Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 212: Countdown ten seconds

Soon, the movement on Huang Yi's side attracted the attention of more and more people on the field. Some people started to take videos or screenshots, upload them to the forum, and post.

"This man is so brave! Look at him carrying Qin Shiyu, so he enjoys such a beautiful body."

"Yeah, I've seen Qin Shiyu's body before, I really want to touch her, but I still dare not."

More and more people participated in the onlookers, and some even said some wretched words.

Huang Yi looked up and looked around. There were people everywhere, all staring at him, not knowing where the wind was.

"Huh? What are you doing over there? Why is it so noisy!" Just then, a majestic voice came from afar.

Huang Yi turned his head and saw that there was a table in the distance, with several half-orcs standing on it, pointing like a mountain, and the head was looking at it at this time.

Huang Yi walked towards the platform carrying Qin Shiyu's body, and the crowd automatically gave way to him. At this point, hundreds of thousands of players throughout the square have basically noticed the strangeness here, standing on tiptoes and looking at the situation here.

"Huh? Who are you? How dare you blaspheme Qin Shiyu's body?"

As soon as Huang Yi approached the person, before he spoke, he was buckled down by a big hat.

Huang Yi came to the stage, came to the head of the half-orc, stared at him for a while, and found that this man was not the same as the picture of the stroke in the forum, and could not help saying: "Where is the wind?"

"Is it your boss that you want to see it? You blasphemed Qin Shiyu's corpse, it is already inevitable!" The half-orc snorted, then glanced at Qin Shiyu, and squinted his eyes, saying: "But since you have blasphemed Qin Shiyu's body, then simply blaspheme a bit deeper! Take off her mask and see what the little girls look like, and cut off her clothes. That's great, oh ... "End. The half-orc smiled warily.

"Haha! Yeah! Let's see what Commander Qin looks like!" At this time, some players below the stage also joined together, showing a wretched smile.

"Oh!" The next moment, the half-orc's head was blown with a hammer, and the red and white brains scattered from the air. Dip on the faces of the rest.

Huang Yi retracted the hammer in his hand. Then he turned to stare at the other half-orc on the table, and continued to ask, "Where is the wind?"

The faces of the half-orcs were stiff, and they had not responded yet.

The crowd on the stage stared at Huang Yi in fear!

They didn't expect that Huang Yi would kill him directly without a word. In front of hundreds of thousands of players, killed the commander's high-level leader!

What is even more frightening is that all of them are under the command of Fengzhi, and they are a battlefield group mode. Huang Yi's attack. Equivalent to being hostile to their entire team, they suddenly learned the name of Huang Yi.

"Sec, spike!"

"This man turned out to be a spike!"

The audience was stunned. They did not expect that the person carrying Qin Shiyu's body in front of him was just a spike! For them, spike is their savior. Without him, they would have died already when the skeleton army attacked the dragon capital!

The other half-orcs on the table stared at Huang Yi stingily. Looking at each other and wondering what to do.

"The wind is coming, he is not online yet." Finally, a half-orc stuttered. Looking at Huang Yi's eyes was a bit fearful.

"Okay, then I'm waiting for him." Huang Yi said, just standing on the stage, waiting quietly.

There was nothing on the field. Everyone stared at Huang Yi on the stage, looking complicated.

gradually. Discussions started on the field, and many people started recording live videos, uploading them to forums, and posting related posts.

A few hours passed, and the square became more and more lively. It was only one hour away from the last breakout time. Almost all of the one million people in Longdu were online and ready to participate in this breakout operation. Later on-line players also learned from other players that Huang Yi came to Longdu.

With one million people in Longdu, they all started waiting with Huang Yi. Everyone knows that there will be a good show between Huang Yi and Fengzhi.

"Seckill, your arrival really made our dragons flourish! What's the matter with you?" Finally, after waiting a long time, a voice sounded in the crowd.

Huang Yi turned his head and saw that among the crowd, a man dressed in armor and a red cape came over, and everyone along the way made way for him.

This man is the highest commander of the Dragon City, Fengzhi. At this moment, his face with a bright smile seemed to welcome Huang Yi.

"Who have you arranged to kill Qin Shiyu?" Huang Yi stared at him, asking when he opened the door.

Feng Zhi felt a stun in his heart, but he didn't expect Huang Yi to be so direct, but his face remained the same, saying, "Huh? How could you say such a thing? Although Qin Shiyu and I had some disputes, I would definitely not make it This kind of bad thing! This is definitely some people who want to plant the scams! In fact, I'm also very sad about Qin Shiyu's death. Once I find out who the killer is, I will kill him personally. Qin Shiyu revenge! "Feng Zhi finished, with a look of grief.

