Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1664: Fallen Star

As soon as the King of Darkness died, his subordinates scattered throughout the Demon Universe, up to the few virtual gods left, down to countless servants throughout the universe, were all killed by the power of the contract.

They were originally busy maintaining the stability of the small universe, but this strength was withdrawn, the stability of the small universe suddenly dropped a lot, the power penetrated into the outside suddenly increased, and the small universe had a tendency to collapse.

"Huh!" The King of Hell's voice was so cold that he immediately stretched out a palm and scratched with five fingers.

The next moment, the large stars were erased directly, the entire small universe seemed to be shrinking, and the vast starry sky could actually see the end.

This shows that the Demon Universe has contracted again, the space has become smaller, the intensity has increased again, the signs of collapse have ceased, and it has stabilized again.

However, contraction is easy to expand, and it is difficult to expand. Since the innumerable epochs, the King of Hell has been working to expand this small universe into a real universe, and it took countless efforts to open up such a vast universe.

Every time I shrink it, it is equivalent to wasting a lot of hard work. I do n’t even know if I can open up to the current scale again.

But not shrinking and not working, the Devil has no enough strength to maintain this mass.

Huang Yi was slightly surprised that the King of Hell had so easily contracted the small universe of the Demons. It was almost as easy as a finger.

By comparison, he is far worse. It is difficult for him to control the size of the small glass world as he wants. On the one hand, he lacks strength; on the other hand, it is because he stole it from other places, not by himself. It takes a lot of thought to expand and shrink.

At this point, the one-minute duration had long since passed, and his wings of killing had returned to normal, and the ten-fold boost of power had long since ended, leaving only a 3.2-fold boost brought by the 32 souls on the butcher knife.

These two doubling abilities are calculated based on the original attributes, instead of always increasing, 10 times the full attributes of the Wings of Kill, and 3.2 times the butcher knife will not be multiplied to 32 times, but will be superimposed. It becomes 13.2 times.

With his current strength, he could not threaten the king of hell, and quickly left here.


The dark star was in chaos, and the aftermath of the battle blew up cracks and deep pits. The entire planet was pot-shaped and no longer a regular circle.

The joy of the blade and other people's faces, the high king of darkness was once an eternal mythical figure, they were just a group of ants, struggling under his feet. Now they actually killed him, like dreaming.

In front of him is the body of the Dark Lord, surrounded by messes, and the bodies of several Lava Warlords, who were pulled away by the Dark Lord before his death.

"Hum! Tell you to bully Lao Tzu!" Stellar King kicked at the corpse of the King of Darkness with a curse in his mouth.

The dignified King of Darkness was trampled by a whip corpse like a dead dog at this moment, and a large amount of dense demon blood flowed out from the wound, with bright light spots converging into a blood river on the earth .

"What about this black sun?" Thor said, looking at the dark wheel in the air.

As soon as the King of Darkness died, the magic weapon lost its control and hung in the void, neither rising nor falling, quietly blooming with the black light of death.

"See if you can take it away!" Said the blade, and immediately flew up, reaching for the wheel of darkness.

"Zi!" After a while, his palm was corroded violently, bursting into smoke, and received it in an electric shock.

This black sun is a magic weapon. Only the demons can touch it, and everyone else is eroded by the power of the magic system.

"Killing God is not afraid of the power of the magic system, you can ask him to take this black sun!" The pope said suddenly.

"In my king's universe, everything belongs to my king!" At this moment, the voice of the king of **** suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

Then, the black sun flew into the sky suddenly and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the dark star trembled suddenly, the earth broke, and the space collapsed, as if to collapse completely.

The hurries flew up into the air, leaving the range of the dark star.

After flying to extremely high space, the dark stars below have shattered into a thick mass of energy, scattered to all corners of the small universe, solidifying the enchantment of the small universe.

Whenever a demon king dies, his corresponding planet will be refined by the king of **** to maintain the stability of the universe.

Now, there are only three big planets left in the Devil's Universe, and the **** star in the middle is the most peaceful.

The fallen star on the left exploded with dazzling light everywhere, and another soldier and horse led by Meng Tiantian was killing wildly there.

The destruction star on the right showed even greater movements. Even at such a long distance, you can see that there are tremors everywhere, collapse everywhere, and a shocking loud sound rang through the stars, accompanied by the king of destruction and the warlord the sound of.

"In those days, you took away the old man's things, and today you have to return them with interest!" The warlord's voice was full of violent warfare.

