Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1663: The Fall of Another Demon King!

Huang Yi immediately fanned the killing wings behind.

He hasn't used these wings for a long time. Each fan can double the full stats, but it takes 10 Nefreem's power, and it can only last 1 minute.

Every time the wings of the killing fan are fanned, the color becomes bright red. When the fan is turned to the tenth time, the wings have become a pair of blood wings, and a drop of blood is continuously dripping down, like a blood from the blood. The world came out of the sea to kill God.

Now, he has increased the full attribute by 10 times. This is the limit of the Wings of Killing, and the power of Nefarem consumed is up to 100 points.

In addition, he also superimposed a 3.2x increase on the butcher knife, which is equivalent to 13.2x normal attributes.

In this minute, he will be an unsolvable being, his strength far exceeds the level of being transformed into an ancestor dragon, and can even reach the strength of a tyrant possession.

More importantly, this is his own power and will not get out of control.

Everyone stared at Huang Yi in amazement and felt the breath of great shore emanating from his body, which is a power that even these super masters can only look up to.

"Attack with me!" Huang Yi said, holding up the butcher's knife, slashing down with all his strength. Others also quickly raised their arms and poured out strength with him.

"Boom!" This time, the entire space suddenly shook violently, as if to completely collapse.

An unprecedented violent shock wave roared and swept across in all directions, withering and dying, all the treasures of the mountains and mountains were lifted out, and flew violently with the shock wave.

Outside, the King of Hell's body trembled, and was seriously disturbed by the shock of the treasure bag. Even the Hell Hammer in his hand was deflected, and he failed to hit the ancestor dragon claw that swept across.

"Ka!" In the treasure bag, the protective film on the outside of some treasures shattered completely, and gold flickered apart.

A piece of gold ore echoed back and was grabbed by Miyamoto Musashi.

"Huh? You can take it away!" Miyamoto Musashi said in surprise, with a flash of his palm, the gold ore suddenly disappeared into his hands, and he was put into a storage ring.

These treasures were originally wrapped in a film, and they could not be destroyed if they were not taken away, but the attack intensity of the crowd now can actually break the film on the outside of these items!

These Jinshan Yinshan will become real Baoshan and can be taken away.

"That being the case, we are attacking here!" Huang Yi also lighted up and flew to another area in the distance.

Here is a shelf. One of the shelves is filled with crystal clear crystals, which exudes surging divine power, which is simply a spar.

The rare spangles, which are rare to see outside, are piled up here.

However, the rest of the shelves of this shelf are already empty, presumably here should have been filled with the spar, layer after layer. But it was almost used by the King of Greed, and only a few layers remained.

Huang Yi picked up the butcher knife again, and split it with all his strength towards the layer of pebble stones.

"Boom!" The ground shook, the space shook, the divine power fluttered, and the dazzling light suddenly drowned the area, and the dense crackling sounded.

This sturdy shelf was split in half directly by his butcher knife, and the shelf flew out.

"Woohoo!" Three spiky stones suddenly splashed out, and Huang Yi repeatedly fanned the dragon wings day by day, and grabbed them.

The film outside them is gone and ready to use!

He threw the three spar directly into his mouth to supplement the divine power in his body.

On that shelf, the rest of the spinel was still stuck on it, and it didn't spread out, and the upper layer was still there.

"Boom boom boom!" Huang Yi picked up the butcher knife again, and bombarded the pile of spar with others.

The violent force exploded again and again, sweeping inside the treasure bag, the space shattered, Wanbao flying, and the layers of rare treasures were shattered and turned into trophies.

People have never encountered such a rich treasure, treasures can be picked up everywhere, and the quality of each treasure is very high.

After half a minute, all the pegmatite on the quick shelf had been picked up, and several piles of treasures around it had also been affected, and the film had shattered.

"This is the third piece of legendary equipment I've picked up!" At this time, the entanglement picked up a flying sword that radiated with light, and smiled with emotion. In just half a minute, three pieces of legendary equipment worth a lot are more efficient than playing any boss.

Huang Yi picked up more than twenty divine stones and filled up all the divine power in his body.

And Miyamoto Musashi and others also learned a lot, and obtained some valuable materials, potions, ore, and other good things that are rarely seen outside.

In this half a minute, Huang Yi and others poured out their power in the treasure bag, searching for various treasures, but the **** king outside was very uncomfortable.

