Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1657: 3 Great Genesis Ancestors Arrive

Under the leadership of Qin Shiyu, more than 5,000 **** realms outside the Demon Universe are constantly bombarding the enchantment.

After they entered, the command of the court fell on Qin Shiyu.

They continued to exert pressure on the universe, holding down most of the Devil's strong, and many Devil were shocked to death by their infiltrated forces.

In addition, there are people from all over the world who continue to add in, making the size of the army larger and larger.

Their five thousand **** domain legion emits eye-catching divine smoke, spreading to the world at a speed faster than light, and can be seen everywhere. No matter where they move, they can guide the direction of all aid troops in the universe like a lighthouse. ,

"Lava War Demons, come and fight against the Demons!" Just then, a violent voice sounded from the depths of the interstellar.

As the voice fell, more than a dozen flame giants came out of the void, their bodies burning with flames, their skin cracking like rocks, exposing the magma flesh below.

The man headed was as dazzling as the scorching sun, exuding the breath that only God had.

He stared at the more than 5,000 **** domains, and a pair of eyes of flame glanced back and forth, as if looking for something, and said in a high voice, "Kill God? I am the new leader of the Lava War Demon family, Stellar King, came to make an alliance, and together Cruel the Devil. "

This person is the stellar king who had previously had a holiday with Huang Yi.

He was originally a character who could captivate God at any time, but because of the Sun occupying the second world, the Dark King disguised as Huang Yi played a lot, and then decided to stay in the realm as a mortal **** and integrate the lava war. Demons, revenge on demons.

"Welcome! God of Destroyer has entered the Demon Small Universe to fight in person. I am the current commander. You can choose an appropriate location to bomb the Demon Small Universe." Qin Shiyu responded.

"What's the point of playing outside, the old man will personally kill the King of Darkness, and I will only hate it if he doesn't kill him!" The stellar King said violently, his voice sounded like a rolling Honglei, like a remake of the King of Destruction.

"After entering, there will be danger to life! Killing God does not want any reinforcements to die. Those who can enter must have life-saving power." Qin Shiyu kindly advised.

"Huh! I do n’t need to worry about you, the old man is a god, this is just a clone of the old man, and he can't die! As for my men, all of them have left the 'tinder' on the volcano at the end, and even if they die, they will be able to resurrect. Doomsday volcano is born! "Insisted Stellar King.

Qin Shiyu froze Zhu Zhu's lips, re-examined them, and realized that they were indeed powerful one by one.

Although in addition to the Stellar King, others are masters at the level of virtual gods. One by one, they are angry and violent. If they really enter the demonic universe, it will cause a chaos.

Lava War Demon is also a top-level creature like Phoenix. Each is very powerful. Like Vulcan and Lord of Destruction are from the Lava War Demon family. The Doom Angel also has a part of the Lava War Demon bloodline. Just because of their small size, they were not included in the top races in the universe.

"Since you have the means to save your life, then go in!" Qin Shiyu finally nodded, and then turned his head to look at the Yueshuang brake, saying "Let them go in!"

The Yuezu Double Brake immediately fired two dazzling moonlights, hitting an enchantment at the same time, and turning it into silver-white.

"Go in! Kill some more Demons!" Yuezu double-branches said in unison.

"Hmm! What's the point of killing the demons? Kill the demons if you want to kill them!" The stellar king said fiercely.

"Good! Boy, you are very appetite for the old man!" Just then, the voice of an old man sounded deep in the interstellar, the tone was also hot, full of war.

Then, an old man suddenly came to the end of the interstellar. With a cheeky and muscular face, he broke all the stars.

"I've seen the ancestors!" At this time, all the gods who stayed outside the war clan all bowed their heads respectfully.

This old man is exactly the creation ancestor of the war clan-the warlord!

"You haven't changed your temper for so many years, and I go in!" At this time, another old voice sounded.

At the end of the interstellar, there appeared a huge colorful dragon, with billions of dragon scales shining brighter than the stars, and the stars in front of him were swept aside as he arrived.

"I've seen ancestors!" All the dragons on the field all lowered their noble dragon heads.

"If you want to go in, let's go in together!" Another great shore sounded through the interstellar, the bright starry sky was covered with boundless bright moonlight, and the black void became silvery white.

Later, a figure appeared next to Yueshuang Shuangsha, exactly like Yuefu's humanoid form.

