Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1661: Taurus

As soon as the secondary clone of the Savage God died, the only remaining invaders on the field immediately lost all their fighting spirit, and all they wanted was to escape, trying to get out of the range of the Artifact skills of Split Sky and Storm Eyes.

"You can't get away." Huang Yi fanned the wings of the dragon day by day, and came and went freely in the special session. The figure would appear here and there, and every time he just left his head and left, taking away a **** domain strong Life.

He has become a **** of death. Wherever he goes, the enemy will die. There is no one.

Especially those gods who are not careful will be taken away by Huang Yi. Compared with these, the demigods are safer.

"Oh!" Finally, the last virtual **** was cut off by Huang Yi and became the 32nd soul surrounded by the butcher knife.

Now the butcher knife is the most powerful time for Huang Yi to get it!

The souls of 32 virtual gods are densely wrapped around the sword, enhancing his full attributes by 320%.

A total of 45 false gods were brought by the Savage God, and most of them were snatched by Huang Yi.

"Originally ... this universe is so dangerous!" The avatar of the Tongtian leader murmured, and then was strangled to death by a spear from heaven, disappearing into the void.

He didn't have much anger, this was just one of his avatars, and his body was still good in the Xuanhuang world. This time he came here just to give the Savage a face.

Outer space suddenly became clean and there was no enemy.

The battle of the guardians below is coming to an end. The lion and the tiger fierce have long been out of the violent state, and there is little power left in the body, and it is difficult to resist the group attacks of the guardians.

With the addition of Huang Yi and others, they were quickly killed by both.

At this point, the more than 400 **** domain strong men brought by the Savage God were completely killed.

On the other hand, the Second World side lost more than 70 Divine Powers.

Winning this battle was very easy. The only variable was the Taurus, but it was also handled very well by Huang Yi. In addition to losing two celestial satellites, it did not cause much trouble.

If it was more than a month ago, when the demons would refine the Second World, the power brought by the Savage God would be enough to destroy the Second World. At that time, the Second World did not have such a large power that could be equal to 400 Multiple gods fight.

However, after the Second World defeated the Demon Clan, the power suddenly increased, which is incomparable. Not only did Huang Yi, Tian Dao, and Fa Huang grow up to the highest level in the realm of the realm, even the number of the strongest in the realm of the world also appeared in a blowout. There are hundreds of strong in the realm of the realm who have settled on the world tree. The world can be called the first force in the mortal world.

Of course, the more important reason is that Huang Yi targeted the Savage God in advance and laid the Tianluo Earth Net. Otherwise, if it is really sneaked by this force of the Savage God, the tree of the world is likely to be destroyed.

"Kill God, we have all risen to the realm of God!" At this moment, hundreds of players flew out from under the crown of the tree of the world, came to Huang Yi and looked excited.

They were all ascended players before, hiding in the tree of the world and sharing their experiences, so they didn't dare to take the lead.

The death of more than 400 Divine Powerhouses has created their new batch of Divine Powerhouses.

"Brother Yi, was the clone of the Savage God so easily killed by you?"

"But that's the same with the gods!"

"When will we set foot on the first world, replace the wild god, and become the master of the first world!"

The crowd surrounded Huang Yi with magnanimity.

Huang Yi shook his head: "Don't underestimate the barbaric god. I just killed the avatar of his avatar. His avatar is still in the barbaric temple, and it's a bit of a hassle to kill. And his body of heaven is accelerating the unification of the demon world. The devil of the demon world has allied with him, and it is difficult and difficult to kill him. I must accumulate enough strength in the world to seal the **** to heaven, otherwise, even if the sword is blocked, he is not his opponent. "

"Boom!" At this time, the small world of Liuli trembled again, and the groan of Taurus was faintly heard, and then the small world was quiet and motionless.

"Kill God, Taurus has been suppressed by us!" Said the emperor's avatar toward Huang Yi.

Huang Yi immediately flew up and entered the small glass world through the flash.

As soon as he entered, he saw that Taurus's huge body had shrunk greatly, kneeling on all fours, his expression was weak, his eyelids were drooping, and a pair of golden horns had been dim and dull.

The barbaric deity, split sky, law god, fire god's figure of the fire element, and the king of the gods Drofsky stood at its four corners, suppressing it immovably.

And the dozens of blood-ring snakes bit on it like parasites, sucking the power in his body like a dozen leechs sucking blood.

"哞 ~" Taurus saw Huang Yi coming, and immediately struggling to stand up, a pair of bull's eyes became red, two white gas sprayed from his nose, showing a very angry look, and he wanted to run over again.

