Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 218: Don't move him

Huang Yi looked back. At this moment, their team was far behind and was rushing up quickly. The distance was getting closer. The sand and dust raised by 300,000 people covered the sky and could not see it at a glance.

On the other side, a small human-sized figure rushed out of the endless ocean of skeletons. Every time he stepped on the ground, he would crush a skeleton soldier on the ground, and the whole earth followed his footsteps to shake slightly! This tall figure has a wolf's head, fangs and teeth, carrying two huge black axes in his hands, reflecting the radiant light in the sun, and it is estimated that a gully will appear even on the ground! This is one of the three major generals of His Majesty the King of Sand Pirates.

Now, Huang Yi has reached the most critical moment. He cannot be dealt with by a ghost-axe black wolf alone. He is a master of sacred level beyond the level, and it is estimated that he will not be able to break the defense.

"Everyone help me protect her, I'll go back as soon as I go!" Huang Yi knew that the situation was critical at this time, and immediately said to the whole group, put Qin Shiyu, who had been carrying a day on the ground, lightly on the ground, and immediately rushed out of the crowd. , Rushed into the skeleton ocean alone!

The ghost axe and the black wolf were staring at him and chasing after him, and they changed directions. The two quickly left the eyes of everyone, and the whole team was temporarily safe.

Huang Yi saw the ghost axe and the black wolf completely attracted by himself, immediately turned around, and rushed towards the team of 300,000 of them, and decided to bring disaster to the east.

"Hunting!" Just as the ghost axe and the black wolf were about to catch up, Huang Yi rushed five times in a row, like a phantom, suddenly plunged into the dense 300,000 people who were windy to them. .

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yi quickly switched to half-orc form, hidden among 200,000 orcs, and looked almost the same as them, with no difference.

"Huh? Where did you go?" The ghost axe and the black wolf rushed into the more than 200,000 half-orcs as soon as they saw Huang Yi's smoke, and disappeared in no time. where is it.

The next moment, the ghost axe and the black wolf rushed directly into the wind to the team they were in, and began to kill the war. The body the size of a hill rushed in. With each step, dozens of people directly turned into meatloaf, and even resisted. No chance.

The crowd suddenly dispersed, screaming and escaping, and the scene was suddenly chaotic.

"Hateful!" When the wind saw this situation, he was immediately anxious and issued a command order.

But at this moment, his body was directly blasted with a hammer, turning into the debris of the sky, leaving no corpse.

Just now Huang Yi once again found his place by tracking his sense of smell, and killed him all at once!

After the death of the wind, the entire team had no heads, and although a deputy head of the group soon took command, in this critical situation, very few people were really willing to obey the orders.

Huang Yi hides in the crowd · Safe temporarily!

At this time, the annual ceremony in Los Angeles is in full swing. Today ’s awards ceremony was delayed for about two hours due to extremely unusual traffic and electricity. The Los Angeles side has been under tremendous pressure from international public opinion, and the Mayor of Los Angeles has apologized and announced a thorough investigation.

During the awards ceremony, awards are being awarded, and the winners come to the stage, expressing their awards excitedly, all over the world are watching the live broadcast. The time for awarding the top five awards is getting closer! The finale of the annual festival is coming soon!

At that moment, the secret call between Shanghai, China and Los Angeles, USA was re-connected.

"Mr. Zhuge, No. 1 was blocked by the ghost axe and the black wolf, and the situation is at stake!"

"Without this threat, how long will it take for them to rush out at the original breakout speed?"

4 and a half hours! "

"How long is the best newcomer award on the awards ceremony program?"

About 4 hours! "

"That said, even if there were no black axe, they couldn't rush out before the best newcomer award, did they?"

"Yes! Too little time!"

"Then we will win time for No. 1 again and notify those at the awards ceremony, let them find ways to delay time, and if necessary, we can reveal the identity of some people!"


Ten minutes later, Huang Yi is still hidden among 300,000 people. However, at this time, a large area has been emptied. The ghost axe and the black wolf are sacred domain powers. One skill down is to instantly kill everyone with a radius of several hundred meters. There is a force of ups and downs between hands and feet.

But players can't escape completely, because there are endless oceans of skeletons in all directions, they can only torture themselves in the crowd, and flee helplessly. Occasionally, some people can summon the courage to attack, but most of the attacks are firmly blocked after they fall on the ghost axe black wolf. They cannot even break the defense. Only a few sacred damage and shadow damage that ignore the defense can give it. It causes a little bit of trouble, but this damage is almost negligible.

The ghost axe black wolf and the current player are not a character at all levels.

