Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1658: Anti-sneak attack

"What? Destroy the tree of the world?" Everyone was shocked.

The Savage God nodded his head: "Kill God, they have followed the Demon Universe to the depths of the universe. They ca n’t help in a short time. The second world is defensive and empty, leaving only a group of guardians. And the second world has recently expanded and occupied With many planets, some guardians may be in the alien world of the second world and may not necessarily stay in the second world. As long as we shoot fast enough, we can destroy the world tree before they return. "

After that, he took the initiative to fly to the second world.

The four hundred or so Powerful Divine Powers looked at each other and were still in shock. They stumbled and followed.

After a while, there was no one in this interstellar array.

Not far from the interstellar array, a small figure suddenly appeared behind a stone.

This is a smurf. It is the spirit of plants. It has no mana fluctuations and cannot be sensed. None of the hundreds of powerful gods just found it hidden behind the stone.

It stared at the direction God went, and sneered, "Here it is!"

This smurf is exactly the embodiment of Huang Yi!

He had been wary of the arrival of the Savage God, and that day, Tiandao personally caught a demigod demon.

A long time ago, when Naga formed an alliance with the Second World, he knew the exact position of the interstellar array from the first world to the second world.

The Savage God will lead the army to sneak in the Second World, and it is the fastest to pass through these interstellars, so he ambush on the node closest to the Second World, the Great Wild Star, and wait for the rabbit.

Now the gods thought their actions were concealed enough, but in fact, Huang Yi already knew their actions.

The next moment, Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day and shuttled space. They returned to the second world faster than the wild gods and came to a corner under the crown of the world tree.

After breaking through a dense leaf, a powerful guardian suddenly appeared in front of the King of Fear, the Wandering Envoy Carat, the Fallen Falcon, the Broken Feather, the Peerless Demon Emperor Night Sky, the Raging Monarch Izeus By.

They had long been secretly summoned by Huang Yi, hidden here, and waited for the barbaric **** to commit.

"Everyone is ready, the pretty **** has brought people over!" Huang Yi reminded everyone.

"As long as they dare to come down, let them come back forever!" The tyrant monarch Ezesius sneered.

"You can wait first. If they attack, you will rush forward. If you don't, you will be responsible for resisting their falling attacks." Huang Yi reminded and immediately flew out of the second world outer space.

There are four satellites in the sky above the world tree, one of which is the small world satellite where the small glass world is located.

The ancestors of Tiandao and Fahuang are hiding here. They did not follow Huang Yi to siege the Demon Universe, but stayed here to defend.

Their bodies are hiding in the small world below. One of them is killed in battle, and the next one can come out immediately, until the power of the body is exhausted.

Under the ground of the other three satellites, there are also some powerful auras of the gods. They are all phoenixes, dragons, unicorns, demon spirits, and so on.

They are the gods of the world who have flew from all parts of the universe to the tree of the world these days, and have made this their new home.

They can leave the area of ​​the second world and go outside to attack, which is not the group of guardians.

Huang Yi has convened them, scattered under the three satellites, and set up advanced matrix methods to cover their breath and whereabouts.

At this time, Huang Yi's incarnation came to the ground of one of the satellites, and commanded the crowd: "The gods will come soon, and listen to my command line at that time. Please don't be merciful, you must kill them. You wo n’t stay in it! ”

"Kill God and rest assured, we have finally found such a beautiful home. We must not let the gods destroy them. We will fight hard!" A divine bird uttered words, it is a false **** strong, It also has Phoenix origin and is one of the strongest outsiders.

Now, the second world looks calm. In fact, the Tianluodi net has been laid, and they will wait for the gods to hook it.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared on the four satellites. They all came in by stealth and other methods, and quietly scanned them back and forth.

They were scouts sent by the Savage God. They came to inquire about the situation first, and saw that there were only some ordinary guards on the four satellites. They did not feel the breath of a lot of powerful gods, and immediately responded to the Savage God.

Soon, in the distant void dimension, a group of mighty figures appeared, rushing towards the second world, like hundreds of meteors that cut through the sky.

That is awesome.

More than four hundred of them from the Divine Power brewed various attack rays, exuding a surging breath, but all were hidden in the void dimension, which was invisible to the naked eye.

