Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1660: Savage Fury

In a short time, a dazzling light of God flew from the spear of the sky, and sank into a large area of ​​stars around.

Subsequently, the starry sky broke apart, and the space in which everyone was located broke apart from the original space, becoming a separate area and isolated from the outside world.

There are a total of three artifact skills for the Skyspear, namely Fengtian, Kaitian, and Skycrack.

Not long ago, Tiandao obtained the complete inheritance from the barbaric deity and split sky. The artifact was promoted to a finished product and obtained the last artifact skill.

Now he and the barbaric deity are integrated into one, which is equivalent to the barbaric deity using this artifact himself, and the power of this artifact is greater.

"The eye of the storm!" At this moment, the emperor also spit out a spell, waving the staff of the **** of God in his hand, and drawn a large circle around him.

The next moment, a violent hurricane enveloped the starry sky, forming a huge vortex. The lightning flashed and thundered in the storm, full of destructive power.

The eye of the storm happened to be in the area cut off by the heavenly road. It was calm and surrounded by the storm in all directions. If you wanted to leave, you had to face the destructive force in the storm.

Tian Dao and Fa Huang are two large-scale split artifact skills that trapped everyone on the field. They ca n’t escape.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi flashed to the side of the **** again, butcher knife slashed at him, and split him again.

"Kill God, have you considered the consequences? This is just a secondary clone of me! Even the clone is not counted, do you really think you are my opponent? In the future, you will seal God to heaven, my body will never let you go . "The pretty **** had to stop running and let go of his words.

"You and I are dead enemies, why bother to say these nonsense?" Regardless of Huang Yi, he continued to fan the dragon wings day by day and attacked the Savage God.

The savage **** quickly resisted Huang Yi's attack. His six weapons were waving wildly, but he could not stop even one of Huang Yi's weapons.

"Oh!" One arm of the Savage God was cut off, and even the weapon on the palm of the hand fell.

In the face of Huang Yi, who has increased his overall attributes by 60%, he is no longer an opponent and only has been beaten.

"Teach the Lord, come and help me!" The pretty **** finally subdued and yelled quickly.

"He can't protect himself!" Tiandao faintly responded, and the spear of the sky split forward, punching the Tongtian Master's chest out of a blood cave.

The Master of Tongtian quickly held back his chest and stared in horror: "You, how can you be so powerful?"

He is a mortal **** from the Xuanhuang world. He has a superior sense of mortal gods in this universe. He thinks that no one will be his opponent.

But from the beginning to the present, Tiandao this clone has been pressing him to fight.

This shows that the heavenly body is stronger than his body!

"In front of the Lord God, what kind of **** are you, do you think you are the King of Hell?" The power of the wild deities in the heavens pouring out, the spear was pointed out of the phantom, completely covering the Lord of Heaven.


In the second world below, a group of guardians re-attached with three powerful wild spirits, and various attack rays drowned them again.

These three barbaric spirits were originally dead. Only by the infusion of the barbaric gods, they had the current combat effectiveness, but they could not break through under the siege of so many guardians.

"Roar!" At this moment, the three barbarians screamed at the same time, then their body suddenly became bigger, blood oozed from their bodies, their eyes flushed, and they fell into rage.

In a violent state, they will consume the power of the body madly and can only hold it for a short time, but the strength can reach the level of the ordinary God.

This time, the tiger really has the invincible momentum of the tiger down the mountain, its body flashed, both claws shot at the same time, the huge tiger tail also swept like a circle.

"Oh!" All of a sudden, the wandering **** Carla, Ye Xingtian, and the black cat of the Takasma were all blown out, blood was sprayed out of their mouths, and serious injuries were sustained.

The lion, the wild lion, opened his mouth, biting on the dragon body of the peerless demon emperor · Yekonghua instantly, shaking the huge lion head, and throwing the peerless demon emperor · Yekonghua to a distance.

The vicious wolf spirit rushed forward, with the wolf's head on top, smashing the mad monarch Izesius and the king of fear a long distance away.

At this moment, the three barbarians were almost invincible, tearing a huge gap around the siege of the guardians and rushing towards the tree of the world.

The strength in their bodies is rapidly consuming, and they cannot be dragged down with these guardians. They must take this opportunity to rebuild the world tree.

Suddenly, the three barbaric spirits stopped in the void, and a thick mass of ice formed around them, frozen in the middle, like three ambers.

This is the ice barrier formed by the Snow Queen. This is a common skill in the ice profession, which can protect and imprison.

Previously, the Snow Queen turned this skill into a huge barrier to prevent the three wild spirits from entering the second world. The spread was too wide, the area was too wide, the strength was weakened by the allocation, and the paw of the male lion was broken.