Seeing this situation, Huang Yi's heart was slightly heavy. Even if he commanded 600,000 people to deal with this ghost-axe black wolf, he was destined to die! This is the first time that he has faced the Sanctuary Powerhouse with full strength, and deeply understands the strength of the Sanctuary Powerhouse. The 600,000 players can't defeat it at all. The previous method of relying on the team to defeat the ghost axe and black wolf did not work!

Huang Yi was avoiding, thinking about the other ways. At this time, he could not release the criminals' avatars in the heroic prison, because they are indistinguishable from each other, and there are 600,000 teammates not far away. At that time, large-scale accidental injuries will inevitably occur.

Now this situation, no matter how you look at it, it is already a state of death!

"Huh? It turned out you were hiding there!" At this moment, the ghost axe and the black wolf finally found Huang Yi who fled in the distance, and rushed up immediately, the whole earth shuddered, and players along the way were killed by it.

At this point, Huang Yi only felt that he was locked, and the density of the surrounding players was as great as before. No matter how he ran, he could not escape!

"Dance of Shadows!" The next moment, Huang Yi disappeared and disappeared into the sight of the ghost axe and black wolf!

"Hunting!" Immediately afterwards, Huang Yi shifted away two hundred meters away and changed directions, and God completely completed the transfer without knowing it.

"Huh? Why disappeared again! Damn!" The ghost axe black wolf roared, stomped angrily, and immediately stepped out of a circle of shock waves, killing the players around the circle.

After another three minutes, the ghost axe and the black wolf found Huang Yi again and wanted to continue to rush over, but Huang Yi's tricks were re-used, and the combination of the two skills of "Dance of Shadow" and "hunting" was transferred to another An area.

Gradually, more than ten minutes passed, and 300,000 players on the field were either killed by the ghost axe and the black wolf, or were killed by the skeleton sea. In the end, there were only a few thousand players who were sparsely pulled, and would soon be killed.

At this time, Huang Yi has been hiding, there is no player for him to hide.

"Look where are you going!" The ghost axe and the black wolf found Huang Yi again and rushed over immediately.

"Last Strike!" At this time, both Huang Yi's Shadow Dance and Hunting skills were cooling down, and only 20% of his health was left. He had to use his last means to stay immortal for ten seconds. !!

"Boom!" The ghost axe and the black wolf rushed forward, and the axe in their hands smashed into Huang Yi's body, as if the sky had fallen, and the endless power was released on Huang Yi's body.

However, Huang Yi had the protection of immortal force at this time, and was destined to die in ten seconds. This attack only knocked him out and landed more than a hundred meters away, showing a huge impact.

Only 8 seconds left in the last stroke!

The ghost axe black wolf rushed up again and continued to attack Huang Yi! Smash him out again!

Huang Yi's undead time, only 6 seconds left!

In this way, every second passed, Huang Yi did not have any resistance at all, and was rushed out by the tremendous power of the ghost axe and black wolf.

Last second! Huang Yi hastened to kill a group of skeletons and replenished his life to%!

The next moment, the ghost axe black wolf rushed over again!

And Huang Yi no longer has the protection of immortality, as long as it is swept by it, it is death!

"Dance of Shadows!"


At this time, Huang Yi's two skills were finally cooled down, and before the axe of the ghost axe and black wolf fell, it was instantly invisible and moved to two hundred meters away.

This is his last resort, and he will surely die as soon as he disappears.

The hot sun was falling down, and there was an endless sea of ​​skeletons. The ground shook slightly, and the dust covered the sky. Huang Yi only felt that everything around him seemed to be farther and farther away from him.

He fought for more than 20 hours in a row, but eventually he could not escape the death!

Just at this critical moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the distant horizon—

"Do not touch him!"

This is the voice of a little girl ~ www.readwn.com ~ This sentence is only four words, but at the moment it clearly rings between the whole world! It looks strange!

All the players in the audience, as well as the endless ocean of skeletons, turned their heads and stared at the sky!

The ghost axe and the black wolf also turned their huge heads, their huge eyes stared at the sky, and their faces were dignified.

At this time, Huang Yi was also staring at the horizon, and his heart was full of puzzles. He didn't know who this little girl was, and why there was such a powerful force that could spread voices in the horizon.

At this moment, a giant white dragon flew over the ocean of skeletons on the horizon. Its open wings covered the sun, passing a large shadow over the ground, and behind it was a little girl, looking at it from a distance! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to qpdancam to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. PS: This chapter was conceived for a long time, this little girl is one of the most important characters in this book, and it is only issued now. There is only one chapter left today, and it will be added tomorrow. Sorry!

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