Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 211: 1 person, 1 city

"Fengzhi seems to be offline. At this time, he usually stands on the city wall to observe the situation of the skeleton army, but tomorrow afternoon is the time of assembly, he will definitely go online!" The player kindly reminded, "You should not go online for a long time Now, let me remind you that the Supreme Commander is here. Remember to go to the central square of Longdu tomorrow before 5pm, when we are ready to break out. This is our last chance to escape from Longdu. If you have a friend in Longdu, remember to tell me. "After that, the player turned and left.

"Five o'clock tomorrow afternoon!" Huang Yi read this time, then returned to her residence with Qin Shiyu on his back, put Qin Shiyu on the bed, and then sat by her bed and guarded.

Next, he began to concentrate on controlling the avatar, and his avatar finally arrived at the treasure point!

Before riding the headless horse, the avatar took 4 days to reach the treasure point. After the avatar died, there were no skeleton horses, and the speed was much slower. It took 6 days to arrive.

Huang Yi manipulated the incarnation and re-entered the underground palace of the golden holy dragon. The skeleton horse was still in the underground palace, waiting for the return of his master. This shows that no one has come in during this time, otherwise this skeleton horse could not have stayed intact.

Huang Yi was relieved, but fortunately the treasure was kept secret, and then he turned to look at the entrance of the treasure.

But the next moment, he only saw a confined stone wall!

The entrance to the enchantment was covered by the stone wall again!

These days, no one else has come here, but the stone wall has closed strangely!

At that moment, Huang Yi suddenly felt that his back was cold!

In this gloomy underground palace, he stared so staringly at the stone wall, all kinds of things that had happened during this time emerged in his mind, and then all the questions suddenly popped up!

First of all, this treasure spot does not have any guardians, which is abnormal. Huang Yi had been to the Sand Pirate Palace before, and there were many monsters obstructing him. In the end, there was even a sixty-level ice general guarding the heart. But there is no obstruction here. Obviously, the Golden Dragon does not want to obstruct those treasure hunters.

Secondly, this treasure's organ needs to be opened with dragon claws, which indicates that the golden holy dragon wants to let people with the blood of the dragon race enter. but. After Huang Yi went in. However, it was found that the level must be more than two hundred levels to come out. Even in the ancient times, the strong one had a rare existence, even if it was a peerless powerhouse such as Doom. It is only 172. Obviously, the golden holy dragon is the dragon who wants to let the dead die!

But after dying, the stone wall was closed again, as it was, which indicates that the Golden Holy Dragon wanted to continue the previous steps. Let the dragon bloodlines go in, and then die one by one.

Huang Yi faintly guessed a terrible fact!

Perhaps he is not the first person to enter the treasure point. Before him, it is likely that some dragons have already come to this treasure point, and have successfully discovered the institution and entered the treasure point, but they have all died .

However, no corpses remained in the treasure spot, indicating the essence of their lives. Even their bodies were absorbed by something!

And this kind of thing is likely to be related to the golden holy dragon!

In light of these speculations, the Golden Holy Dragon is likely to have a purpose, such a purpose. It is very likely that the dragon bloodliners need to die in order to absorb their essence of life in order to achieve it.

This treasure is really real, but its purpose is only to attract some dragons who are naturally sensitive to treasures. In fact, the essence of this treasure point is a bureau under the golden holy dragon cloth. Huang Yi is one of them!

Huang Yi stared at the wall quietly, suddenly thinking of many things. The plot slowly eased the veil.

However, his mind was quickly relieved, no matter what the conspiracy of the Golden Holy Dragon, he could still implement his own plan.

The reason why he returned to this treasure point, in addition to wanting to close the institution, actually served another purpose. Now that he has discovered the conspiracy of the golden holy dragon, the plan must be slightly changed.

Then he turned back into a white dragon form, opened the organ again, and the stone wall was opened again, exposing the enchantment.

Then he immediately transformed into a half-orc form, walked out of the underground palace of the golden holy dragon, came to the desolate sand outside, exposed himself, and wandered around.

Suddenly, Huang Yi saw a group of sand wolves in the distance. He immediately rushed over, quickly subdued the sand wolves, and then stared at the eyes of the sand wolves, as if staring at countless sand thieves. Slowly said: "Sand Pirate King, I know that this desolate sandy land is your empire. Every sand wolf, every scorpion, every rattlesnake here is your eyeliner. You must be able to detect my existence. .I just want to tell you that your heart is beating in my body at this moment, it is full of vitality, it brings me vitality continuously, and makes me live very moisturized. It is indeed the heart of your sand thief king. .If you want to get this heart back, then I will be waiting for you in the palace of the golden holy dragon. I hope you can come here to get your heart back. If you send some tadpoles, this one You ca n’t take the heart. I ’m a dragon, and I found the real treasure of the golden holy dragon, but there is a strong guardian inside, I ca n’t beat him, I need to kill it with your hand, in exchange. I will give you the heart, and you need to put Tibetan give me ...... "

After speaking, Huang Yi switched to the white dragon form, and his own dragon body was shown through the eyes of the sand wolf to the eyes of the sand robbers in countless miles.