"Huh!" Tiandao snorted coldly, stretched out a palm, and pressed it on Taurus' head, pressing it down again.

Taurus could not move at all, but stared anxiously at Huang Yi.

Huang Yi came to Taurus, staring down at him, and said, "I want to catch you because you helped the Savage God to deal with the second world, not specifically for you."

With that said, Huang Yi turned his head to look at the several gods and asked, "Can you tell that he has signed a master-slave contract with the Savage God?"

"I can't see it!" Fa Shen shook his head.

"We tried to communicate with him before, but it didn't want to talk." Tiandao shook his head, his face helpless.

Huang Yi shook his palm and took out a fist-sized eyeball from the storage ring. It was crystal clear, and the middle eye was like a black hole, and he wanted to devour the eyes of all beings.

This is the artifact of Nashash-the eye of the blue sea.

He aimed the Taurus blue eyes at Taurus, and a red light shot in his eyes, shining on Taurus' body, seeing everything through it.

The next moment, the red light flickered, and a line appeared in the air—

"Taurus, the ancestor of creation, has not signed a contract."

Huang Yi frowned, wondering, "Why didn't you sign the contract, why is you so loyal to the Savage God? How many years have passed and I haven't left him yet."

"It is estimated that it is rewarding! The twelve celestial ancestors are all rewarding, and as long as you help them, they will repay, very loyal." At this time, the God King Drofsky said suddenly His eyes narrowed slightly, showing a look of remembrance, "I vaguely remember that the God of War seemed to have saved the life of Taurus. Since the God of War is a child of God of War, the Taurus's grace is not difficult to understand.

Huang Yi nodded thoughtfully.

From what he learned, Xingzu Ling was indeed very loyal, and he had retribution.

For example, Sagittarius, Huang Yi saved it in the Demon Universe at the beginning, it has fulfilled its promise, made a lot of trouble in the Demon Universe, killed the greedy king and the cursed king, and paid off the kindness of Huang Yi.

But when the Second World fought against the Devil, it ran over again, blocking the light source for the Second World, and the grace of dripping water was reported to Yongquan.

There is also Scorpio, which is the guardian of the underworld chosen by Pluto. Even if he has been taken into the hero's prison for many years by death, even Pluto and death have died. It still refuses to betray Pluto and give up the opportunity of freedom.

Huang Yi looked at Taurus and said, "Since you have not signed a contract, you can become the guardian of our second world. As long as you sign a guardian contract with me, I will give you freedom immediately."

"Hum!" Taurus panted, turning his head away without looking at Huang Yi, disdainful.

"You have guarded the Avatar of the Savage God for so many years, and no matter how great your gratitude is, you do n’t have to kill him anymore. It is wise to follow us. Sooner or later, I will kill the Savage God." Huang Yi continued to persuade. .

However, Taurus still ignored it and showed a bullish temper.

"Also! Give you some time to consider." After Huang Yi said, he turned to look at a few deities: "You continue to suppress it and let dozens of little snakes continue to absorb the power of Taurus. When its strength weakens, I See if you can sign a master-slave contract with it, it really won't work for me, then you can only kill it. "

Several gods nodded, the barbaric **** split sky, the fire **** are the main **** level, the law **** and the **** king envoy drofsky are both **** powers, it is not a problem to keep suppressing the taurus.


In the Demon Universe.

The Dark Star is already a mess, flashing everywhere, and shock waves are bursting out everywhere. The roar of the Dark King keeps ringing, weaker every time. Vaguely, you can see its huge demon shadow rushing to the left and right in countless rays of light, but it has never been able to achieve a breakthrough, like a battle of trapped beasts.

The King of Hell has taken back all his avatars and reunited them into a single body ~ www.readwn.com ~, suppressing the joint attack of Zulong and Yuefu, the two creator ancestors, but he cannot win in a short time.

The King of Destruction is solo with the warlord, and the Star of Destruction is so dark that no one else can intervene.

The fallen king and a group of demon demons are fully guarding the safety of the small universe and resisting the attack of the more than 5,000 divine strongmen from the outside world. But they have been difficult to support, more and more forces have penetrated into them, and they are dying of a large number of demons all the time.

The key on the field is the King of Darkness. As long as he can kill him, then a number of top combat powers such as the blade can free up their hands and break the balance in other areas.

"King of Darkness, die!" At this moment, a rage rang through the Star of Darkness, and a dazzling sun-like figure broke through the night sky, descended on the Star of Darkness, and violently struck the King of Darkness out. .

Stellar King is coming!

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