Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 217: With the total death

Huang Yi's brows frowned, and the wind was so unrelenting that it stuck to them like a dog skin plaster, doing all the bad things.

"Don't go back to the city to be resurrected after the death. The priest rescued them with battle and resurrection, Mozong Yueguo, and then you are in charge of the command, I will pick them up from the dragon." Back to Longdu, he rushed towards the resurrection point.

Huang Yi's speed was very fast, and he came to the resurrection point all of a sudden. It was really surrounded by dense players. They surrounded the resurrection point to prevent those who were resurrected from coming out.

Huang Yi said nothing, rushed directly into the crowd and killed one pass, scorched earth, AIDS, and the end of the world was released, killing thousands of players at once. The crowd only realized his arrival, and they spread out in a fright, daring not to fight with him.

Next, Huang Yi said to his teammates at the resurrection point: "Everyone go out! Keep up with the troops and continue to break through!"

The men immediately left the resurrection point and rushed back to the gate.

"Track your sense of smell!" This time, Huang Yi once again used the orc's racial skills, found the location of the wind, and rushed up.

Feng Zhi saw Huang Yi coming, his face was frightened, and he turned to try to escape. He had already died twice in Huang Yi's hands today, and had lost two levels.

"You resurrect once, and I will kill you once!" Huang Yi's voice rang suddenly in his ear, and then a hammer smashed him.

Although Huang Yi killed them like a dog slaughter, he had no time to follow the wind until they were entangled with them. These people could not be killed, and they would surely continue to interfere with him.

Huang Yi decides the next hard move! He took out the book of heroes, summoned the hero prison ...

One minute later, Huang Yi's figure reappeared in Longdu, and then quickly ran towards the gate. And behind him. The entrance to the hero's prison suddenly dissipated, and a huge 105-level dog-headed man loosing a sloppy outline.

"Huh? What is this?" The more than 300,000 players who were under the wind were staring at the huge tadpole, a little surprised.

"Wang!" At the next moment, the Goblet sees the world around him clearly, and sees that there are many players in the surrounding area, and immediately kills and quits.

After losing the will of the ontology, this gorgonian remains only the most primitive desire to kill.

The next dragon capital will become a purgatory.


Soon, Huang Yi returned from the city. Catching up with the big army. Then immediately issued an order: "Now, you have separated a thousand priests, and you quit our large group, and then you form a group by yourself, and move forward in the encirclement of our team. Do n’t add blood to us or go Attack the monsters so as not to enter the combat state. You are all out of combat. Your only mission is to use the resurrection skill to resurrect the dead of our regiment. "

Huang Yi's tactics. It is equivalent to taking a group of priests out of battle at any time, and let them use the normal resurrection skills to resurrect the dead.

Next, a thousand priests were quickly separated from the crowd, and then they started a separate team and followed Huang Yi, a group of more than 600,000 people, to resurrect their dead.

This time, the breakout speed suddenly increased a lot, and members no longer need to return to the city to resurrect.

"Seckill, many legal professions are no longer blue." After breaking out for a while. The head of the Master League reported a new problem to Huang Yi.

"Mages without Lan are separated from the immediate team, so that they can get out of combat, and then meditate on the ground to return to Lan. We do n’t have a magic recovery potion. We can only go back to Lan. After you return to Man Lan, the group leader will restart Join our group. "Huang Yi thought for a while.

Next, one by one, then Huang Yi solved them one by one, commanding a large group of 600,000 people to move forward in an orderly manner.


At this time, the secret telephone line in Shanghai, China and Los Angeles, USA was connected again.

"Mr. Zhuge, according to the news from the dragon capital in the forum, the dragon capital has just reversed. Regional announcements show that No. 1 successfully besieged the King of Sand Pirates, and the strength of the skeleton army fell sharply. It is estimated that it is very hopeful to be able to rush out and save 600,000 players in Longdu. However, he still has one last crisis. One of the three generals of His Majesty the King of Pirates is the ghost axe. Will meet them. "

"Then according to your intelligence, how much hope does he have to break through before the best newcomer award?"

"50% chance. What he lacks most now is time."

"Since he doesn't have time, let's help him make time. Now immediately notify No. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, let them control their respective forces, and try to delay the annual festival time as much as possible. The main methods are: first, to create large-scale traffic congestion in Los Angeles, so that shortlisted people cannot arrive in time for the awards ceremony, and the awards ceremony is delayed; second, to paralyze the power system in Los Angeles , Making the city out of normal operation, and the live TV broadcast can't be started smoothly ... Remember, don't have bloodshed, our purpose is just to delay time. "

"Yes! I inform them immediately!"


