Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1659: Suppress Universal! The last move of the gods!

"Oh!" The Savage God cut off the head of a demon spirit, and a spray of demon blood sprayed on his face, making his face even more distorted.

He turned his head and looked around. Neither the soldiers attacking the tree of the world nor the manpower attacking the four satellites had achieved the desired effect.

He originally intended to take advantage of unpreparedness and make a quick decision, but now he has been dragged into a war of attrition, and dragging on will only fail.

You have to come up with that trick!

"Very well, you're forcing me!" The pretty **** smiled angrily, flashing madness in his eyes, and immediately clapping his hands.

"Papapa!" His clap sounded like a signal, quickly spreading across the starry sky.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" After a while, a powerful running sound came suddenly from the end of the starry sky, as if something giant was coming.

This sonic shock came deep into everyone's heart, as if trampled on their heart!

Everyone turned to look deep into the starry sky.

I saw a huge savage cow there, with his head bowed, his golden horns thick, and running towards the second world.

Every time its hoof stepped out, it could step out a star, shake the starry sky, and all the asteroids blocking it in front of it were slammed aside by brute force, nothing could stop it.

Watching this violent savage cow rushing over, everyone immediately felt a trembling soul, and fled madly beside him, afraid to stop its sharp edge.

"The wild cow!" Huang Yi immediately recognized the identity of the wild cow.

He had seen the barbarian cow in the barbarian temple before. The barbarian was lying on the ground, and the barbarian was sitting in the saddle on its back.

Now, this wild cow has become so huge that it can crush the stars with one hoof. What is it?

"Oh my God! Taurus!" Suddenly, the wandering angel Clarke spit out a name, his voice full of panic.


Huang Yi stared in horror at the big bull.

He only heard about the legend of the Twelve Astral Spirits a while ago. After the creation of the King God, three Astral Spirits came to this universe, namely Sagittarius in the realm, Scorpio in the underworld, and Taurus in the heavens!

"It turns out that the wild bull's bull is Taurus?" Everyone was shocked!

Almost everyone knows the legend of the Savage God. He is the son of the God of War and the Night Goddess. He was born from a golden cave in the mountains. Once born, he rode a wild cow and was able to fly on clouds.

And the wild cow that accompanied him to the First World is actually the famous Taurus!

From this point of view, Taurus should have been entrusted by the **** of war and the night goddess, or for some other reason, and came from the heaven to the first world, guarding the growth of the wild god.

Six years later, the Savage God went to Heaven, but Taurus did not return to Heaven with him, but stayed in the First World with the clone of Savage God.

"Do you guard against this, can you prevent this trick? You didn't want to reveal this secret. Since you forced me, then you will bear the painful consequences!" The subordinate of the barbaric God laughed loudly with a vengeance. Cheering, waving six weapons in his hand, he continued to slaughter the **** domain strong man on the side of Huang Yi frantically.

"Oh!" At this point, Taurus had rushed over, the huge body covered the starry sky, exuding Tianwei-like oppression.

Huang Yi and others are as small as ants, and even those satellites in front of it are just a big stone ball.

"Boom!" The horn of the horn was directly on top of a satellite, and the satellite was smashed into pieces, and hundreds of millions of fragments flew out in all directions like a cannonball.

Some demigods had no time to dodge, and were directly smashed out of the gravel, leaving them dead.

But this satellite only blocked the momentum of the bull, it continued to run forward, and the golden horns quickly hit the next satellite.

"Boom!" The second satellite also exploded, turned into a huge meteorites, fell into the second world, turned into billions of fire meteors, overwhelming, like the end of the world.

The guardian's face changed greatly, and he immediately gave up attacking the three barbarians, using every means to stop these falling meteorite.

The rays of various defensive enchantments instantly blocked the tree of the world. Countless meteorites exploded from those brilliance, and turned into smaller, more meteorites that sprinkled everywhere in the world.

But this group of guardians did their best to block only a part of the meteorite, and some meteorite broke their line of defense and turned into a meteor shower densely and smashed onto the tree of the world.

"Boom boom!" In a short time, a huge cloud of fire exploded from the crown of the world tree, setting off a huge cloud of mushrooms.

The tree of the world was trembled violently, and huge leaves were blasted out by the tremor. Several thick branches even broke completely and crashed down.

The momentum of the Taurus collision was finally stopped, and the huge golden horns were dim.

The two huge celestial satellites just stopped his charge momentum!

