Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 253: Wu Wudi

The black wolf's body is a wolf. Although he looks like a human, his hands are cut off and he becomes like a wolf's claw. His breath is not as strong as before.

Huang Yi immediately put these two wolf claws into the storage ring, which will be the hope to kill the black wolf.

Soon, the boat drove to the middle of the lake, and the ferryman took Huang Yi lightly into the pond, and found Xiao Wang on an island.

Now Xiao Wang Mao is shining, his body is bigger, and he is full of energy. Obviously, this period of time is going well. At this time, it lay on the ground with its forelimbs crossed, and stared at the Longchi outside the island comfortably, as if it were an island owner, inspecting its own waters.

"It's delicious and delicious here, it's all the mountain and sea food that our dragons can eat. It's no longer an ordinary dog." The ferryman smiled slightly.

At this time, Xiao Wang heard someone speak and turned around and looked at it.

When he saw Huang Yi, he looked stunned, then immediately got up, squatting slightly, his tail drooping, his teeth grinning, as if warning him not to come.

"Xiao Wang, don't you recognize me?" Huang Yi stared at it.

Xiao Wang's expression flickered, and then the dog's eyes suddenly turned on, immediately wagging his tail and rushing up, rolled enthusiastically at Huang Yi's feet, exposed him to his belly, showing that he had no hostility.

Huang Yi squatted and touched his belly, and said, "You can eat delicious food here, and you have a carefree life, and you can only eat meat with me, and it is dangerous. If you want to stay here, That's fine. If you want to follow me, follow up! "Huang Yi finished. Immediately stood up and left.

Looking at Huang Yi's tall back, Xiao Wang immediately turned over and stood up, rushing to his front, sniffing left and sniffing, just like an ordinary wild dog long ago, loyally exploring the road in front of the owner.

One person and one dog have become partners who can move forward together.


In a flash, two days passed.

Huang Yi's incarnation already took Xiao Wang back to the stronghold. And his body came outside the city of Longdu.

Longdu outside is still an endless sea of ​​skeletons, and you can't see your head at a glance, but in the outermost area, there are some players who stand almost every one hundred meters and seem to be on guard.

"Hey, hey, the person in front. Don't come over, this road is not available, just return!" A player immediately noticed the arrival of Huang Yi and shouted.

Huang Yi continued to move forward, ignoring the call of that person.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! Did you hear me!" The man saw Huang Yi continue to move forward, his voice suddenly cooled down.

Several nearby guards also came here. Noticed the movement here.

"Don't blame me again if you come again!" Said the man, took out a long bow behind him, put on an arrow, and aimed at Huang Yi.

"Isn't this a public area? Who stipulates that they can't come over?" Huang Yi asked as he walked.

"This place has been occupied by our long myth, the kingdom of the wind, the Tao, and the Unbreakable Four Guilds. No one else can go in!" The man shouted.

"Is your flag inserted?" Huang Yi stopped.

"Not yet, but it can be plugged in soon. Only our four guilds can compete. As for who will eventually occupy, then you don't need to care. If you want to survive, leave here now, and now our four Each of the guilds has 100,000 people here. If you dare to cross the thunder pool, it will be regarded as a provocation to our four guilds! "

"Since the flag has not been inserted, it is a land without a master." Huang Yi said, and continued to take a step forward. It seems that the four guilds are in a competitive state, but they are unanimous to prevent other competitors from joining.

"Look for death!" The man saw Huang Yi continue to move forward, yelled angrily, opened his bow and arrow, and shot at Huang Yi.

"Oh!" The arrow pierced the air quickly, and severely stuck on Huang Yi's shoulder, but did no harm. Huang Yi pulled out his arrow, dropped it on the ground, and continued to walk forward. Now, he knew the name of the man, his name was Wu Wudi, from the long mythological guild.

"Ah?" At this moment, Wu Wudi suddenly took a few steps back, staring at Huang Yi in horror, stuttering: "You, you are killing, killing God!"

At this moment, several people not far away also heard the word "killing the god" and stared at Huang Yi in shock. This is the only person in the world who is not afraid of human tactics! In front of Huang Yi, the forty thousand people behind them were no different from the forty people, and the number advantage was suddenly lost!

Wu Wudi held the bow and arrow, and watched Huang Yi step by step tremblingly, cold sweat, at this moment he suddenly felt that he had lost his support, so he was alone in front of Huang Yi, no one could save him Already.

