Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 267: Lolotan

Gradually, one night passed, Huang Yi worked tirelessly all night.

The rising sun shines on the ground. The leaves in the forest are filled with crystal clear water droplets, and the birds move freely, but soon, the birds start to flee, and then a large shadow passes over the ground and dies Lingfeilong also started a new day of inspection. It has been incarcerated for countless years and is now free. His favorite thing is to fly back and forth around the territory.

"Seckill, early! Would you like me to fly you around?" At this moment, the undead dragon in the sky saw Huang overflowing in the teleportation array and asked a long distance. The tone of it seems bold and bold. Obviously the free life these days makes it feel a lot more cheerful.

"No, I have to go far away!" Huang Yi shook his head.

Necromancer no longer said more, and continued to fly freely, and soon disappeared.

Now, Huang Yi intends to go on to Longdu to rendezvous with the overlord. Longdu's teleportation array will not be repaired at 1:30, and he has to rush past in the most primitive way.

But before that, he had to do two daily tasks yesterday.

He flipped through the storage ring and took out a test-tube bottle, which was exactly the medicine bottle he had exchanged for the sole achievement value.

At this time, a drop of powdery black potion called Crazy Attack potion was spawned on the medicine bottle, which can increase the attack power by 10% for one day.

This is a very good potion, Huang Yi immediately took out an empty crystal bottle, filled this drop of potion, and kept it well. Use it later. Now, many potions have accumulated in his storage ring. The functions are various and can correspond to many different situations. However, he still hasn't seen a divine-level potion such as "Second Elixir," and I don't know when it will grow a drop.

Later, Huang Yi began the second daily thing, which is to check the successful judgment of the battle spirit. He has failed to defend the ninth layer of the fighting spirit for many days, and each time he wastes 2,000 energy points. The box of energy stones he took at the treasure site of the Golden Holy Dragon is almost used up. Once there is no energy value, then he can no longer go to war spirit.

"Huh? Success ?!" Huang Yi said to himself immediately after seeing the system's judgment.

He was lucky enough to meet that 2% success rate today! More importantly, the success this time is 10% of the maximum!

He almost chose to ascend subconsciously, but suddenly thought of one thing, forcibly resisted the impulse, and immediately went offline. This success is determined to be automatically refreshed once every 24 hours. During this time, he will not refresh even if he goes offline.

At this time, Rose Prison was just for breakfast. Huang Yi went directly to the cafeteria, took a breakfast, and then found Lei Shen.

"Lei, you can go and get the bounty." Huang Yi sat down. He opened the door and said, "Isn't someone paying you to kill me a while ago? If you kill me for 5 million, you will tell him once, and say that you will kill me today and I will downgrade."

"Are you ready to raise the spirit of war?" Lei Shen asked with a sip of soy milk.

"Yes! I am going to the ninth level!" Huang Yi nodded.

"That's good. I'll go online now and tell them, my guild is short of money now. I have asked members to pay the membership fee twice, but now I am embarrassed to ask them to pay again. This 5 million is just able to Alleviate the tight funding situation now, "said Leishin, immediately got up and left.

Next, Huang Yi ate breakfast, then returned to his cell and went back online.

Now he didn't hesitate anymore, directly consuming the experience value of the first level, and point up the ninth layer of defense battle spirit.

Suddenly, his level was reduced from 61 to 60, but his defensive battle spirit was completely completed, with nine layers full, increasing the defense by 10%, and also awakening the defense mystery, which can be added after activation. 20% defense.

However, at the same time, only one type of uprightness can be activated. He now activates the life uprightness, so there is no need to switch.

At this point, Huang Yi's road to the perfect battle soul has already completed most of the journey, leaving only the last to attack the battle soul! His layers of battle souls have accumulated to 15 layers and cannot be further improved, so next, he will eliminate the first 6 layers of defense of battle souls.

However, eliminating the sixth layer requires 60% of the experience, and his experience is now tight, and it will drop to level 59 when it is clicked. At that time, the level 60 equipment will not be able to be worn, so it will pay more than you can afford. For a while, try to earn some experience and then consider.

Next, he immediately teleported to Tiantai City, then transferred to the sand-dust town nearest to Longdu, and began to rush towards Longdu.


This hastened for two days. His incarnation was rushing to the beach, while the body was rushing to Longdu, very boring. This made him more and more want to get a high-speed mount like a Athlon, saving these rush times. It is a pity that he is not equipped well enough to hit the dragon reins.

On this day, after Huang Yi's long journey, he finally arrived at Longdu, and presumably the overlord will soon be here.