His body was not stable for a moment. The treasure bag seemed to suppress a bomb. The explosive power revealed again and again, which severely disturbed him, making him unable to escape from the entanglement of the two creator ancestors and went to the dark Star rescue.

But it is not possible not to suppress this treasure bag, otherwise Huang Yi and others can easily leave the treasure bag and continue to destroy it.

"Ah!" At this time, the scream of the Dark King came again, but the scream was already weak, more like the final pain and sorrow of a dying man.

"Boom!" At the same time, a severe tremor reappeared in the treasure bag, shaking the king of **** to his arm, and the hell's hammer fell in the direction again.

He finally couldn't stand it, and immediately took out the treasure bag of the greedy king, opened his mouth and slammed outward.

The next moment, Huang Yi and others suddenly felt a huge attraction, and their bodies flew up involuntarily.

A mouth appeared in the darkness above, with dazzling light and intense fighting sounds outside.

"Well," they all flew out of that mouth, and in front of them, a vast starry sky appeared again, which is a magic universe.

In order to avoid being disturbed by them, the King of Hell actively released them!

Miyamoto Musashi and others fled, flew into a stream of light, rushed to all directions, and re-traveled to kill the Demon Gods.

The king of **** saw these super-class masters who fled one after another, but did not stop them in the past. They had been vetoed by Huang Yi before, and they all had immortality and could not be killed.

It was for this reason that he had put them in a treasure bag before, but now he has to put them out again.

This group of God-given people is inextricable and cannot be killed or stuck, but regardless of their words, they will be destroyed everywhere and annoyed.

As soon as the King of Hell shook his body, he hurried toward the Star of Darkness and disappeared in an instant.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a huge butcher knife appeared in the distant void, surrounded by 32 souls, and severely split into a void.

Immediately thereafter, the hazy figure of the King of Hell appeared from there, and Huang Yi stiffly stopped it.

Taking this opportunity, Moon Father and Zulong rushed up again, entangled with the King of Hell.

With the last few seconds of Huang Yi's killing wing time left, he frantically rushed towards the king of hell, giving the greatest pressure.

The immense force poured out on the King of Hell again and again, beating his cloak and flying, his spirit was too high to escape.

But the movement from the dark star became more and more intense, and the dazzling light flickered continuously, like the star.

"Ah!" Finally, the king of darkness uttered a tragic and extreme sorrow, and then came to an abrupt halt, as if a period of history had finally ended.

At the same time, the entire Demon Universe trembled very obviously, the stars became a little fainter, and countless lives withered instantly.

Subsequently, a solemn announcement sounded between heaven and earth.

"[System Announcement]: Six God-given people led by [Crazy Blade Incarnation King] jointly killed the [King of Darkness] to complete one of the four era missions [Killing the King of Darkness] and create Myths, entered into the annals of history! Reward 10,000 public reputation, 500 million power of faith, get [time achievement] [kill the king of darkness], second world honor +5. "

"[System Bulletin]: [The Dark Lord] 's body has died. All His Majesty's servants will all die, and the number of demons is reduced by about 1/4. Since then, the five demon kings have been changed to four. The godsend who signed the contract with the Lord of Darkness will all be reborn, delete all data and start again. "

Finally, the King of Darkness has fallen!

Another King of the Worlds was completely killed!

Most of the seven demon kings have died, leaving only three of the king of hell, the king of destruction, and the fallen king.

The number of demons is only 3/7, which is far less than the peak period.

What's more, this time the King of Darkness was killed in the right way through normal means.

Whether it was the Queen of Pain killed by Huang Yi, the King of Greed ~ www.readwn.com ~, or the cursed King killed by Miyamoto Musashi and .t, they were all picked up cheaply after serious injuries and belonged to the last killing knife. Nature.

The King of Darkness was in his own nest and was besieged by everyone to death, not the nature of a make-up sword.

This is the first time that God-given people have killed the Demon head-on, and the historical significance is completely different.

The announcement also rang through the ears of the more than 5,000 Divine Powers outside, ringing in every corner of the Second World ...

Countless players knew this shocking news for the first time. Although they were in a distant second world and did not have the strength to participate in the battle of the Besieged Demons Universe, through this announcement, they seemed to be able to see What happened in the small world of the demons, the second world side is destroying the demons, and the demons are going step by step.

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