skirt and skirt, players under God's realm will not be saved, and the same death rules as before.

And God domain players are the top handful of players, this group of people he still has to protect.

Huang Yi paced back and forth in the treasure bag, thinking about the way to escape.

He can try to use brute force, such as spending 100 points of Nefarem's power, fanning the killing wings ten times, making his strength soar tenfold, and forcibly trying to rush out, but he does not know whether such brute force will work .

Moreover, since he can be put into the treasure bag by the king of hell, it also shows that it is very likely that other people will also be put into this treasure bag. It is better that everyone thinks about going out together.


On a remote asteroid, Miyamoto Musashi is carrying his hands on his shoulders, looking at the four stars in the center of the sky. From time to time there were all kinds of chaos, and he stood here watching quietly, watching the fire across the bank, indifferent.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the void ahead, it was the spirit demon and the sky demon.

"How did you come here?" Miyamoto Musashi asked with a frown.

"The king of **** questioned us for a while, delaying a little time." Tianmo said, throwing the magic cloak [blood stained] behind him.

"No one is following? This is a secret matter!" Miyamoto Musashi turned to look around, his eyes full of caution.

"Relax! We are more careful than you about this, no one can follow us, nor the King of Hell!" The genie smiled confidently.

"That's good!" Miyamoto Musashi nodded his head, twitched his palms, took out two exquisite boxes, and handed them over. "These two bottles of contract water are expensive, but they are definitely worth the money, as long as you drink , You can get rid of the demons. Open the inspection and inspection. "

"Finally we can get rid of the demons!" The genie immediately took over a box and began to unpack it, looking forward.

Tian Mo also opened another box and laughed at it: "The King of Hell is so stupid that he thinks we can enslave us all our lives. How can there be such a cheap thing, we are the ones who want to seal God!"

"You can never seal God!"

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded all over the world!

The body of the king of hell, Naiwan, suddenly appeared in the void, as if the Lord had come and suppressed everything.

The demon and the genie trembled terribly, their eyes were full of terror, and they stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the **** king.

They are very careful, even the King of Hell cannot follow them, and they have absolute confidence.

"You, how did you come here?" Tian Mo murmured dullly.

"Go!" The genie and Musashi Miyamoto made an immediate decision, a dazzling light burst out on their bodies, and the vast divine power burst out.

"Can't walk!" Said the King of Hell slowly, reaching out his hand.

In a short time, the three of Miyamoto Musashi, the demon, and the demon found that they were trapped, and all the divine power in the body was frozen, making it difficult to move.

"Quick, drink the water of the contract!" Tianmo's eyes rolled round, trying to withstand the oppression, struggling to continue unpacking.

But his fingers were hard to move, only shaking violently. The box was clearly in his hand, but he couldn't open it.

"What's the use of this thing!" The King of Hell waved his hand casually, and the two boxes instantly exploded into powder.

The hands of the two were empty and empty, and the water of the contract bought at a huge price was destroyed in front of them.

Tianmo stared blankly at his empty palm, his expression frozen, as if he had lost his mind.

Then his face twisted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, his eyes were cracked, his face flushed with redness--

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you don't hesitate as if you are a shrew like a shitless woman.

This is all bought in real gold and silver, so it was ruined in vain, and all the hard work of a few years was wasted!

"The more you struggle, the more excited I am, and the more painful you are, the happier I will be." The King of Hell's voice with a cruel smile, stretched out his hands at will, and made a move towards them.

In the next moment, countless magical energy evaporated from the demons and genies. The power of the demon king they had accumulated before, and the treasures previously given were all out of nowhere and flew to the king of hell.

Among them are impressively included the magical artifact [Blade of Pain] of the demon, and the artifact [blood-stained style] of the heavenly demon.

Deprived of the power of the demon king and these powerful artifacts, the two people were like shed pheasants. The momentum of the master of the world plummeted and became ordinary, showing their original shape.

"The reason why you have today's achievements is all thanks to me. You have received enough benefits, but now you want to betray me, how can it be so easy?" The King of Hell said, the "blood-stained style" has been Draped on him, replacing the black robe that had been destroyed. The blade of pain fell on his white palm.

His slender fingers rubbed the tip of the blade, and said quietly, "In what way you get it, you lose it. What you can easily get will definitely cost you in the future. The blade of pain is a good artifact, but unfortunately You did n’t make good use of it. Next, I will show you how to use it for yourself. "

As he said, he stretched out his hand, and the blade of pain slowly flew out, with cold light on the tip of the blade, slowly flying towards the genie with a serpent-like horror.