At this time, there were no skeletons outside of the dragon, and even the bones of the skeletons could not be seen. It should have been dealt with by the King of Sands. In Longdu, there is a sense of freedom, which is waiting to be revitalized. Some members of the Heroes' Guild are working hard here, repairing the city walls, rebuilding damaged houses, and restoring some basic public facilities.

"Chairman, you are here!"

"Seckill Brother!"

At this time, those members of the guild recognized Huang Yi, after all, his latest videos and photos can be seen on the forum. Many of them are fans of Huang Yi, who joined the Guild of Heroes at the same time, and most of them stared at Huang Yi with admiration.

"Who is in charge here?" Huang Yi asked toward a 15- or 16-year-old boy around him.

"It's Miss Lolotan." The boy was somewhat flattered, adding in detail, "She's helping out at the teleportation team now."

"Okay, thank you!" Huang Yi nodded, and then rushed directly to Longdu Teleport.

Huang Yi came all the way. Many places in Longdu have been refurbished, which greatly restored the former style.

quickly. He came to the Dragon's Teleportation Square, where several players were intently portraying the magic circle on the ground. Among them, a 20-year-old woman with short hair as the core, she is intently portrayed in the core area of ​​the teleportation array, while the remaining players are portrayed in the marginal zone.

"After you have carved it over, remember to sprinkle twice the magic rock dust. This is an urban teleportation array, which is different from an ordinary teleportation array. You must sprinkle more." At this time, the female player wiped his sweat , Turned his head and told the remaining players.

When she turned her head, she suddenly saw Huang Yi. She gave a slight glance, then immediately stood up and patted the dust on her hand. Road: "Seckill Brother, you are here."

"Well, Luo Luoran, you have worked hard. Now the dragons are building well!" Huang Yi slightly smiled.

This female player is exactly the extremely powerful array mage Qin Shiyu said before, and can repair the city teleport array. She is also one of dozens of top life professional players that Qin Shiyu found before.

"Not hard. As long as we think that our efforts may benefit millions, we feel very fulfilled." Luo Luoran smiled happily.

"How long can this teleportation team be repaired?" Huang Yi asked.

"It's about three days! This is repairing, it will be faster, if it is to build such a teleportation array. It will take a long time." Luo Luoran answered.

"Good! Hard work!" Huang Yi nodded.

"Seckill, a scorpion just discovered that someone with a special breath entered the territory. Would you like me to kill him?" At this moment, Huang Yi's feet crawled over a human-speaking scorpion. This scorpion is exactly the sand king. He is the king of scorpions. Every scorpion in the territory is its eyeliner. It is almost everywhere, and everything in the territory can't hide its eyes.

"Is it the overlord?" Huang Yi immediately thought of overlord, he is the soul manipulator, and his breath does have some special, "let him in, this city is built for people to come, as long as it is not trouble here, You do n’t have to take a shot. "

Huang Yi continued to inspect Longduli for a while. After about time, he came to the only gate in Longdu.

After waiting for a while, at the far end of the sight, an old man in a gray robe with a white turban tied to his head appeared very thin and skinny, leaving only a skinny skeleton. . At this moment, he was holding a cane, but his pace was not slow, and he came quickly to this side.

Soon, he came to the gate of the city, looked at Huang Yi, and grinned slightly: "Seckill, let you wait for a long time, I am the overlord." Then, he took out a business card and handed it to Huang Yi.

Huang Yi took it over, and then took out a business card of his own and gave it to the overlord.

"Next, let's go to the trouble of the black wolf first, this is a pair of its paws, you can see where it hides based on this breath?" Then, Huang Yi took out the black wolf's paws.

"Okay, let me search!" The overlord nodded, stretched out his withered palms, and touched the pair of wolf claws. Then he closed his cloudy eyes and sang a weird melody.

That melody doesn't know what notes are made up ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't know what word he hums, just like a ghost singing. This could not help reminding Huang Yi of something.

The next moment, he took out the "Soul Overture" from the storage ring. He had never been able to study this sheepskin roll before, and what the Overlord is good at is the ability of the soul, maybe he can put the "Soul Overture" Find out the mystery. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: ——

Starting today, it continues to erupt, at least three times a day! The goal this month is to update more than 100 chapters, or 300,000 words, with an average of about 10,000 words per day.

Luo Luoran in this chapter is the sign-up role of the reader's death silk. Everyone can actively sign up. Many foreign characters are missing. Try to use short names, 2-4 characters. It is too short to write, and it is too long to speak. It reads well and is easy to remember. By the way, next month's ticket and recommendation ticket. Last month, our monthly ticket was 204 votes, ranking at the starting point of about 140, and ranked 15th in the game competitive novels. Check this month to see if you can reach the top 100 and the game list Top 10, I hope everyone supports! All I can do is to update as much as possible, the next thing is to see you guys! Thank you!

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