Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1656: The conspiracy! The demon and the genie are counted!

The king of **** waved his hand, and the demons and spirits suddenly suffered fatal injuries.

At the same time, Huang Yi in the treasure bag received two system prompts--

"[System Tip]: [The Destroyer · Genie] and [Sky Demon] lost all their lives. Since you are a new generation of death gods and you control the rules of death, do you agree with their death? Because they are [Hell of Wang Yanmo] contract servant, if you veto their death, it will cost 10 times the reputation. "

"Really successful?" Huang Yi smiled, and said cheerfully: "Agree!"

Idiots will save both of them, not to mention it will cost 10 times more reputation.

At the next moment, the outside demon and the genie suddenly exploded into the sky.

Then the King of Hell turned around and faced the solitary Miyamoto Musashi. In that dim figure, he seemed to shoot two substantive eyes and looked at him.

Miyamoto Musashi's face was calm, even with a smile on his mouth, he was not afraid of the king of hell.

"You're leading me here, are you looking for death?" The King of Hell flashed a palm and took out a black stone.

Miyamoto Musashi smiled and said, "I dare to attract you. Naturally, I have done everything, and any consequences have been considered. It is impossible for you to kill me to level 1."

In fact, he also held a black stone like this in his hand.

This stone, called Shennian Stone, is a tool used by important figures of the demons to contact the demon king from a long distance.

Miyamoto Musashi was also an important figure of the demons before, and it was just that he deliberately attracted the king of **** with the gods.

The King of Hell carried his hands on his back and said, "Emperor Wu, I have to admit that you and Vulcan are the best God-given people in my demons. If the demons and spirits are half as smart as you, they won't be reduced to this day It ’s a pity that the two of you have always kept your own secrets and have not been completely controlled by your own king, otherwise it will not be the two of them and you and Vulcan will be the new kings. "

"But if you know all our secrets, we will not be free." Miyamoto Musashi shook his head.

"There is a **** of killing, the king can't kill you, but you can't go, go in!" Said the king of hell, shaking his hand was a magical blast on Miyamoto Musashi.

Then he took the treasure bag out again and threw it towards Miyamoto Musashi. The mouth of the treasure bag swelled quickly, completely covering him.

"[System Tip]: [Wu Di] lost all his life. Since you are a new generation of death gods and you control the death rules, do you agree with his death?"

In the treasure bag, Huang Yi received a system prompt.

"Disagree!" He shook his head.

The next moment, before the eyes flashed, suddenly a figure was added, and it was Miyamoto Musashi.

"Kill God, our plan was successful, and the genie and the demon have been completely resolved." Miyamoto Musashi laughed.

"Congratulations, you made a lot of money for nothing." Huang Yi congratulated.

Miyamoto Musashi shrugged and said: "How can the water of contract be so easy to make, it took so much effort and time for me and Vulcan to barely make two bottles. To make them again, raw materials alone I do n’t know how long it will take to collect. Even if the demon and the genie give me more money, I ca n’t take out the water of the contract. . "

In fact, instead of dying in the hands of the king of **** and Huang Yi, the demon and genie were more likely to be killed by Miyamoto Musashi.

That day, the demon and the genie contacted Miyamoto Musashi and told him that he wanted to buy the contract water.

In such a short period of time, it was impossible for Miyamoto Musashi to make contract water, but he still agreed to the deal.

He can't rely on his account rightly, but must hack the money reasonably, so the transaction must be carried out.

However, in the real transaction, he could not come up with the real contractual water, and the impersonation of fake goods had no real effect.

Therefore, when the transaction is in progress, he must completely solve the two of them when the demon and the genie get the goods but do not check the goods.

And in such a short period of time, it is only the **** king who can completely solve the demon and the genie.

Therefore, Miyamoto Musashi prepared two boxes to disguise. After the demon and the genie got the boxes, they did not know whether there was water in the contract without opening the inspection.

