Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1662: Successive dark gods

Blades, Thor, and others who attacked the Dark King had normal expressions. Only the sudden arrival of the Stellar King was full of anger, his eyes spitting fire, and he seemed to have a deep hatred against the Dark King.

The King of Darkness is even more angry. This stellar king who did not know where to come out actually hit him without injustice, even more hateful than the blade and others.

He forcibly stood up to the siege of a lot of experts around him, rushed up in anger, held up the round of black sun in his hands, and shot a black light condensed into a bundle, striking the stellar king.

"Zizizi ~" The stellar king's body suddenly emits green smoke, and is severely corroded by the light of darkness.

He tried hard to avoid the black light, but it was difficult to move. It seemed that the black light had the ability of imprisonment and the like.

"Alas!" A golden light flashed, and the sword's sharp edge split heavily on the waist of the dark king, splitting a long wound, blood splattering.

The King of Dark snorted and shook violently in his hands. The black sun could no longer maintain stability, and the black light from the Star moved away from the Stellar King.

The Stellar King immediately restored his freedom, and rushed up, a pair of fists burst into flames and bombarded the King of Darkness.

"Boom!" The King of Dark spewed a large mouthful of magic blood and was blown out again.

His strength is now greatly declining. If it is the peak period, a stellar king of the stellar king, he can solve it casually.

"King of darkness, you're dead!" The stellar King laughed happily, a pair of fire punches kept bombarding the King of Dark, blasting waves of shock waves.

Blades, Thors, Dragon Spikes, and others are willing to let the Stellar King to attract the attack of the Dark King, and they can hide and output more safely.

"Ah!" At this moment, a dazzling flame of fire blew from afar, reddening the horizon, and then came a scream of horror.

The King of Darkness looked for a moment, turned to look at the sky, his face was gloomy.

The scream just now was the scream of a dark duke. The dark duke has won his favor. It seems that it should be more ferocious now.

"Don't watch, your men are being tortured by my people. You can't do anything. You can only listen to their screams before they die." The stellar King laughed wryly, and the burning flame was joyful. The ground was beating.

The voice dropped, and an explosion of fire flickered in the other direction, and a cloud of mushrooms burst into the sky, accompanied by a scream of false gods.

"Dark Lord!" The Dark King looked out in a direction and spit out a name in anger.

There was the direction of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord and the Dark Marshal were left behind, and the scream just came from the Dark Lord.

This shows that his dark hall has been invaded and the situation is at stake!

"Oh!" While he was distracted, a dragon-toothed dagger pierced through the soles of his feet, emitting black light and blood.

The figure of Dragon Spike appeared immediately below him, but it was just a glance that he could not see it.

The King of Darkness stepped on the soles of his feet, but only stepped on the air. The Dragon Spike had long gone in hiding and fled into the distance.

"Look for death!" The King of Darkness possessed the god-like development of the Light clan, easily saw the invisibility of the dragon thorn, flashed immediately, and the black sun smashed down at the dragon thorn.

"Ding!" A long stick suddenly reached over, blocking the black sun's bombardment, and the towering sea of ​​gushing seawater emerged from the long stick, pouring on top of the black sun, "whitely" emitting white smoke.

This is the pillar of Thor's Poseidon, which blocked the blow for Dragon Spike.

This is the benefit of the siege. The cooperation of the people to protect each other can make the Lord of Darkness impossible to kill.

The Dark King roared unwillingly, and landed decisively and quickly to the earth of the Dark Star.

Fighting in the air, he faces attacks from front to back, up, down, up and down, but on the ground, at least under the ground, it will be more difficult to attack.

But in this way, the shock wave of the battle will have more serious consequences for the Dark Star. Perhaps before the battle is finished, the Dark Star will break up one step first.

"My Marshal Dark won't even fight ..." There was a tragic voice suddenly coming from the direction of the Dark Demon Hall, but it stopped abruptly before speaking.

After that, there was a dead silence there, and no sound was heard anymore. It seemed that all the people there had died.

"Alas!" A moment later, a dozen fire meteors were drawn in the dark sky, and a dozen lava war demons on the great shore were rushing in, and the dazzling fire illuminated the earth.

This is the more than ten virtual gods of the Stellar King. They finally solved the virtual gods of the Dark King.

"King of darkness, where did your virtual gods hide? Why is there such a thing, and it is not fun to kill!" At this time, the lava war demon gods shouted aloud, one after another towards the king of darkness Throw a bunch of objects in the direction.

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" Those things fell to the ground, a dull sound sounded, and rolled away.

