Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 266: Reins of the Earth Dragon

"Dilonggu? I haven't heard of it." Qin Shiyu shook his head. "The continent is too big and no one has developed it in many places. It is estimated that they have found such a good place! Spike, you are not related to the blade. Is it good? You can grab one. "

"It's hard. It took a long time for the blades to get a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Athlon, but they lost a lot of manpower," said the skirt.

For this news, Huang Yi is still very excited. Tyrannosaurus Rex, Athosaurus, and Raptor, these are all terrestrial dragons. Because the name has a dragon character, they barely go side by side with the dragons, and they are extremely powerful, far from the kind of skeleton horses he caught before. Skeleton horses are pure mounts and have no fighting power. However, mounts such as Tyrannosaurus Rex and Raptor have powerful fighting power. Because of this, they are difficult to be caught. Without strong strength, not only can they not be caught, but Will be killed.

Huang Yi decided to go to the forum in person to see the situation. If he is sure, he will definitely catch it.

Next, Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu greeted each other and then went offline.

At this time, it was time for dinner in the Rose Prison, and there was a lively voice outside the door, mostly talking about things in the second world.

"Huh? Ah Yi, you're offline too, let's go eat together!" At this time, Lei Shen's voice came from outside the cell, and he looked inside the cell.

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded, then immediately opened the cell door and went out.

"What happened to your guild?" Lei Shen asked as he walked. "You have a deputy battle flag. You have also occupied the dragons. This is a great advantage!"

"Next I have to go to the sea to open a port. Insert a second deputy battle flag. But I do n’t have a horse, and I have to rush a month to reach my destination." Huang Yi said, turning to look at Lei Shen , Asked, "You are the strongest knight in the second world. Your mount should be the best among all players! What mount are you now?"

Lei Shen nodded: "My mount is really good. Our knight players originally wanted to mount the mount in order to play the strongest strength, so I have the talent to grasp the mount. My profession is a marine knight. I found a sea and land The amphibious mount, named the Sea Dragon Beast, is the top of the fourth-tier riding pets, and some ordinary fifth-tier riding pets don't bother.

"Fourth-order peak!" Huang Yi was slightly surprised. Popular wild horses, bison, patterned deer, etc., are considered first-order pets. Basically everyone can catch them, and you can also buy them from the Stables. Mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and giant male lions have strong attacks. Force pets are second-order. Even if you have a strong player, the price of such pets is very high in the animal stables. There are even fewer Tier III pets. The headless horse that Huang Yi once caught is the most popular among Tier III pets. A pet at the bottom is characterized by fast speed but no attack power. It is completely dependent on speed and has been squeezed into three levels. As for the fourth-tier pets, it is estimated that they are powerful terrestrial dragons such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Athosaurus, and Raptor. Nothing to sell, and Leishin's riding pet sea dragon beast. It is the most peak level in the fourth-order riding pet, and it is more powerful.

of course. There are also some pets that do not have a riding function, but the strength is still the same. For example, Xiao Wang is an ordinary wild dog, the bottom of the first-order pets. It does not have a riding function, and it is a pure pet. There is no disdain to sell such pets. Only some relatively large pets can be used for riding, and this type of pet can be called a riding pet or a mount.

Huang Yi's vision is very high, he does not consider riding pets below the third level, so that most of the pets have been filtered out directly, so that he has not really seen the pets.

Next, Huang Yi and Lei Shen went to the cafeteria, took a meal, found a place to sit down.

"Huh? Overlord, you're here too! Come and sit down!" At this time, Lei Shen's eyes were sharp and he saw an old man and said hello immediately.

The old man was an overlord who completed a rare task in just one hour, and Huang Yi waited for a long time. Everyone is now in the Second World, and they usually meet their names in the Second World.

"A Yi, I have about three days to reach Longdu. At that time, I can help you find the remaining 98 hearts of Sand Pirate King." The overlord sat down and knocked the eggs in his hand on the table. Peel the shell.

"It's more than that. Now there is a sacred powerhouse with only one last breath waiting for us. I don't know what will burst after the kill." Huang Yi looked forward slightly, thinking of the black wolf in his mind, and this also Will be his first Holy Land Power to kill after Hydra. This is really relying on their own strength to kill, not like Hydra. Death Scale, is relying on rare missions to kill them.