However, Miyamoto Musashi couldn't let them put the packing box into the storage ring, and then they would dismantle it later, which would definitely reveal flaws, so he just asked the demons and genies to open the inspection on the spot.

That box was deliberately wrapped in many layers, like a matryoshka. A box was wrapped around a box in order to lengthen the opening time.

During this time, he drew the King of Hell and asked him to grasp the trade between the demon and the genie with his own eyes, and found that the demon and the genie were going to betray the demons.

With the temper of the King of Hell, he will definitely use the most cruel methods to deal with the two traitors, Tianmen and Genies, on the spot.

In the face of the strength of the king of hell, the demon spirit must have no time to resist. They were originally the contract servants of the king of hell, and they could be resolved instantly by the power of the contract.

In this way, the demon and the genie will be completely resolved if the inspection is too late.

Miyamoto Musashi can reasonably hack their money without being caught by them.

But in front of the King of Hell, he couldn't run away, so he still had to keep himself, and deduced everything that could happen.

The genie is caught by the king of hell, then the blade of pain will definitely be taken back by the king of hell.

Miyamoto Musashi stayed in the Demon for so long, it is clear that the degrading effect of the magic weapon, the effect is not unbreakable. In addition to the ability to trace back time in the sea, there are other solutions. Taking the medicine in advance is One way.

For Miyamoto Musashi, refining such a medicine is not a problem at all.

Originally, the plan was perfect, but he did not expect a variable-Huang Yi.

After .T joined the Second World side, Huang Yi did not fully trust them, but let the free organization closely monitor them.

The deposits of the demon and the genie were sent to Miyamoto Musashi through the bank, and this fund flow was monitored by the free organization.

This clearly shows that there must be some secrets of the demon and genie and Miyamoto Musashi.

Later, Miyamoto Musashi made a request to Huang Yi, hoping that the day when the old nest of the Demons would be destroyed, he would also be allowed to enter the Demonic Universe, and said that he was familiar with the Demonic Universe, and could be a team guide, hoping to impress Huang. overflow.

What did not expect was that Huang Yi actually rejected him and did not give him any chance.

Huang Yi knew that he had secret secrets with the Heavenly Demon, and naturally he would not let them meet.

Miyamoto Musashi's plan was stiffly stuck in Huang Yi.

Later, there was no other way. He could only disclose his plan to Huang Yi and confessed it completely.

The demons and genies are important figures of the demons, and it is very difficult to completely deal with them. If Miyamoto Musashi does not enter, they will not rebel from the demons, but stay in the demons to continue their effectiveness and strengthen the demons. Strength.

Huang Yi didn't want to let go of the demon and the genie. .T said that the sins of the two of them were deeper, not only killing the dean archer Ika, but also repeatedly threatening the Second World.

In particular, genies have once killed billions of online players worldwide with a plague of souls. Such people must not be let go.

Most of the bad things that .T does are concentrated in the national war. They are in collusion with the demons in order to win the national war, which is qualitatively different from the demon and the genie.

.T killed the Cursed King before rebelling against the Devil, which is a big credit.

After Huang Yi thought about it comprehensively, he decided to push the boat down the river and let Miyamoto Musashi execute this plan, and completely solve them both by the hand of the king of hell.

However, he made a request to Miyamoto Musashi to ask Miyamoto Musashi to prepare more potions so that every super-class master who entered the small universe can do a good job in order to prevent the king of **** from taking back the painful blade and killing everyone to level 1. . After all, the blade of pain is in the hands of the genie and in the hands of the king of hell, two very different concepts.

However, Huang Yi himself did not use the potion, he had the Dragon King constitution, and was not afraid of the level-off effect of the painful blade.

Miyamoto Musashi readily agreed to this condition. Refining the potion was not particularly troublesome for him, but he also asked Huang Yi not to tell anyone about the plan.

Later, when the plan was formulated, the people drafted a list of people who entered the small universe. Huang Yi blatantly included the name of Miyamoto Musashi, which was firmly opposed by many super-class experts such as Thor.