Huang Yi's original plan was to negotiate with the Sand Pirate King and use that heart in exchange for the retreat of the skeleton army outside Longdu. But these two days he was forced to go to Longdu in advance, so he had to abandon the original plan. His words just now are half-truths and half-truths, the purpose is just to attract the true thief king.

His current plan is to introduce the Sand Pirate King into the enchantment of the Golden Holy Dragon. Once he enters that circle, the Sand Pirate King will be trapped. The Sand Pirate King's level definitely does not exceed two hundred levels. At present, the entire continent does not have more than two hundred powerful men. The Sand Pirate King is at most the same as the doomsday messenger of ancient times. Lucifer's strength is about 170 levels.

If this plan is successful, then he can not only keep that heart, but also completely solve the hidden danger of Sand Pirate King.

Next, Huang Yi's incarnation returned to the Golden Palace of the Holy Dragon, and then he was on the ground in front of the entrance to the enchantment. Draw a heart-like pattern. If King Sand Pirate arrives, he will definitely understand what this means, and enter the enchantment. However, it will certainly be very cautious, and it should first send an avatar into the enchantment and see what happens. If you find that there is indeed a treasure. Then his essence will enter. Therefore, Huang Yi also needs to make some additional measures.

The next moment, Huang Yi stepped into the enchantment. At this moment, the stele of the golden holy dragon still stands inside. This stone monument must be destroyed, because it is recorded above that this enchantment needs to reach level 200 to go out. Once this line is found by King Sand Pirate, it is impossible for him to come in.

Next, Huang Yi summoned the hero prison. Then walked in.

He went straight to the stone room where the keys were hidden, seized some keys, and then screened out a target—

Two-headed dragon Jakiro (level 193, number 1754)

In the ancient times, the bizarre dragon clan with two heads and both ice and fire abilities had broken into the death temple to commit chaos. Life imprisonment!

That's the goal! Huang Yi quickly followed the map in the book of heroes to the prisoner's cell!

At this moment, above the huge cell, there was a huge shadow of a dragon, which had two heads. Flying in the dark air, like a sleepy dragon. "Double-headed dragon, next I will release you, your day of freedom is here!" Huang Yichao said in a double-headed dragon. The key was then used to open the door of the cell, and the opening progress was 50%.

That is. He released the half-strength avatar of the two-headed dragon, which is the strongest avatar he has ever released!

A 50% strength clone of a 193-level SS! This is a strength he can't even imagine!

Next, Huang Yi directly chose to teleport out of the heroic prison, and then stood beside the stele, waiting quietly for death.

Gradually, the entrance of the hero prison disappeared, and the clone of the two-headed dragon escaped. After seeing Huang Yi, it spewed a flame without hesitation!

The next moment, the stone was completely destroyed, and Huang Yi was instantly killed!

But he did not choose to be resurrected, and his body was still here, creating an illusion, which was also part of his plan.

Now he just had to wait quietly.


It gradually darkened, and Huang Yi in Longdu sat in Qin Shiyu's room and stayed with her all day. The golden afterglow shone in through the window and shone on Huang Yi's body, sketching a golden yellow silhouette, as if back to many years ago.

At that time, he used to sit next to Qin Shiyu's bed and watch her gradually fall asleep. He had an illusion. It seemed that Qin Shiyu was just asleep. As long as he waited, she would one day Wake up.

Next, Huang Yi quickly went offline to have dinner, and then continued online to accompany Qin Shiyu.

The huge moon rose to the sky with seven beautiful stars. Huang Yi stood up and came to the window, looking at the dragon capital that was illuminated by the moon. At this time, the dragons were very lively. The lights of Wanjia were full of people's voices, which contrasted sharply with the general scene of the dead city during the day.

Under the yellow overflow window is an alley where there is a yellow street lamp hanging in the alley, shining lonely, and several players are sitting and chatting under the street lamp.

"Three days have passed now. We have won 28 gold medals in China. I don't know if we can continue to hold the first place."

"Very hanging. We won't have any advantages in the awards tomorrow. Instead, the United States has a number of advantages. They expect to get more than 13 gold medals, which may exceed us by then."

"Today Thor has won the best knight award, becoming the world's first knight, and the world's first warrior blade, the world's first mage pope, the world's first priest pharaoh, and the world's first assassin dragon assassin. what!"