In a blink of an eye, five hours passed. The bleak sandy land was deeper in the middle of the night, and distant Los Angeles began a new day. This is the last day of the annual ceremony and the most anticipated day in the world. The top five awards at the ceremony will be presented as finale awards in Los Angeles that night, countless people are looking forward to!

However, people in Los Angeles soon discovered that it seems that because today is the most important day of the annual festival, all the people in the city are pouring out, the traffic is abnormally congested, and the rare traffic jam that happened for many years has really happened. Some finalists who stayed in the hotel were blocked on the road and were unable to reach the venue of the award ceremony.

In addition, some power outages have begun to appear throughout the city. I don't know what the reason is. Los Angeles-related power companies are actively repairing.

In the second world, Huang Yi's team is still fighting hard, and there is still an endless sea of ​​skeletons around. I don't know when it will end. When he entered Longdu, he flew in with almost no fighting, which was equivalent to flying. But now he is walking slowly, and he has to fight while walking, the speed is reaching a limit.

However, they did not keep up with the wind, and it was estimated that the doghead was killed by the doghead. Huang Yi was relieved that he could concentrate on breaking out.


Gradually, a white fish belly appeared on the edge of the desolate sandy land, but the sea of ​​skeletons remained endless. At this point, the team averaged down, each person lost two levels, and tens of thousands of people have already been reincarnate, leaving the team completely, not knowing which corner of the continent. However, Huang Yi was not lost at all. He rushed to the front, killed the most skeletons, washed away most of his sin, and lost a lot of blood on his body.

These skeleton armies are relatively easy to kill now. They are no longer in the core area of ​​the skeleton ocean. The skeleton SS has been reduced a lot and the death rate of team members has been greatly reduced. But at this time the team members were already tired, and the arms holding their hands trembled involuntarily.

However, the ghost axe. The black wolf still hasn't appeared. Huang Yi is worried about it all the time. Every second that time passes, the chance of the black wolf general will increase.


The sun rose completely, the golden rising sun sprinkled on the endless ocean of skeletons, and the sound of the fighting of 600,000 people was directly in the sky. They still had not rushed out of the ocean of skeletons. Huang Yi's evil value has been completely washed away, and the blood on his body has completely disappeared.

He has been online for more than 20 hours, and has been maintaining a high degree of tension. While fighting, he dispatches the team and consumes a lot of effort. But he still didn't feel tired, always carrying Qin Shiyu's body, walking towards the outside world step by step, killing a blood path.

"Seckill Brother, suddenly a large group of people came from behind. It was the team under the wind. They followed the trajectory of our breakout and soon broke out, which is not good for us." At this time, Fu Yizhi gave Huang Overflow reported a bad intelligence.

"I'll go and kill them back." Huang Yi said, turning around and rushing to them.

"Seckill, take your life!" At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in front of him, with a mighty momentum, just like a galloping horse. Just letting people hear it, they couldn't raise the courage to fight.

Huang Yi's angle suddenly stopped, and the voice sounded like a ghost axe that has been waiting for a long time. Black Wolf!

After all, it is here. Next, Huang Yi will usher in an unprecedented calamity!

"Ghost axe. The black wolf is coming, Mozong Yueguo, then you command the whole regiment, I will lead it away, you continue to charge forward."

"No ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seckill Brother, you must not beat General Black Wolf alone, let us fight with you! Without you, we would have died already, and we would never live now."

"Yeah! Spike God, we are willing to fight with you!"

"Seckill, we will die with you!"

The members of the entire team began to yell, to fight against the most difficult level with Huang Yi, at this time they have forgotten life and death, and even some female players have shown a strong sense of affection.

This time, hundreds of thousands of people in the regiment have united as never before, and Huang Yi is not allowed to leave.

"Okay! Now that everyone is so affectionate, let's play against the ghost axe. The black wolf and see if it's him who destroys us alone, or if we a group of people destroy him." Huang Yi nodded, and said loudly.

"Everyone rushes up and drags them on! It's time to kill!" Just then, a sudden roar came from behind. 300,000 of them finally appeared at this most dangerous moment, like a group of ghosts, which lasted for a long time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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