However, Huang Yi still insisted on his own way. Many people didn't understand why he did it, but he didn't elaborate, just to make everyone believe in Miyamoto Musashi once more.

Now that Miyamoto Musashi's plan has been successful, the demon and genie have been completely resolved, and he has also proved that he has not failed the trust of Huang Yi and others.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi ridiculed: "In fact, I have long seen that the genie and the demon are upset. When .T was reused by the king of hell, they did not know where they were still mixing. We dare not brazenly hit the demons The flags are arrogant and arrogant, they are sneaky to let the demons. The two idiots are so high-profile. After becoming the new king, they think they are invincible. They all have a price. The Pope saw it very clearly. During the national war, .T tried his best to invite him to join the demons, but he never agreed. "

Huang Yi nodded: "You have proven yourself, Thor will not embarrass you anymore."

"Most of our hatred was established during the National War. At that time, we were for the honor of our respective motherland. Now the world is integrated, and even the national honor value has been cancelled. The previous battles have no meaning. Their enemies are also demons. The demons are immortal, and Vulcan and I will always be pursued by them. You do n’t need to doubt our sincerity. ”Miyamoto Musashi said.

"[System Tip]: [Dark Night Xiaotao] has lost all his life. Since you are a new generation of death god, and you control the death rules, do you agree with his death?"

"[System Tip]: [Jan Yue] lost all his life. Since you are a new generation of death god, and you control the death rules, do you agree with his death?"

At this time, Huang Yi began to frequently receive news of his death, and he all rejected their death.

At the same time, these killed players were all put in treasure bags, sharing a room with him.

"We wait here first, others come in, and we go out together." Huang Yi turned his head and looked around the humanity.


At this time, the masters who entered the small universe were slaughtering and destroying everywhere.

Each of them is a BOSS, and they can cause a catastrophe in an area by their own power.

Every corner of the Demon Clan is outburst and chaos, invaded everywhere, dead people everywhere, and rescue is needed everywhere.

Coupled with the continuous attack of more than 5,000 Divine Powers outside, the Universe suddenly became a doomsday-like scene.

However, with the King of Hell's shots again, the chaos of the planets was gradually suppressed.

In the small universe, the King of Hell can differentiate into multiple avatars that exceed the limit of the power of the mortal world, and simultaneously attack various places.

The one who just killed the Soul and Genie is just one of his clones, and the other clones are dealing with various super-class masters.

"Boom!" In the Star of Hell, the avatar of the King of Hell punched out, and the scarred avatar of the war mad exploded.

This is the third avatar of the fallen god!

"Go in!" Among the fallen stars, the King of Hell's clone hammered the floating disturbance into empty blood, and then packed it into a treasure bag.

She is the eighth player to be placed in a treasure bag.

Now, the group of top masters who entered the Demon Universe is accelerating their decline.

However, the strongest superb leaders, including Blade, Thor, Pope, Dire Bear, Pharaoh, Dragon Spike, and the three Supreme Dragon Kings, are all intact. They are besieging an important person on the Dark Star ——

Lord of Darkness!

The King of Darkness is the weakest of the four remaining Demon Kings. After the previous fall, his strength is now less than half of his peak.

The siege and others who besieged him all grew up as a group of god-given people who possessed endless artifacts, reincarnation power, and other means.

Others are scattered on other planets, restraining the avatars of the King of Hell, and fighting for the time to siege the Lord of Darkness.

"You speed up ~ www.readwn.com ~ A clone of King of Hell is coming, I'll stop him!" At this moment, the Supreme Dragon urged, immediately fluttered the tail of the dragon, and flew in full speed in one direction .

"Your ants, don't want to kill me!" In the light of the attack of everyone, the roar of the Dark King came out.

But his roar was already strong.


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Chapter 1656: The Cause of the Conspiracy! The demon and the genie are counted! (Page 1/1)

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