"Well, tomorrow ’s best human hunting career award is estimated to be the Russian giant bear Pooh, and the best pagan career award of the day after tomorrow, is either heavenly or Miyamoto Musashi. Basically, it was captured by Japan. It ’s awful. ! "

"Don't worry, this is not the top award. On the last day, it was the real grand finale. Of the five top awards, the best newcomer award is probably Thor. Even if it is not Thor, it is also a spike. It has been earmarked by our China. Out of pocket! "

"Well, I also think it's a thunder god. But I hope that Spike will win the prize. Without him, we would have died the day the skeleton army attacked the dragon capital, and it would not be possible to live to this day."

"Well! That's the same, if the spike can appear again. Save us completely. Otherwise, we can only follow the wind tomorrow to break through."


Listening to the following people chatting, Huang Yi's understanding of the speech of Huang Huapeng of the time company is even more profound. Many players are always waiting passively for help from others, putting their hopes on others, but they are like a dead person.

The same is true in the real world. When encountering some crises, people are always waiting for the rescue of Time Company, putting their hopes on Time Company. This is almost fatal to human beings. When everyone's own hopes are annihilated, the end of the world really comes.

At present, Huang Yi is really trying to save Longdu. After all, he and Qin Shiyu are both trapped here. To save Longdu is to save himself. But his plan was made only temporarily. There is no absolute certainty. If the King of Sand Pirates does n’t want that heart, he wo n’t go to the treasure hiding place of the Golden Holy Dragon at all, then he ca n’t help it.

Gradually, the night got deeper and deeper, Huang Yi lay beside Qin Shiyu's bed. He fell asleep.


The golden morning light came in obliquely through the window, shone on Huang Yi's body, and made his hair and eyelashes golden.

Huang Yi's eyelids fluttered. Then woke up, that moment. He looked at Qin Shiyu lying on the bed, slightly lost. Many years ago, he was lying on the edge of the bed many times, guarding Qin Shiyu, and at the first sight after waking up, he saw Qin Shiyu.

Next, Huang Yi went offline and returned to Rose Prison. At five in the afternoon, he will have a big fight, and before that, he must be fully prepared.

He washed it, then went to the cafeteria for a full breakfast, and then returned to his cell to do some basic training.

After more than an hour, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate.

Meditation is a very magical exercise that puts a person into deep sleep. Whether ancient India, ancient China, or even ancient Europe, there are records of meditation. It's just that they have different names. In ancient China, this was called guided surgery or health pile. In the Chinese medicine system, this is also an important treatment.

Huang Yi has been training in meditation since he was a child. An hour of meditation allows him to have the fullest mental state quickly. The reason why he can maintain high intensity tension and continue to struggle in the second world is because he often performs Meditation training.

An hour later, Huang Yi woke up, and at that moment, the whole world seemed brand new.

After finishing using the toilet, he closed the old room door tightly to ensure that he had no worries before returning to the line.

Next, he may have to fight for dozens of hours in a row without being offline.

After going online, Huang Yi did not go to the forum, but directly entered the second world. He reappeared in Qin Shiyu's room, next to Qin Shiyu's body, and she was still lying in bed, as if asleep.

Next, Huang Yi picked up Qin Shiyu's body again, left the room, and walked to the central square of Longdu.

When he came to the alley outside, Huang Yi saw some silhouettes. Today's dragons are not as deserted as they were a few days ago, because today is the day when the wind will command a breakout. For all players in Longdu, this is the only opportunity to escape at present, and everyone doesn't want to miss it.

Gradually, Huang Yi saw more and more players, and those players saw him carrying Qin Shiyu's body, and they were all surprised, pointing at him, watching him, and some even eager to try, Ready to kill Huang Yi.

Now Huang Yi has no idea how many evil values ​​there are, and there is a thick layer of blood around him. The last time he had a guilt value was when Feng Linzhai killed three of Chen Yuxi. At that time, many people wanted to kill him.

Now, Huang Yi ’s crime is more serious than he was then. As long as anyone kills him, all his equipment will explode, and his level will drop directly to the first level.

Huang Yi knew that he was extremely dangerous now. Fengzhi is now the highest commander of Longdu, leading a million players of Longdu. As long as he ordered, the entire dragon would be against him.

Huang Yi looked away from the central square ~ www.readwn.com ~ He seemed to see countless enemies waiting there, their swords were directly on the horizon, hundreds of thousands of players were waiting in a row, they are likely to be all Enemy with him.

But he is not afraid, he dares to come, and naturally has calculated everything that can happen.

Next, Huang Yi continued to carry Qin Shiyu and walked step by step towards the central square. There were more and more players along the way, and many people followed him.

Finally, Huang Yi came to the central square. At this time, there were more than a thousand people around him, and hundreds of thousands of players had gathered in the huge central square in front of him, like a small crowd. Skull ocean.

Huang Yi, facing this state of evil, came among these hundreds of thousands of players!

Next, he wanted to be alone and face a city. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS: This is a 5,000-word chapter. Today, it has been changed by a total of 10,000. We barely make up for the amount of updates owed before we returned. Repaying debts is really tiring. Ask for a recommendation ticket, of course, a monthly ticket is better.

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