Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 254: Black wolf comes

"Level?" The long road shook his head. "When the spike killed the Fenglin Village, the level was more than ten levels. Who in the world can do such a thing at his level? For him, It ’s not a very important factor anymore. Even if you say, I can kill him with the other guild masters, but you? If he comes to kill you, how can you hide? You are all dead. What do I want from this guild? A dragon is gone. We can build one ourselves, but if a **** kills him, it won't be thrown away for a lifetime! "

There was no sound on the field, and even the strong man bowed his head and did not speak again.

"More importantly, Wu Wudi just took the initiative to shoot the spike, but instead of killing him, spike also let him go. He has this kind of righteousness, how can we be inhumane?" Said Long Road, looking around. Four times a week, "When I didn't create a guild before, you have already followed me, not because of the word" benefity ", why have you forgotten it now?"

Having said that, the Long Road had a positive tone and announced: "We retreat immediately, and immediately go to occupy the sunset canyon of the Golden Road, where the geographical location is very good. Now, let them waste time here and wait for them to wake up , We have established a foothold on the Golden Road. "


On the other side, in the strongest immortal guild among the four guilds, two men in their twenties are standing in the desert with their hands on their backs, looking at the vast ocean of skulls in front of them.

The two men are twins and look exactly the same. However, their professional attire is different, one is a soldier. One is a mage.

"Brother, now the spike is here, shall we withdraw?" The mage asked.

"I'm thinking about this problem, too," said the soldier Youyou, "we have never done anything that we are not sure about. We are not sure about this. We shouldn't have done it, but the dragons are too important to us and it is difficult to decide. Determined to give up! "

"According to the eyeliner we inserted. The long myth is that we are planning to evacuate, and the remaining two guilds have decided to stop the spike, especially the ice feng shui soul. He has the means to contact the ghost axe. Black Wolf, the big SS is a spike If it hits, there is no way to kill Spikes. "

"It's hard to say. I can't see through this man, but don't mess with him easily, we wait and see!" The soldier shook his head.

"But just now both of them sent someone over to ask our position."

"Our position is no position."


At this point, Huang Yi has stormed into the ocean of skulls. Advance in the direction of Longdu. The method he used was still the first time to enter the Dragon City. He tried his best to advance forward in the skeleton sea, and he could n’t move forward before he entered by flying. But it's a lot easier now. Skeleton Ocean's strength has been fully reduced, but his strength has improved a lot from the last time. With these changes, it is completely easier to enter Longdu than last time.

Gradually, Huang Yi, with a storm of AIDS poisoning and scorched earth magma, went deeper and closer to the dragon!

After a long time, he has come to a place deeper than last time. The number of SS here has increased significantly, and he has been unable to do so.

"Transforming into a monster!" Huang Yi finally started his flight plan. Like the last time, he first flew as high as possible, and then turned into a white dragon and advanced by taxiing.

This time, Huang Yibai Dragon only flew in half, and entered the Dragon City very smoothly, far less embarrassed than last time.

At this time, the dragon city was very lively, and there were people everywhere, but most of them were half-orcs. It should be the same group of people as the wind. As for the remaining 100,000 players, they didn't see much. It is estimated that they are a team that has separated from the wind and formed a group of 100,000 people. They broke out by themselves. After all, the skeletons of the dragons outside the dragon capital have greatly reduced their ocean strength, and they may still break out.

Huang Yi was not exposed, but walked quietly in a dark place, made a circle in Longdu to understand the situation here.

"Everyone pay attention, just sent a notice on the top, spike the **** mother wants to come to Dragon City again, it is estimated that we can come to Dragon City in a few hours, this time we told him to come back, hehe!"

At that moment, Huang Yi heard someone chatting not far away, and he immediately stopped and hid in a dark place under the eaves.

"Huh? How come there is no way back? We don't have a master like Blade here, no one can beat the spike!" A voice of doubt quickly emerged from the group.

"You don't know about it! The head of the kingdom of wind, Bing Fengshui Soul, is the iron buddy who is our boss. He can find a way to contact the General Black Wolf. At the speed of the Black Wolf, it can take more than ten minutes. Catching up with spikes. The black wolf is the deadly opponent of spikes. Although it is seriously injured, it is easy to deal with spikes! "

"Ah! Great! You can finally get revenge on this! Now kill the beast and kill me three times. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the elder Black Man shows off his power and has developed a part of the mystery of the soul overture, which greatly reduces the probability of our reincarnation. I may now return to another continent ... "

"Well, now we are waiting for the news that the spike is killed. Even if he can mix in, it doesn't matter. When he inserts the battle flag, we instantly destroy his battle flag and let his guild dissolve ..."