Huang Yi stared at him and said directly: "You have specifically chosen to kill Qin Shiyu at this time, because nothing more than that the focus of public opinion during this time is on the annual ceremony. After you kill Qin Shiyu, the public opinion will not pay attention to this. You have indeed achieved this goal, and now no one cares about Qin Shiyu's death. You have done very cleanly without leaving any evidence, but I never thought of telling you evidence, I think Qin Shi You killed the rain, and that was what you killed. I only do what I think is right. I ask you again, who did you arrange to kill Qin Shiyu? "

Feng Zhi saw Huang Yi's attitude so firm, the smile on his face finally disappeared, and his tone became cold: "I just talked to you. I look down on you and give you a face. Don't think that you can cover the sky with one shot. Now, I It is the commander-in-chief of Longdu with one million people. I have the final say here, not to mention that you are just a player. Even if the dragon comes here, you have to lie down! "

Speaking, the wind sneered and stared at Qin Shiyu behind Huang Yi, saying: "Now the person who blasphemed Qin Shiyu is you, and the player who first killed my dragon is also you. I think it would kill Qin Shiyu You should kill you! Otherwise, why don't you let her body pass? Everyone said it? "After that, Fengzhi turned around and looked at the one million people around him.

The one million people on the field are now looking at each other, not sure who is right or who is wrong.

"Since you don't say it, I can only kill all the people who are related to you, whether you have 200,000 or one million people, as long as I kill them all, the killer will be killed together. Dead. "Huang Yi said, taking a stone out of the storage ring and playing with it in his hands.

This stone is called [Special Energy Stone], which can provide him with unlimited energy once.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yi looked at the one million people in Longdu under the stage and exclaimed: "This is my personal grudge against Fengzhi. I don't want to involve innocent people. Now people who have nothing to do with Fengzhi, please immediately Get out of the command of the wind, or I can only hurt by mistake! "

"Huh?" Hearing Huang Yi's words, his face was stunned. He originally wanted to use pressure to speak with Huang Yi to justify the evidence, but he didn't expect Huang Yi to not eat this set at all. Wanting to do something with him, playing cards without common sense at all.

At this moment, Fengzhi finally became cruel, he immediately used the command power and commanded loudly: "Everyone listens to my order and immediately attacks the spike, he is the murderer!"

However, after his order was issued, the players in the audience remained motionless, and most of them expressed gratitude to Huang Yi. This time, they were not fanned by the wind.

"I'll say it again, people who don't want to be killed by accident, now immediately get out of the wind-struck team! I'm tens of seconds!" Huang Yi looked around the audience again, and then counted down: "10, 9, 8 ..."

Huang Yi's countdown was full of oppression. The one million people in the audience seemed to be overwhelmed. Although they had a million people, and there was only one person across, they didn't doubt this. Human power.

Finally, some players on the field made a decision and began to leave the battlefield of the wind to no longer obey his command. With some people taking the lead, hundreds of thousands of people quickly separated from the team and left out the relationship with Feng Zhi.

From the day the Longdu Interim Command was established, one million people have spontaneously formed groups, and each group has formed a group, and each group has finally formed a battlefield group of one million people. . The layers are clear and orderly, just like hundreds of thousands of soldiers in ancient times fought.

And now, this long-lasting team quickly fell apart within a few seconds of Huang Yi's countdown!

Feng Zhi saw this, his face was blue, his body trembled slightly, and he bit his teeth: "All the orcs listen to my order and immediately attack the spike!"

Although hundreds of thousands of players broke away from his command ~ www.readwn.com ~, the 200,000 half-orcs he originally led were still loyal and did not leave the team, they only listened to the order of one person.

In addition, there are some players who have not left his team. At this time, the team is in the wind, and there are more than 300,000 players in total!

The next moment, 200,000 orcs all attacked Huang Yi, and the countless skills of Guanghua Covering the Sky and Sun blasted towards Huang Yi. In this case, even the blade will be instantly spiked, and there is no chance of survival. .

Hundreds of thousands of players on the field widened their eyes and stared at Huang Yi, waiting for him to be blasted into fly ash.

"6, 5, 4 ..." Huang Yi still stood still, carrying the attack of 200,000 players, and continued to count down.

His voice came through Guanghua, a skill that covers the sky, and resounded through the square. Although people could not see him, his countdown voice showed that he was still alive and not killed by the attack of 200,000 people. dead.

"3,2,1 ... I declare that everyone in the team-die!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start at (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your Support is my greatest motivation.)

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