He exudes soft moonlight, romantic temperament, like a poet in a month.

"Father! Do you really want to go in?" The Yue trio shouted at the same time, with a hint of worry in his tone.

Before this joint army set off, they already knew that several creation ancestors would shoot when necessary, but they did not expect to venture into the small universe of the Demons instead of attacking outside.

After entering, you will face the King of Hell's body, but it will be dead.

"That is of course. The **** of killing has turned the demons upside down, and the king of darkness is roaring wildly. There are not many days. Your five thousand **** domains have almost consumed the demons. It doesn't make much sense to wait any longer. "Yue Father nodded.

"The creation ancestors have already entered in the past. Mengzu merged into Mengqitian, and the power to kill God is equivalent to the weakest creation ancestors. How old of us guys are to stay outside!" At this time, Zu The dragon also shrank to a normal human form and came to everyone.

"The other demon kings are left to you, but the king of destruction must be left to me!" The warlord said eagerly, with the fire of revenge burning in his eyes.

Now, the three founding ancestors came to everyone, all of them suddenly trembled, and even the hot-tempered stellar king did not dare to speak madly and stood beside him quietly.

"Go in!" The three creator ancestors looked at each other and entered the enchantment together.

"Let's go in too!" Said Stellar King, and his dozens of men also rushed into the enchantment.

When this force enters, that is the meaning of the ultimate battle.

Huang Yi went in and just started to disturb the order of the Demon Universe.

The blade and others went in to expand the fruit of the war and kill the living force.

And these three creation ancestors went in, that is, to settle down and completely destroy the demons.

The rest of the Demon Clan must not be able to stop them. Even the other Demon Kings are impossible. The only suspense is the King of Hell.

No one knows whether this power can kill the king of hell. If the king of **** still can't die, it is really invincible. Even if this generation of virtual world ends, it may not kill him.


Distant First World.

The sub-avatar of the Savage God has already convened a large group of strong gods.

Forty-five virtual gods and 400 demigods stood behind him, forming a powerful army of gods.

They come from all races in the First World, as well as major alien ally forces in the First World.

In addition, the three mighty spirits stood behind him.

The breath emanating from more than 400 strong gods gathered together, and the space was oppressed, but it did not form the eye-catching divine smoke like Huang Yi ’s 5,000 gods army army before, which will not be observed by outsiders.

The operation was very confidential. Most people on the field were summoned temporarily, and they didn't know what to do.

"Very God, what are you going to do with so many of us?" At this time, a man wearing an oriental robe came to the God and asked.

He carried his hands on his shoulders, and was very imposing. He did not respect the wild gods as much as other people, but talked normally.

He is the ally of the First World Alliance, the leader of the Heavenly Religion. This is just one of his avatars. He is a mortal being.

If it was only the gods, then he would not dare to speak with the gods like this, but his **** is extraordinary--

He is not a person in this universe, he comes from the Xuanhuang world of the East Pole Universe.

The rules of the East Pole Universe are higher, and people can practice to a more powerful level without having to seal God.

The gods there are stronger than the gods in this universe.

Moreover, after he became a god, he was also in the heavenly realm of the East Pole universe and would not be suppressed by the Savage God itself.

Therefore, the Lord of Heaven needs no humility like everyone else.

"Tongtian leader, you will know in a while!" The pretty **** smiled slightly without elaborating.

Then he looked around the crowd again, stretched out a big hand, and waved "Follow me!"

He immediately flew towards a moon in the First World, and more than 400 Divine Powers followed him, flying towards the moon in the sky.

There are three big moons in the first world, and the Savage God brought these four hundred strong gods to the moon closest to the first world.

Hidden in this moon is an interstellar teleportation array, and the Savage God brought everyone directly to this teleportation array ~ www.readwn.com ~ to the planet where the next node is located.

This was transmitted many times, and after passing through multiple nodes, they came to an unmanned planet named "Great Wild Star".

From here you can see that there is a huge and beautiful world in the distant starry sky. A huge world tree stands on that world, even if it can be observed through such a long distance.

"That's ... the second world ?!" At this moment, many of the gods in the realm immediately recognized the beautiful world and were sluggish.

This is the first time they have seen the tree of the world with their own eyes, which is much larger than the big sycamore tree where the First World Savage Temple is located!

"Have you seen that tree of the world? Our mission is to destroy it as fast as possible!" Said the god, looking at the tree of the world, darkly.


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