That is a skull, the Dark Duke, the Dark Lord, the Dark Harvester, the Dark Angel, the Dark Demon, the Dark Marshal ... full of seven or eight dark stars.

The Dark King saw those heads, and his eyes were guilty. Many of his virtual gods had died before. These virtual gods were left by him to defend the important areas of the Dark Star. Now all of them have fallen.

He is almost a bare-headed commander, and few people can use it, and they are all maintaining the stability of the universe and can't afford to do anything else.

"Boom boom boom!" At this moment, more than a dozen lava war demon gods have fallen to the ground, blasting deep pits, shaking the ground.

They all rushed towards the King of Darkness, bombarding fireballs, lava, covering the sky and the sun, shining the sky and the earth a fiery red, like the dusk of the last day.

The Dark King had just wanted to dodge, and the giant bear's hunting whip suddenly struck lightning, binding him round and round, unable to escape.

"The sacred light shines on the earth!" Pharaoh read out a verse, and the "Bible of Faith" flew countless golden words and flew to the King of Darkness, forming a coat of gold on him, vast sacred power Burning him.

"Oh!" The dragon's thorn's holy dragon's teeth pierced through the neck of the dark king, and the holy light penetrated into his body.

"Oh!" The blade fell from the sky, the blade of the emperor with a sharp golden mane, slashed on the head of the dark king, the small half of the skull was cut off directly, and the brain-like light plasma sprayed out.

"Wow!" Thor's Poseidon's Pillar made a raging wave, sweeping across the Dark King's waist, misaligning his upper body and lower body, and almost stopped his waist.


At this moment, the King of Darkness suffered a powerful blow from everyone at the same time, the huge body was completely submerged, various explosions rang from him, various shock waves were lifted from him, all kinds of flesh cutting, chopping, The sound of hammering rang out.

"King of Hell, save me!" Finally, in the chaos came the savage help of the King of Darkness, ringing through the entire universe of the Demons.

His screams were no more majestic, and fearful like a dying mortal.

His long life is coming to an end, all the legends and myths are about to end, and they are about to withdraw from the long history!

Hundreds of millions of demons heard his screams of screams, and they shuddered in shock, and the eternal king of darkness was so high that they screamed in such fear!

In the distance, the King of Hell, who was fighting Zulong and Moon Father, turned back sharply. In the dim figure, he seemed to shoot two substantive eyes, looking at the direction of the King of Darkness.

"Huh!" He snorted, leaving Zulong and Yuefu at once, and rushed towards the Dark Star at full speed.

"Baby, why don't you say goodbye?" Zulong's voice sounded, shaking the huge colorful dragon tail suddenly, sweeping towards the king of hell.

The moon father also poured endless moonlight, shining on the King of Hell, dragging him on.

"Go!" The King of Hell roared loudly, bursting out of Hell's Hammer.

"Oh!" Zulong's dragon tail was severely hit, and flew back up, spilling the dragon's blood.

In the treasure bag of the greedy king, more than a dozen top-notch masters, including Huang Yi and Miyamoto Musashi, noticed the movement outside.

"Now is the critical moment. We are making a lot of movement to make the King of Hell take care of himself!" Huang Yi hurriedly said to the crowd, raised his butcher knife high, and chopped down towards the earth.

The 32 souls on the butcher's knife smashed into the ground together with the butcher's knife. All the Jinshan and Yinshan were scattered and flying, and the huge shock wave flew all kinds of strange treasures.

More than a dozen other top-ranking masters also poured out their own attacks and blasted towards the earth!

The earth suddenly became colorful, shock waves were superimposed layer after layer, flying up the mountains of gold and silver, and various rare treasures splashed everywhere.

Soon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Their attacks spread through the treasure bag of the greedy king, shaking in the body of the **** king.

The King of Hell is about to get rid of the entanglement of Zulong and Moon Father, and now he is suddenly shocked by the treasure bag. After a while, the gods are divided, and he is entangled by the two creator ancestors. .

"Ah!" In the dark star, the scream of the Dark King grew louder and louder, and he was about to die!

"Get out of here!" The King of Hell was impatient and roared again and again, turning Hell's Hammer Dance into a phantom, smashing madly at Moon Father and Zulong.

But the two founding ancestors had a long life, and tried hard to withstand his onslaught, which could not be repelled for a while.

"It's too slow to use big tricks!" In the treasure bag, after everyone bombarded for a while, there was still no sign of the treasure bag being opened. Huang Yi shook his head and his face became serious.

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