While Huang Yi was walking, he took out a weapon from the storage ring. Wu Wudi saw this scene, his body shivered, and he felt the coming of death. The rest of the people looked at it all intently, without any help. They were people from other guilds, and they were rivals or invincible.

Soon, Huang Yi came to Wu Wudi's presence and then stopped.

Wu Wudi swallowed his throat and stared at Huang Yi in horror, while a few people in the distance also hanged their hearts in preparation for a good show!

The next moment, Huang Yi stretched out his hand and patted Wu Wu's shoulders, and said, "I know, you are just the lowest person, and you are acting on orders. There is a lot of helplessness, and I have no harm. This is fine. But I must Come in, the people above ask you what's going on, and you'll be honest, they should be able to understand. "

After speaking, Huang Yi passed him by, entered the encirclement, and walked towards the endless ocean of skulls ahead.

Wu Wudi's face was stunned, and those people who were watching the crowd were stunned, all staring blankly at Huang Yi's back.

They suddenly felt that this was not the "killing god" or "king of killing" they imagined. It was rather approachable.

In fact, many people, like them, think that Huang Yi is the kind of violent person, but this is not the case. As long as he doesn't touch his bottom line, he rarely fights with others for a little thing. Wu Wudi just hit him just now, and there was no damage. Wu Wudi is also a small character who is ordered to do things. People at this level of Huang Yi are compared with such a small character. Childish.

However, as long as Huang Yi's bottom line is reached, it will be different, and he will revenge madly tenfold. His bottom line is the people he cares about most, such as skirts and Qin Shiyu. After coming to the Second World, only two groups of people have ever touched his bottom line, one is Chen Yuxi and the other is the group, which is his only two shots to kill.

At this time, Wu Wudi calmed down, bit his lip, and stared at Huang Yiyuan's back with a complex look. Then he immediately turned and ran away, rushing towards the headquarters of the guild.

The remaining few people quickly reacted and ran towards the headquarters of their respective guilds. This is a big news and must be reported to the guild leaders in person.

It didn't take long for Wu Wudi to come to the tent of the guild headquarters, to meet the guild president of the long road, and also the top ten master of the ranking in China-the road of long time. At this time, he was meeting with a group of senior members of the guild and seemed to be discussing something important.

"Brother, spike!" Wu Wudi's first words shocked everyone in the entire tent.

"What's the matter?" Long Road is a middle-aged man in his thirties, relatively calm, his expression quickly restored his calmness, and asked calmly.

Next, Wu Wudi uttered everything that happened before, with a little gratitude to Huang Yi in his tone.

After listening to Wu Wuji's words, the people in the tent were silent, and there was a dignified atmosphere in the air.

"Unexpectedly, the thing we were most worried about happened." After a while, a man in his twenties rubbed his temples and sighed.

"Seckill this **** is too late, we have all been waiting here for almost a month, and we have worked out the plan last night, and we are ready to enter the city the day after tomorrow. I didn't expect him to come out at this point!" The burly strong man yelled.

At this moment, the high-level people in the tent talked. There were scolds, emotions, doubts, and various sounds intertwined. The arrival of Huang Yi directly overturned all their plans.

"Brother, the situation is changing now, what shall we do next?" At this moment, a heroic female soldier asked along the long road.

The rest of the executives are also staring at the long road, waiting for his final decision.

The long road looked around everyone, took a deep breath, and slowly said, "Let's withdraw!"

There was a sudden lag in the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone looked at each other.

"Brother, do we just give up Longdu like this?" The brave man who had scolded Huang Yi before recklessly asked.

"Seckill, who is his opponent?" Long Road stared at the brave man and asked, "Did 400,000 of our four guilds kill him? Do you forget the wind to their 300,000?" How did people die? "

"But we are not the same as the group of garbage from Fengzhi! Brother and you are also masters in China. In addition, the undefeated and unsaved guilds are both masters, especially undefeated. He was also shortlisted in the last annual festival. In addition, the president of the country of the wind, Bing Fengshui Soul, was also the top 10 player in the ranking list. Several of you can definitely defeat the spike. He is nothing more than a strong team player, and it is almost equivalent to kill some garbage. It's definitely a dead end to meet you, after all, he hasn't grown to the level of the blade and the dragon thorn. "The strong man retorted. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS:-Today's update is a bit late. This is the first chapter. There will be one more later, but it will be late. Four chapters will erupt tomorrow!

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