"I hope you will grow up quickly! The guild of Ayi and I are both just starting out and need a lot of talents!" Lei Shen said hopefully, looking at the overlord, "Now in the Sun Guild, I recruit the best talents, Yun Shui Qinghuan, who won the best pharmacist award at the annual ceremony a while ago. There are too few talents like this, either they were recruited by Xuanyuanshi and Mingge Pavilion, or they created their own guild. "

"The best talent I have recruited here is an anonymous person." Huang Yi also talked about the situation of his guild. "Let's wait for your own people to grow up! General sunset, arrogant death, bright demon, Shitu. All of them are in the north. After they grow up, my side will be much easier. "

The people mentioned in Huang Yi's mouth are just a few of Rose Prison's outstanding people in the north of the mainland. After they grew up, no less than Lin Yiqin, Yun Sihai, Donghuang, and Longxing Tianxia in Xuanyuan's family, they would bring huge help to the heroic guild of Huang Yi.

After dinner, Huang Yi returned to his cell and went back online. He first went to the forum and wanted to see what happened to the Blade Dragon Valley.

Huang Yi opened the 24-hour hot post and glanced at the 18th post, which is exactly what he wants to see--

"Xuanyuan's discovery of the Xinglong gathering area! The blade has led his Majesty's elite into it!"

Huang Yi immediately opened and looked at the details.

"According to the source, three days ago, Blades broke the world record on the 60th floor of the Tower of Gods and obtained a map. Then Blades convened a large number of people to search according to the map, and finally found a place called Dilonggu There are dozens of powerful terrestrial dragons in the area, ranging from the weakest third-order duck-billed dragon to the most powerful fourth-order peak tyrannosaurus. Just yesterday, Xuanyuan's side I found an injured fourth-order peak T-Rex and an order-ranked fourth-level high-level Athlon. Blades personally led a hundred elites into Dilong Valley. After painful losses, they finally successfully arrested the two. Earth traveling dragon. "

"It is reported that the earth dragon valley is very dangerous, even the lowest level duck-billed dragon is as high as level 50, and the strength is far beyond the players of the same level. The top level line dragons such as Tyrannosaurus are as high as 70 and above, and only large teams Can be dealt with, but the environment of Dilong Valley is not suitable for the entry of large teams. It will be very difficult to capture top-level dragons such as Tyrannosaurus. In addition, the capture of terrestrial dragons requires special reins of the dragons. And this reins are not sold in the corral, I do n’t know where they come from ... "

After reading this post, Huang Yi has a general understanding of the Dragon Valley in this heart. The most suitable place for Dragon Valley is the team mode or single entry. Don't cause too much movement. There are still opportunities for arrest. He really wanted to go in and try, but he did n’t know where the reins of the dragon line came from. He could only ask the blade about this.

Next, Huang Yi immediately entered the second world, and then began to send news to the blade.

"Blade, where can I get the reins of Dixinglong?" Huang Yi asked as he opened the door.

Soon, the blade gave a reply: "Seckill, do you also want to come to Dilonggu to catch the dragon? You can come over at any time, and I say hello to my brothers and let them go in. The reins of the dumb dragons are among the gods. The fifth SS on the 60th floor of the tower has a chance to burst, but the player's level must not exceed 65, otherwise the explosion rate is too low, I do n’t know how many times to play to burst out, I rose to 66 this morning, and ended up playing One day, not even a rein.

"Thank you!" This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi finally got the secret. Of course, this is not a big secret. There are still a few people in the second world who can clear the 60th floor before level 65, and they can naturally get the reins of the dragon.

Next, Huang Yi has to work hard in this direction. He can't even beat the third SS now, it is more difficult to hit the fifth SS. At present, there are only two ways that he can greatly improve his strength, or he can attack the ninth floor of the battle spirit point, but this takes a long time and cannot be done for the time being. The other is to get the equipment up, change the whole body equipment to orange, and then change the level 60 orange martial arts, so that you can almost fight with the fifth SS.

Huang Yi decided to continue to paint the Tower of the Gods on the 60th floor. Now he has risen to the next level, and using a batch of top magic items, he should be able to kill the third SS. His explosion rate on this level is still very high. As long as the orange equipment appears on the first three SS, he can get it. By this method, he should be able to change the whole body equipment to a set of 60 oranges. Installed.

Next, Huang Yi teleported to the 60th floor of the Tower of the Gods, and then opened the Eye of Time to see the drop this time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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