Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Dilong Valley

At this time, Huang Yi is the strongest state!

He has a racial talent called [Beast Blood Boiling]. For every 5% health reduction, his attack power increases by 1%.

In addition, he also has a professional talent [Judgment Aura]. For every 1% health reduction, the attack speed increases by 1%.

[Last Strike] This racial skill also increases the attack power by 15%, the critical strike chance by 15%, and the critical strike effect by 15%.

Finally, [the death penalty exemption] After this new talent comes into effect, it will increase the attack power by 100% for one minute!

Now, although Huang Yi is the closest to death, but under the blessing of various talents and skills, his attack power has reached a limit.

Next, he turned on the strongest single attack skill [Re-sentence]. An unprecedented super-attack smashed it. The tip of the hammer even produced a sharp light, full of power!

"Oh!" The next moment, this hammer with a peerless smash hit the swordsman SS severely!

Subsequently, the swordsman exploded directly into the sky, leaving no corpse! It was immediately spiked, and there was no chance to even open the life-saving skills!

This SS Huang Yi played very easily. If it was before the transfer, he would have to spend a lot of time to kill, but now when he transfers, it is easy to solve in tens of seconds.

After the swordsman's death, the orange suit finally broke out. This is a 60-level orange necklace, which is much better than Huang Yi's 50-level purple necklace.

This is the first time Huang Yi has burst the orange outfit since he brushed the tower of the gods. He last killed the SS burst orange outfit. When they brushed the 50th layer with the blade, only the 5,000 player mode on the 50th layer. No single brush.

Next, Huang Yi immediately put on the orange one. This time, his equipment was stronger, and he was one step closer to the level of the blades. After his equipment and attacking souls were raised, he was almost at the same level.

However, they have worked in the Second World for more than two years. They have the advantage of time and diverse treasures. And also completed many special achievements, each special achievement will add an attribute. These are not catch up in a short time, it takes time to pile up.

Of course, Huang Yi also has some unique advantages.

First of all, he is on the path to perfect war spirits. As long as he attacks the war spirits, his war spirits are the strongest war spirits in the second world. This is the blade they can't match.

In addition, he just completed the S-level transfer challenge, and the blade can only complete the A-level at the highest, which is also a permanent lead. The harder the transfer challenge, the more points you add to complete the simplest D-level transfer challenge. Only 500 points will be added, 1500 points for level C, 2500 points for level B, and 3500 points for level A. After Huang Yi completed the S-level transfer challenge, the executioner's power increased by 2000 points. Increase physical fitness, agility, and intelligence by 500 points, plus 1000 free attribute points. A total of 4500 points have been added! Permanently higher than the Blade's A level challenge 1000 attributes. And Huang Yi's other transferred branch judge is even more so, adding a total of 5,000 attribute points, but the addition method is very average, without highlighting the main strength.

Huang Yi meditated in place, covered with blood, and then moved on.

Next, he passed all the way and successfully killed the second SS, but in front of the third SS, he was blocked to go, always a little bit worse, if the equipment is better, he can pass.

After this monster killing, Huang Yi's level also smoothly broke to level 61, and this trip was quite rewarding!

Next, Huang Yi left the Tower of the Gods.

"Brother, you are back!" As soon as Huang Yi went out, he felt a warmth in his arms, and then a pampered body flew up, just like a small skirt. At this moment, she held her pink face and opened her eyes, watching Huang Yi obediently, like a little angel.

"You just went to the forum?" Huang Yi asked, touching the head of the skirt.

The little skirt nodded, her bright eyes blinked, and the long eyelashes fluttered: "I just saw someone in the forum saying something bad about you, and I'm so mad at me!" With that, the little skirt looked small. The bulging is absolutely cute.

"It's okay. I offended many people. Some people call me a normal phenomenon. Even if I lose my reputation, that's just a matter in the second world. It won't affect my real life." Huang Yi pinched the skirt His face said.

"But I can't stand it! A few months ago, Chen Yuxi and the three of them posted a video to slander you, saying that you robbed their civet cat, that time I was so angry, but thankfully I also recorded the video, and later I took The version of the video was posted before they were pierced. "The skirt said with a small fist.

"Huh? The person who posted the full video turned out to be you?" Huang Yi suddenly hesitated, remembering something. A few months ago, after he destroyed Fenglinzhai, a video in the forum was very loud. It was edited by Chen Yuxi and the three of them. They slandered Huang Yi and snatched their civets. Many people believed it. Later, an anonymous person posted a full version of the video, which was shot from the perspective of God, which only revealed the truth of the matter. At that time, Huang Yi thought that there were some top assassins ambushing there, and quietly recorded this video. Until now, he did not know that the anonymous person turned out to be a skirt, but at that time he didn't know that Little White Cat was a player.