"The only one who dares to provoke my king is destruction!" The king of destruction also responded violently.

The two Supreme Masters of the World are both irritable tempers, they are frightening to fight, they are devastating, and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene.

"Let's kill the fallen king!" Blade quickly made a decision and led the crowd to fly towards the fallen star.


At this point, the situation of the fallen star was extremely fierce, far exceeding the previous dark star.

His Majesty the Fallen King has many powerful gods. He is best at seducing others to fall. There are countless heroes in every world who have signed a master-slave contract with him to kill him.

The King of Sand Pirates, the Mermaid Nightwalker, the Mermaid Princess, and her lover Tide Hunter Levitan, whom Huang Yi met a long time ago, were all seduced by the fallen king.

The fallen star gathers many strong men from various worlds, and they form a layer of defense circle to prevent the invasion of the second world side, among which there are many powerful gods from other worlds.

Meng Nitian, Ganges, Kid, Shancheng Langzi and other super-class masters are scattered in various areas of the Fallen Star to attack all important bases.

They are powerful, especially Meng Tiantian. He is a fusion of the dream family and possesses the ancestors of creation. No one is his opponent.

Their power, like a bulldozer, ran on the fallen star, wherever they were, all strongholds were flattened, and countless demons had no bones.

After destroying several important strongholds, they advanced from all directions to the vicinity of the Fallen Demon Hall, and once again gathered together.

Looking from a distance, there is an enchanting building, the periphery of which forms a defense of copper walls and iron walls.

The earth was filled with countless World of Warcraft, one by one, teeth and claws were crowded together, and the ground could not be seen.

In the sky are the demons who cover the sky, countless like birds, filling every inch of the sky.

They are surrounded by a celestial body of gods, each of them has a particular position, forming a large circle around the fallen hall, which can support each other.

At the outermost edge is the body of a special giant standing in a row, surrounding the fallen hall like mountains.

They are the famous "giants" of the Demon Clan. They are made by refining the corpses of Archaean giants. They are particularly huge and often serve as the pioneers of the Demon Clan.

They only need to go to each world once to produce a catastrophe. The places they live in are covered with charcoal, and cities have been trampled into ruins, which has caused severe disaster to the Second World.

"Dream against the sky, here we come!" At this time, the blade and others came down from the sky with a dazzling light, and came to the side of the dream against the sky, Kid, Shancheng Langzi and others.

"There is the old nest of the fallen king, but it is surrounded by a large array, and it is a bit troublesome." Kidd pointed to the copper-walled and iron-walled defense in front of him.

"It's just a circular array!" Dragon Spike glanced at it, and immediately recognized the formation.

The dragons are good at formations, not to mention that he was the first godsend to graduate from the Oscar Royal Academy with a full mark.

"Where are the key points? We kill the past." The mountain prodigal waved the mountain knife in his hand, exuding a wild breath.

The dragon thorn looked at it, and pointed his finger at an area, saying, "This is a nested loop array, the key is in the middle part, where is the junction of the inner ring and the outer ring, that is, the one with five false gods. Somewhere, there is a faint enchantment on the bread, do you see it? "

The crowd looked away, and it turned out that in the endless ocean of demons, there was an area where five powerful fallen lords gathered, and a light film was wrapped on their heads to prevent them from being tight.

"Let me deal with it first!" Meng Tiantian smiled, his palms fluttered, and he took out a strange flower.

This flower has only three petals of red, yellow and blue, with a long flower stem below.

"Dream!" Meng spit out a spell, reached out and took off the yellow petal, and threw it into the air.

The yellow petals quickly dissipated in the air, turned into a faint fragrance, and quickly spread throughout the audience.

When hundreds of millions of demons smelled this floral fragrance ~ www.readwn.com ~, they suddenly had heavy eyelids, like they were drunk. It's a mumbled dream.

Even some demons at the demigod level are very tired. No matter how hard they shake their heads, their eyelids are still twirling down and they have to fall asleep.

Only those who are at the level of virtual gods are still stubbornly resisting, but their mental strength is getting weaker and their movements are getting slower and slower.

"Sleepwalking!" Meng Qitian once again spit out a spell, plucked the blue petals of the flower, and threw it into the air.

The blue petals also quickly dissipated into the air, turned into hundreds of millions of light spots, permeated the entire field, and penetrated into the body of each sleeping demon.

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