Listening to this group of people chatting, Huang Yi quickly got a few very useful information.

The first is the relationship between Bingfengshuisoul and Fengzhi. They really are a group. The wind is slow to refuse to break out. In all likelihood, it is to help Bingfengshuisoul to occupy Longdu.

Secondly, the black wolf was actually led by them, which may slightly surprise Huang Yi. His current strength is simply not able to deal with the black wolf. Moreover, the other party was so fast that he could catch up with him in more than ten minutes. Presumably, after the black wolf was seriously injured by the White Dragon King, he used escape stunts, but was unable to escape too far, and found a place to start healing.

Based on this information, Huang Yi guessed that the Bingfeng Shui soul should take some action tonight, quickly send in the battle flag, and quickly occupy Longdu, so as to avoid night long dreams. After all, his arrival has disrupted everyone's plans. They Had to change the plan temporarily.

Now, there are many problems in front of Huang Yi. He does n’t have any help. Even if he inserts the battle flag, he ca n’t hold it. The current battle flag is the weakest state, without any promotion, just plug it in and hit a few. It's gone. And if he wants to go to the hero prison to sign a guardian, he must first insert the battle flag, and the guild territory can sign the contract, but once the battle flag is inserted, it will trigger a regional announcement. Everyone around this area will know this. All will come to attack the flag. At that time, he cannot leave, otherwise the flag is not protected. And once the black wolf arrives, it is not only that the battle flag will be suffocated, even his own life will not be saved.

Next, Huang Yi continued to walk around the city quietly, looking for a way, while looking for a suitable place for flag insertion. The territorial scope of the secondary battle flag is far less than that of the main battle flag, and it can only cover an area of ​​50 kilometers.

Looking around, Huang Yi came to the center of Longdu, a huge square with a bustling crowd inside. In the center of the square is a tall magic tower, which is the defense tower of Longdu. If necessary, you can open a moat to protect the city. However, as the infrastructure of Longdu was destroyed, this magic tower was not spared, and the magic facilities were destroyed and abandoned here.

Huang Yi thought about it and decided to put a flag on top of this tower. Outsiders want to climb to the top of the magic tower, either flying up or climbing up the stairs. But this magic tower is very high, and it takes some time to climb up, which is a slight increase in odds for him.

Next, Huang Yi immediately transformed into the most flexible spirit cat, and then used an alien skill [Dance of Shadow], disappeared, quickly passed through the crowd, entered the tower, and was not found by anyone.

Later, he turned back into a humanoid shape, and began to climb at the speed of ordinary players in the dark tower, stepping on the stairs to the top of the tower, and calculating the time to climb from the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower.

One minute later, Huang Yi climbed to the top of the tower. He came to the railing and looked down at the entire Longdu. At this moment, there are thousands of lights, houses, and individuals under his eyes.

His brow frowned slightly, and the player could climb from the bottom of the building in one minute. This time was obviously not enough. If he took another minute or two, he would be sure to insert the flag of the war, quickly open the hero prison, grab Go to the key, sign a contract with a criminal, then open the cell door and let it come out to guard the banner.

Another method is to release a criminal's avatar first, and let it come out to disturb Longdu, and then he inserts a flag, quickly enters the hero prison, grabs the key, and finds a guardian. But in this way, there are many uncontrollable factors. After all, the criminal's avatar is released ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no ontology manipulation, only the most primitive fighting instinct is left. No one can predict the avatar. What will be done, it is estimated that even the magic tower will be destroyed by it!

Huang Yi pondered quickly, one by one, flashing through his mind, assessing the risk.

At this point, less time was left for him, and the black wolf could catch up at any time!

"Boom!" At this moment, a deafening sound of destruction came from the city wall of Dongcheng District. The city wall was slammed into a hole, and the dust was everywhere, people's screams came far away!

Huang Yining looked at it, and saw a tall figure walking slowly out of the smoke on the ruins of the city wall. The figure had a wolf head, lost his hands, and only one leg was left. At this moment, it looked at Huang Yi's magic tower from a distance, a cold killing intention passed through the distant distance, covering Huang Yi.

The black wolf is finally here! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS: This is the second chapter of the 26th. Sorry to finish it now. I'm so sleepy, go to sleep first, after dawn, begin to break out of the four more on the 27th!

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