"Yeah! I just don't want you to know it's me, so I posted it anonymously." The little skirt said, holding Huang Yi tightly, muttering her mouth, and said, "In fact, I miss the previous time very much. , I am just a little white cat, you have been holding me wading through mountains and mountains, I want to be a little white cat forever, always coquettish in your arms, do not contact with people outside. I am afraid that one day, you and When others are fighting, they are killed and reincarnate, and I will never see you again. I ca n’t wait for you every day. "

Huang Yi did not speak, and held her tightly.

At this moment, under the setting sun, the golden afterglow was shining obliquely into the forest, and there was a sad atmosphere at dusk. In this isolated forest, I don't know how many times have been illuminated by the setting sun, the sea is vicissitudes, and at the moment of the fingertips, many lives may suddenly stop one day, I can only miss the present and hug my loved ones quietly.

Just then, the teleportation array suddenly flashed, and then Qin Shiyu appeared in the air, which should have just been teleported back.

"Where have you been?" Huang Yi turned to look at Qin Shiyu, at this time Qin Shiyu looked like a servant.

Qin Shiyu wiped his sweat and said, "I went to the guild hall of another city to rent a window, and began to recruit members on a large scale. In addition, I raised the requirements for recruiting members, and ordinary players must be over 55 to join Our guild. "She said, looking at Huang Yi, said:" In addition, the Longdu teleportation team is also being repaired. Once repaired, the dragon will be able to restore prosperity. Those members we recruit can also settle in. Inside the dragon capital, let them increase the contribution value of the guild. For our main territory, I sent players of life professions to build the city hall here. This is the most important building. Once it is repaired, we can start using the guild. Contribute value to upgrade the guild level and increase our recruitment. "

"Yes, yes!" Huang Yi nodded. Qin Shiyu was still at ease in his work. He was methodical. If he changed to him, he might not have such patience.

"It's a pity that the 150 million gold coins you gave me cost almost the same, whether it is the Longdu's teleportation array or the building materials of the city hall, it is a huge consumption." Qin Shiyu's face was slightly sorry, " And this is pretty good. Longdu was originally a city. We only need to build a teleportation array and repair the walls. It is not too much trouble. When you go to the seaside to build a port city, the cost is high. You must build a city out of thin air. Come, I do n’t know how much it will cost. "

"Just as I got another money, I will give you another 600 million yuan!" Huang Yi said, immediately took out all his diamond coins from the storage ring, fell to the ground, and piled up into a hill. Crystal clear, emitting a dazzling light in the sunset. At this point, the 750 million gold coins he received from the Ice Feng Shui souls were all spent on the development of the guild, and temporarily filled this pit.

"So much!" Qin Shiyu was slightly surprised, and immediately received these diamond coins on his storage ring.

"You can manage the internal affairs of the guild. I have no money to think of a way. I will hit the site." Huang Yi said, looking afar, saying: "Now, my avatar is heading to the beach. On the way, it is estimated that we can pass through this forest in about a month, and then we will have a third territory. "

Now, Huang Yi's avatar is on his way to the sea. This is the advantage of avatar. One person can do two things at the same time. But the forest was too big, he didn't have a good mount, and he had to walk for a month to reach the beach. At present, there are too few mounts suitable for him, and he can move faster than those currently popular. At present, players' mounts are generally ordinary beasts, such as bison and mustangs. The better thing is the mammoth ~ www.readwn.com ~ lion. Some knights with mammoths are already very powerful masters, but for Huang Yi, the speed of this mount is still too slow.

"Brother, it should be very difficult to satisfy you with ordinary mounts now, but I know there is a place where mounts are very suitable for you!" At this time, the skirt said suddenly.

"Eh? Where is the mount? Is it the World of Warcraft? There are some high-end Warcraft, flying in the sky, walking on the ground, swimming in the water, all kinds of things. Super strong mounts. But their level is too high to capture at this stage. "At this time, Qin Shiyu asked with interest.

The little skirt shook her head: "No, I just saw a post in the forum saying that it was the blade. They found a valley of dragons, where they can grab some powerful dragons such as Athlons, Velociraptors, and T-Rex Mount. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS: —— Tomorrow is August 1st, and it will start to continue to erupt, at least once a day for a book friend, that is to say, there are at least three changes a day, 4 will be frequent, the average daily update amount is not It will be less than 10,000 words, and if there is no accident, it will continue. Last few hours, ask for a monthly ticket! And recommended tickets!

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