At this time, its huge body hung in the outer space of the Second World, almost covering up a small half of the Second World, and plunging the night into the night.

Even the rotation of the Second World planet was disturbed and could not rotate smoothly.

Everyone is embarrassed. In front of the creation ancestors in full body shape, no matter how strong the masters of the gods are, they are worthy of mention.

At this moment, Taurus gasped, his huge belly contracted and swelled, and two long white gases spewed from his nose, like two tornadoes, and rolled out all the gods in front of him.

He lifted his hoof and swaggered backwards in the void, his head lowered, and his golden horns raised again, brewing the next shock.

Its horns face the tree of the world, and there are no satellites ahead.

Its next strike will surely hit the tree of the world.

"Heavenly, fast!" Huang Yi roared suddenly!

The next moment, the small world satellite not far away suddenly trembled, and then galloped, blocking directly between Taurus and the World Tree!

At the same time, Taurus finally brewed the blow, kicking his limbs back and violently rushing forward again.

Its golden horns were so bright that it crashed on the small world satellite!

"Boom!" The planet shattered, and the surface soil of the small world satellite was all shaken out, revealing the things below.

A ball wrapped in an enchantment appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the end facing the Taurus had a white flash of light!

The Taurus horns were inserted into the flash, did not enter, and disappeared into the field of vision of everyone, as if the horns were cut out of thin air.

"Oh ~" A horror flashed suddenly in Taurus' huge eyes, and there was just a roar before he disappeared into the starry sky.

As soon as its huge body disappeared, the obscured starry sky reappeared, and the oppressive force that suppressed Huanyu dissipated.

Everyone was stunned, staring at the ball wrapped in the enchantment, wondering what was going on.

"Liu Li Small World ?!" The wild **** trembled fiercely, staring at the flash of light, "You actually stole Li Liu Small World?"

Then he thought of something more terrible--

Taurus rushes into the small world of glass!

The small world is not restricted by the rules of the mortal world. The **** of killing has a hero prison. If several god-level criminals are released in that small world, then Taurus will face ...

"No, it's impossible! Impossible! The small world of glass is obviously stolen by the demons!" The ruthless man muttered to himself, as if he was deceiving himself.

"Boom!" The enchantment in that little world suddenly trembled violently. Looking through the enchantment, you can see a chaotic hustle and bustle inside.

Taurus screams faintly through the enchantment, as if from another distant world.

"Very god, the little glass world has long belonged to me, and I am smiling at your Taurus! What about the ancestors of the creation, as long as you dare to come to the second world, all will come back!" There was a sound of blood behind him, butcher's knife flashed a beam of blood, splitting out the secondary clone of the Savage God.

Huang Yi looked around the audience again and said loudly: "Taurus has been imprisoned in a small world, so you don't have to worry about it anymore, keep fighting!"

With his roar, all the stunned allies suddenly calmed down, one by one, they became more brave, and their morale skyrocketed.

Even a powerful presence like Taurus can be solved, what else is there to fear?

On the other hand, the gods on the other side of the Savage God are trembling, have no fighting spirit, and are losing ground.

Taurus is a helper they can't even think of, but even such a powerful helper has been cracked by Huang Yi. What use is this power of them?

"Kill without amnesty!" At this time, Huang Yi's body suddenly burst into a **** light wave, spreading the audience instantly.

"Oh!" Bloody fireworks exploded all over the place, and dozens of powerful gods under the command of the gods were all instantly violent, and the starry blood stained the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the spirits of the three virtual gods flew from all directions, spinning around the butcher knife.

The remaining enemies suddenly scared the six gods out of control. Their teammates were still fighting alongside them at the last moment, but suddenly they were blown into the sky. They did n’t even know how to die. How could they fight?

"Brave God, this will be the most painful defeat in your life!" Huang Yi waved the butcher's knife of six souls, and rushed towards the secondary clone of Savage God aggressively.

He is getting stronger and stronger as the six souls of Butcher Knife have increased his full attributes ~ www.readwn.com ~ a lot stronger than at the beginning of the battle!

The God of God is full of bloodshot eyes, trying to resist Huang Yi's attack, but even if the six arms dance into a phantom, he can't resist Huang Yi, and is beaten up and down again and again.

"Withdraw!" Finally, the wild **** roared unwillingly, and fled away distantly.

"Can't withdraw!" Tiandao's avatar held the spear of the split sky, circled around, and uttered a spell in his mouth--

"Cracked sky!"


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