But now, she has reduced her skill area. All the ice cubes are compressed on the bodies of the three savage spirits. The strength is greatly increased, and they are held for a short time.

The three wild spirits struggled violently, the whole body of ice trembled violently, and a piece of crushed ice fell, and it quickly broke apart.

But taking advantage of this delay, all the guardians chased up again, surrounded the three wild spirits again, and besieged madly.

"Woohoo!" Soon after, the vicious wolf was the first to mourn, his eyelids were drooping, his body size was narrowed, his posture was noticeably slower, and he couldn't help.

It has exhausted all the power in the body.

"Huh!" At this moment, the pretty **** snorted coldly, and there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes, and he immediately turned to look at the evil wolf.

The body of the evil wolf started to swell violently, projecting a dazzling light in his body, and a horrible breath spread throughout the audience, and it was about to explode.

It's about to explode!

The group of guardians suddenly regressed, and the strong ones blew themselves up enough to blow them seriously.

But the world tree cannot retreat, it is just below the evil wolf, and most of its self-explosive energy will fall on the world tree.

Huang Yi suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed at the evil wolf.

A burst of black gas burst from his finger, hitting the evil wolf instantly.

After an instant, the vicious wolf that was about to explode disappeared!

This is a complete disappearance, not invisibility, not into the void dimension, with no trace of it.

This is Huang Yi's Nefarem skill-Dark Seal.

This skill could originally seal the enemy in the dark world for one day, but as the enemy gets stronger and stronger, its seal time becomes shorter and shorter, and it may not be able to seal the evil wolf for a second.

But it is very suitable to crack the self-explosion!

Self-explosion is only an instantaneous event. As long as you seize that moment and seal it in the dark world, the energy of the self-explosion will only be locked in the dark world and will not spread to the outside.

A long second passed, and the wolf did not appear again.

Huang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, which showed that the self-explosion of the evil wolf had been stuck in the dark world by him and had completely disappeared, and he could not return.

"You!" The wild **** opened his eyes wide and stared at Huang Yi with his teeth gritted, but he could not utter a word.

He didn't hesitate to let the evil wolf explode, just in order to open the situation. But I didn't expect to be cracked by Huang Yi so easily, and sacrificed the evil wolf spirit.

Huang Yi didn't say a word, and immediately teleported behind him, butchering the knife to chop up and chop off his two arms.

This sub-avatar of the Savage God is already embarrassed. Only three of the six arms are left. He can only keep dodging, his eyes full of anger, and his incompetence.

At this time, Huang Yi took a moment to teleport to another area, splitting a severely injured virtual **** in half with a stab, taking away his soul.

After an instant, he returned to the Savage God and continued his aggressive offensive against him.

After a while, another **** in the distance was dying by the emperor, and turned away in fright.

A flash of blood flashed, Huang Yi's figure appeared instantly, but only left a phantom, and then disappeared, and continued to appear beside the Savage God.

The fleeing **** of **** turned into two halves, a group of souls rose, crossed the battlefield, and flew to Huang Yi's butcher knife.

Day by day, Dragon Wing made Huang Yi appear in the whole battlefield, and no one knew where he would pop out suddenly.

On the face of it, he was fighting against the Savage God, but when each virtual **** was about to die, he could grab the head on time. Others could only glance at him, and then he could not be seen.

"Eh!" Two minutes later, two other virtual gods were beheaded by Huang Yi, and all the soul and blood were sucked away by the butcher knife.

At this time, 10 souls have been gathered on the butcher knife, which has doubled Huang Yi's strength.

More importantly, he can summon the tyrant possession again!

"Kill God, this satellite has been cleaned up!" At this moment, the false **** bird uttered words and led a group of powerful gods to fly towards Huang Yi and began to reinforce this side.

The men sent to the satellite by www.readwn.com ~ have been killed by them all.

At this point, the savage **** was unable to support it anymore. He turned around and looked around. More than 400 gods had been killed seven or seven hundred and eighty-eight, all looking at all the strange faces of the second world.

Instead, his crazy expression calmed down, staring at Huang Yi, and said lightly: "Kill God, this time you won, but this is the last time. From now on, you are already a dead person, and you will face my anger and eternal Endless revenge! You will be completely wiped from this world! The Temple of Death will be buried for you! "

"Noise!" Huang Yi teleported directly, flying across his head with a slash.

In place, only the headless body of the Savage God remained.

His secondary clone, after seeing a large number of deaths under his own eyes, witnessing the suppression of Taurus, and the meaningless self-destruction of the evil wolf, finally died in the most humiliating manner.

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