The Savage God urged: "As soon as you fly out of the satellites, you must attack immediately. The speed must be fast. Don't hesitate, don't delay, you must fight fast!"

After finishing speaking, his six palms suddenly flickered, each took out a weapon, and the sword and sword of his body flashed into one piece, like a weapon rack.

The divine power in his body brewed six super strong attacks, condensed in the weapons on the six arms, spit out long red gods, and waited to be released.

"Oh!" Soon, these dense meteors all passed through the four meteors and came to the sky above the world tree.

The vibrant tree of the world, hundreds of millions of leaves, and mountain-like branches appeared unobstructed in their eyes.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the four satellites burst out with a multitude of attacks, pouring out over them.

These attacks came so suddenly and without warning, and immediately drowned over 400 gods of the gods.

"Boom!" In time, countless brilliance and shock waves exploded among the crowd, and the vast force instantly burst into formations.

Some demigods were blasted into dregs before they even had time to take defensive measures.

"Damn! There's an ambush!"

"Discovered by them!"

There was a rage in the crowd, and they stared at the four satellites in amazement and anger.

The four satellites were full of people, and a strong man from the gods appeared. They surrounded them from four different directions. No matter where they attacked, they would be pinched by the other three directions.

"The First World resists the ambush. Others attack the tree of the world!" The Savage God decisively ordered!

The next moment, the formation changed rapidly, and all the first-world gods in the field immediately dispersed and rushed towards the four satellites, including the secondary clone of the barbaric god.

The first world's more than two hundred reinforcements and three powerful wild gods all attacked the world tree.

"Boom!" In a hurry, more than two hundred vast attacks of Guanghua cut through the sky, like more than two hundred meteors, densely attacking the world tree below.

But in the sky of the Second World, a blue layer of ice appeared, like a shell blocking the top of the World Tree.

This is an ice barrier created by the rules of the Ice Queen to control the Second World.

More than two hundred attacks immediately hit the ice layer. Most of the attacks exploded on the spot and were intercepted outside without threatening the tree of the world inside.

Only a few of the virtual gods' attacks broke through the ice, fell, and exploded in the crown of the tree of the world.

But those few attacks only shook the world tree slightly and dropped a few leaves without hurting the foundation at all.

"Roar!" The three roars of the heavens rang, the eyes of the three wild spirits flushed red, and they rushed away with their limbs rushing towards the world tree below.

The Ice Queen hurried to form a new layer of blue ice, blocking them in front of them.

The lion's wild spirit stretched out its huge claws, struggling to shoot above the ice, and suddenly burst into pieces.

The three wild spirits, with three breaths of destruction, fell on the tree of the world in an instant, and they were about to start crazy destruction.

"Howling!" A roaring dragon roared, a mighty oriental dragon rushed out from under the canopy, and the huge chain with its claws flicked towards the three savage spirits.

Not only that, a large group of long-awaited guardians also rushed out from under the canopy and rushed up with a violent breath.

All of a sudden, these three mighty savage spirits were drowned in their anger, and various attack rays poured wildly towards them.

In the chaotic brilliance, only occasionally can they see their tails and claws appear, which can not threaten the world tree below.

And the four satellites are fighting all over the place, all kinds of light exploded, beating you to me, the gods in the first world did not gain the upper hand.

Only the sub-avatar of the Savage God opened the situation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Six arms were waving wildly with six weapons, killing a **** domain strong mania.

On the second world side, the incarnation of Huang Yi, the avatar of Heaven, and the avatar of the Emperor are all unstoppable. Three or two times can solve a virtual **** strong, and fight back and forth in the battlefield, as if in no man's realm. .

"Very god, your plot has long been seen through me, these people just came to death!" Huang Yi's voice dropped, butcher's sword cut his waist, and an evil **** of the wild **** was split in half.

A soul flew up from the corpse, flying around the butcher knife.

In the first world, the two eternal wings of Huang Yi's body have already consumed all the souls on the butcher's knife, including the Soderoth priest who had previously been reserved to deal with the barbaric god. Now the gods come with a group of gods to replenish his soul.

In this effort, four souls have been attracted to his butcher knife.

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