The genie stared at it in horror, struggling trembling violently, trying to escape.

But he was kept dead in place, and he could only watch the painful blade coming.

"Oh!" With his own eyes, the sharp blade of pain slowly cut a knife across his face, forming a slender wound.

The wound kept exuding a black gas, it seemed to be the imprint of the slave, it could never heal, it could never be erased.

At the same time, the divine power in his body leaked frantically from the wound on his face and dissipated between heaven and earth.

His breath also began to weaken, the wound could not heal, and the divine power in his body could only be leaked.

At this time, the sharp blade of pain alighted against the demon's face again, and slowly cut a wound.

His face cracked at speed, exposing bright red flesh, blackening and decaying, and the divine power in his body leaked from the wound.

"Oh!" The sharp blade of pain cut back and forth on the faces of Sky Demon and Genie, just like a thousand swords, Ling Chi was executed.

After a while, the two faces were covered with ugly black wounds, and the divine power that had accumulated in the body was leaking out quickly.

Soon, the two were empty inside, and all the divine power was leaked out.

"Okay! The fun part is here!" The voice of the king of **** was a bit of a perverted excitement, as if a fun experiment was about to be done on them both.

The words fell, and the sharp blade of pain quickly made a stab at the two.

In a moment, the bodies of both men trembled violently, and the breath emanating from the cliff plummeted, as if suddenly falling from the altar.

The effect of this knife is very obvious, and a qualitative change occurred instantly.

They are downgraded!

From the full level of level 300 to 299 level!

Fall from God Realm to Heaven Realm!

"Oh!" The blade of pain swept over them again, and they fell to level 298.

The Blade of Pain turned into a phantom, flicking frantically over them, letting them fall down level by level.

The levels that I have worked so hard over the past few years, just leave them so quickly. This is not the death level, but the level drop while alive.

This is even worse than reincarnation. Reincarnation is able to recover one level every day, but they can't recover now. If the level falls, it is really gone.

Dropping ranks is one of the effects of the Blade of Pain.

During the heroic national war, Huang Yi was killed by the Queen of Pain with the blade of pain to level 1; later, Thor still used the pillar of Poseidon's "Canghai Sangtian" to help him return to the original level.

But at this time, the genie and the demon did not have the ability to "cang hai chang tian", and even did not have the ability to move, they could only watch themselves falling down one by one.

This is true life is better than death. At least one level of death is dead, they can get rid of the current situation, and they can't even commit suicide now.

It is not possible to go offline. The combat status cannot be taken offline. Even if it is forced to go offline, the characters are still there, and they will continue to be attacked by the king of hell. The next time they go online, they may be a level 1 novice.

"The King of Hell is my grass. You. Mom! You dog **** ..." Tian Mo is still swearing, he has no sense, scolding the King of Hell as a real person, all kinds of dirty words keep going out Alas.

Anyway, his future is over. All the hard work in these years has been in vain, and even the reconstruction of the place of origin cannot be done, and in reality the large deposit given to Miyamoto Musashi is also wasted.

At the same time, his heart was full of regrets, and he knew it would be better to stay in the hands of the King of Hell honestly, and don't think about betrayal, so that at least it would stay as it is, unlike the wealth and money of today.

"You are dead to the end of the **** king, killing God will kill you, you will ... ohhhhhhhh before the demon scolds, the sharp blade of pain passes through his mouth and cuts his tongue After speaking, I couldn't speak.

Finally, after a long torture, the last stroke passed, and the two of them became Level 1.

Level 1, this is the level for all players when they first enter the virtual world, standard novice.

All the equipment on them had fallen off, smooth and smooth, leaving only pants, because they could not reach the wearing level of those equipment.

Most of their skills can not be used ~ www.readwn.com ~ either the level is not enough, or there is no divine power to support consumption.

All the honors once, all everything is gone.

In the ranks of superb masters, they have been completely removed.

Now, any player in the world can stab them to death with one finger.

The King of Hell finally withdrew the blade of pain and gave a satisfying laugh: "That's right, you can continue to level up and then continue to be killed by me. I will always be my slave. I will never be free. It is impossible to regenerate like an undefeated. You cannot survive, you cannot die. "


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